Continuing our work to prepare students for college and career. Clarissa Brown Staff Development Specialist Common Core TK-6 Math Powerpoint and handouts available online: Haiku K-6 Math CCSS Training Sessions CCSS 2014 PD Trimester 3 2nd Grade
Long-Term Objectives Implement Common Core State Standards ● Develop “Standards Fluency” ● Build content knowledge for depth of instruction ● Build pedagogical knowledge for depth of instruction ● Have resources for standards implementation ● Standards for Mathematical Practice are evident in classrooms
Today’s Objectives: ● Participants will develop fluency with the domain of Measurement and Data. ● Participants will experience tasks and strategies to further background and content knowledge.
Essential Questions: Measurement & Data 1)What tool am I using? 2)What unit am I using to measure? 3)How can different numbers name the same amount? (same object, different units)
Norms ● Turn cell phones on vibrate and take any urgent calls outside. ● Keep computer screens at an angle when we are not using them. ● Feel free to use the restroom at your discretion. ● Let go of technology stress, hop on with a neighbor or follow along with presenter.
One other norm... Try to have fun!
Today’s Objective Develop fluency with the CaCCSS-M Number Talks Content Standards Practice Standards Math Labs Performance Tasks Pearson Professional Background Knowledge
Standards Research 1.Read the standard you are assigned. 2.Read that section of the Framework. 3.Look through curriculum and make recommendations for your lesson(s).
Math Think about the activities and how you can use them in your classroom.
Number Discussion
Math Activity ●Watch the Video ●Complete the Activity
Math Activity ● Complete the problem and fill in all four sections.
Math Labs
Essential Questions: Measurement & Data 1)What tool am I using? 2)What unit am I using to measure? 3)How can different numbers name the same amount? (same object, different units)
Today’s Objectives: ● Participants will develop fluency with the domain of Measurement and Data. ● Participants will experience tasks and strategies to further background and content knowledge.
Wrap up/Eval ● Please complete the eval on Haiku. ● Please leave any questions on the Parking Lot or me. Haiku K-6 Math CCSS Training Sessions CCSS 2014 PD Trimester 2 domain/3791