DUTIES OF THE POST ADJUTANT Duties of the Post Adjutant are set forth in Section 218 (6) of the Manual of Procedure. Under the Direction of the Post Commander, prepare all reports and returns required of him Attest by his signature and seal of the Post all actions of the Post
DUTIES OF THE POST ADJUTANT Keep in the books or files properly prepared the following: Current By-Laws of the Post. In a proper file, the original app. Of every member admitted to the Post. A record of all the proceedings of each meeting of the Post. An order file in which shall be kept all orders or circulars issued by the C-n-C, the National Council of Administration, The Dept. Commander, Dept. Council of Administration and Post Commander. A letter or correspondence file. A file containing a copy of proof of eligibility on all elected and appointed Post Officers. A roll of departed comrades
DUTIES OF THE POST ADJUTANT Items that should be incorporated into the minutes of each Post meeting: A roll of all Post officers at each meeting A list of all names of comrades accepted for membership at each meeting. A list of names of all persons rejected for membership at each meeting. A brief recap of the important items from committee report, including the maker of the report. A record of all motions and the resulting action. A Post Quartermasters detail of receipts and disbursements for each meeting.
DUTIES OF THE POST ADJUTANT A summary of the disposition of all correspondence as directed by proper authority. One of your most impotant functions as a Post Adjutant will be to keep accurate minutes of Post meetings.
DUTIES OF THE POST QUARTERMASTER The duties of the Quartermaster are set forth in Section 218(5) of the Manual of Procedure Before a new Quartermaster takes up the duties, his or her predecessor must be given a clean slate by the Post Trustees or auditors Never under any circumstances, accept the responsibility for Post funds before this is done. You want to avoid picking up a headache from someone else. Receive and hold all monies, securities, vouchers, and other personal property of the Post. Pay out or expend monies only after the Post has authorized payments by a motion made and passed at a meeting of the Post
DUTIES OF THE POST QUARTERMASTER All checks for the expenditures of Post funds shall be numbered in sequence, the number of each check to correspond with the voucher authorizing the same. The Quartermaster shall sign all checks and vouchers then they must be countersigned by Post Commander. Collect all monies due the Post, giving receipt therefore. Keep an account with each member and notify all members in arrears. Collect the annual membership dues and credit the dues fund. At least once a month transmit to National dues payable from the annual dues collect from each member.
DUTIES OF THE POST QUARTERMASTER Refrain from issuing official membership dues receipts to new members until he has received the required admission fee and required dues. At least once a month transmit to Department Headquarters $1.00 for every new annual member voted on that month. Maintain a dues reserve fund to which shall be credited not less than one-half of the Post’s part of the current year’s dues paid by each member prior to July 1, including Life Membership
DUTIES OF THE POST QUARTERMASTER Quartermaster shall not disburse nor shall an obligation be incurred against this fund until after July 1, at which time it shall be transferred to the Post general fund. Maintain a relief fund, which shall be credited with the net proceeds of all sales of Buddy Poppies and such other monies as may be solicited or donated for veterans relief purposes. Expenditures from the relief fund shall only be made for the purposes outlined in section 704 of the Manual of Procedure. Maintain the books and records at all times in a neat and efficient manner. Quartermaster shall serve as Treasurer of all Post committees handling funds.
DUTIES OF THE POST QUARTERMASTER Computer record keeping systems may be used, so long as the records contain the same data as required on forms prescribed by National Headquarters.