CHAP. 2 Biological Perspective
The Nervous System Nervous System Central Nervous System The Brain & Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System Transmits info to & from the CNS Brain Interprets & stores info & sends orders to muscle glands & organs Spinal Cord Pathway connecting the brain & peripheral nervous system Autonomic Nervous System Regulates glands, organs, blood vessels, digestion & blood pressure Somatic Nervous System Carries sensory info & controls movement of the skeletal muscles Parasympathetic Division Maintains body functions & saves energy Sympathetic Division Prepares the body to react & expend energy in times of stress
Neurons & Neurotransmitters
Neurons & Nerves
Axon Terminal Synaptic knob Synaptic vessel Neurotransmitter Synapse Receptor Sites
The Major Brain Structures P M S
Cerebral Cortex tex = texas cortex = complex
Corpus Callosum corPLUS calloSUM
Thalamus Hal Amos
Hypothalamus Hyper Llamas
Hippocampus HippoCompass
Amygdala Give me your DALA!!!
Cerebellum Bell
Reticular Formation reTICular=TICKLE
Medulla MEDALS
The Lobes Prefrontal Cortex