Welcome to “World Bank Mission” (05 th – 16 th May, 2014) Hydrology Project Phase - II Gujarat – Ground Water ( GWRDC Ltd ) Narmada, Water Resources, Water.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to “World Bank Mission” (05 th – 16 th May, 2014) Hydrology Project Phase - II Gujarat – Ground Water ( GWRDC Ltd ) Narmada, Water Resources, Water Supply and Kalpsar Department GANDHINAGAR

Gujarat – Ground Water Status of Financial Progress achieved

Category wise Expenditure under Hydrology Project - II Implementing Agency: Gujarat - Ground Water Sr. No. ItemTotal Provision as per RCT (Oct- 2013) Cumulative Expenditure (Up to Mar - 13) Annual Work Plan Expenditure (Up to Mar Cumulative Expenditure up to Mar Civil Works Goods Consultancy Trainings Total Investment Cost Recurrent Total Cost (Inv + Rec) (Rs. In ‘000’)

Component wise Expenditure under Hydrology Project - II Implementing Agency: Gujarat - Ground Water Co mpt. No. ItemTotal Provision as per RCT (Oct-13) Cumulative Expenditur e up to March Annual Work Plan Expend (Up to Mar Cumulative Expenditure up to Mar I.A Consolidation of HP - I I.B Awareness Dissemination & Knowledge Sharing I.C Implementation Support II.A Hydrological Design Aids II.B Decision Support System II.C Purpose Driven Studies TOTAL Rs. In ‘000’

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: GUJARAT – GW Details of Expenditure up to March, (Gujarat - GW) (Rs. In Million) Component Total Provision as per RCT (Oct-2013) Expend. Up to Mar-2013 Approved AWP Expend. during (Up to Mar ) Cumu. Expend. up to Mar Ground Water Investment Cost Recurrent Cost Sub Total - GW

Status of Financial Targets and Achievement Gujarat – Ground Water 5/10/2015Gujarat SW6 Sr. No. DescriptionAmount in Rs. Millions 1Allocation under the project as per PIPRs Total Base Cost as per Revised Cost Table (Oct. – 13) Rs Cumulative Expenditure Up to March – 2014 Rs (96%) 4Total Likely cumulative expenditure up to 31 st May 2014 ( As Per AWP ) Rs (98%) 5Probable Saving (1 - 4)Rs (2%)

Status of Disbursement of Claims (Gujarat – + GW) (Rs. Millions) Category Name Category No. Eligible Expenditure Amount of Claim & Disbursed GW 1234 Civil Works Goods Consultancy Training Operating Cost TOTAL Details of Claims of Expenditure disbursed up to March  Claims of expenditure from January to March of Rs Million has been submitted to CAAA on

Gujarat – Ground Water Major Physical Achievement & Out Come

Upgraded the Piezometer network by Construction of 228 Piezometers, 80 Piezometers in DSS Basin, 16 Piezometers in Porbandar (PDS) district,8 Piezometers and 3 Recharge tube wells in Dharoi RBC(PDS), Procurement of 26 DWLRs and it’s installation in 26 districts Procurement of 11 layers of GIS Data set from BISAG, LISS IV data from NRSA. OSM data of Gujarat state from SOI, ARC GIS software, computer Hard ware and peripherals, Office equipments & Training equipments The end Users oriented Awareness Raising Seminars at District and Taluka level along with publication of informative brochures and Year book up to year 2013

Organization of study tours for knowledge and experience sharing. Establishment of DSS cell at Ground Water Division - 1,Ahmedabad Awareness for HIS Data increases day by day has been developed with the assistance of National Informatics Centre (NIC). It is also regularly updated and linked with departmental website

Lessons Learnt

Significant change in availability and reliability of Ground water Data led to Ground water development and Management planers more appropriately & economically. Establishment of Computer based systems, detailed data quality control systems, Coordination with central agencies, specially trained staff by Training programmes is essential to improve accuracy and reliability of data. Awareness Raising Programmes are very useful to improve interaction between data providers and data users.

DSS(P) tools can be useful to understand Ground water resources issues within a river basin after Fine Tuning of application and with good support from NIH. The PDS study on Coastal Groundwater Dynamics and Management in the Saurashtra Region has benefited from the involvement of NIH scientists. The steps have been taken for strengthening of Ground water Monitoring Network by establishing network of 2154 piezometers in entire state, but there is still need for data quality improvement Programme and implementation of Real Time Monitoring Systems.

: TRAININGS : SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAMS CONDUCTED UNDER HP-II Sr NoYearTraining Programs Conducted by Central Agencies In-house Programs Conducted by State IAs & Central Agencies Total No of Programs No of Participant s No of Programs No of Participant s No of Programs No of Participant s TOTAL

VERTICAL EXTENTION II.B. Decision Support System – Planning (DSS-P) II.C. Purpose Driven Studies (PDS)

II.B. Decision Support System – Planning (DSS-P) Mahi Basin (Gujarat State Portion ) had been selected as State Pilot Basin. The components of DSS - Planning are: Conjunctive surface water & ground water planning. Ground water management Seasonal Planning for Ground Water Artificial Recharge Drought Management

Status of Modeling activities: Applications developed using available tools. The ground water planning application developed in Patadungri, Machhanala, Umaria & Limkheda catchment as a test case to Predict how to manage ground water supply. Ground water Seasonal planning application is developed in Patadungri catchment as a test case to predict the how much groundwater is available at Pre monsoon based on the groundwater level at post monsoon. Application on Artificial Recharge is developed in Machhanala catchment. The application is useful to know how groundwater depth would vary with and without the artificial recharge in climatic variation.

Status of Modeling activities Contd. The Application on conjunctive use of surface and Ground water developed for Patadungri catchment to test the performance of the utilization of groundwater and canals in dry, average, and wet years and to predict how this affects the groundwater in the long run. The interfaces provided by the DSS-P consultants, to populate results for following applications, are being evaluated for their suitability: Conjunctive use Artificial Recharge

II. C. Purpose Driven Studies Two Purpose Driven Studies have been taken up. 1) Coastal Ground water dynamics and Management in the Saurashtra Region, in collaboration with NIH : To simulate transport of saltwater in coastal aquifer system numerically & study impact of existing aquifer management practices on gw regime 2) Ground Water Management in Water Logged Area of Dharoi project command (RBC) project and Strategy to maintain Harmony on water levels of perched aquifer with deep Aquifer: To study the Geohydrology of perched and deeper aquifer systems & the possibility of recharge tube wells for inter- aquifer transmission of water

Study Area, Coastal Saurashtra, Gujarat Location Lat 21 o 0’ - 22 o 20’ N Long 71 o 22’ -72 o 20’E Total geographical area km 2 TalukaPorbandar km 2, Ranavav km 2 & Kutiyana km 2 GW Salinity from sea in the coastal aquifer system due to lowering of water table. through creeks during high tides. deterioration of gw quality occurs due to increasing salinity Activities carried out Ground water level and quality Monitoring on 16 nos of newly constructed piezometers and Monitoring stations suggested by NIH. Ground water level and quality Monitoring on 16 nos of newly constructed piezometers and Monitoring stations suggested by NIH. Geophysical survey at 50 locations. Geophysical survey at 50 locations. Aquifer Parameter Test at 12 locations Aquifer Parameter Test at 12 locations PDS-1 Coastal Ground water dynamics and Management in the Saurashtra Region, in collaboration with NIH

Rajsth an PDS Area Pakista n Arabian Sea Problems/Issues that prompted to take up the PDS Due to presence of shallow clay layer & application of surface water by Dharoi canal distributaries for irrigation, the water levels in this area rise to problematic level. Adverse effects noticed The soil texture ruptured and enrichment of Soil Salinity Diminishes the Agricultural products. Leaching of water in deep cart tracks and nalas, de-active the sewerage pits. Effect on environment & socio economy. PDS-2 Ground Water Management in Water Logged Area of Dharoi project command (RBC)

 Based on the Preliminary Investigation in 72 villages, the ground water level trend of monitoring stations located in perched aquifer/unconfined aquifer in the close vicinity of canal passing through the area, detailed investigation carried out in 32 villages.  Total 22 no of Ground Water monitoring networks are fixed to study its behavior in the area.  13 pumping tests conducted to study the aquifer parameters.  Collected water level and soil analysis data from soil survey department to identify the area affected by soil salinity.  The change in land use pattern studied with help of Remote sensing data of 1998 &  Constructed 3 Nos. of Recharge Tube Wells 90 mts. Depth and 8 Nos. of Piezometers ( 4 Nos. of Shallow Piezometers -20 mts. Depth and 4 Nos. of Deep Piezometers - 90 mts.)  The data has been analyzed using Visual Modflow software and the results have been obtained regarding the extent of water logging in different seasons, the groundwater movement, and the inflow and out flow, the mass and zonal balance for different aquifers and seasons.  The consultancy work has been entrusted to CEPT university.  The Final Draft Report is on completion stage by CEPT University and will be submitted to TAMC/PCS within two days for approval.

Ground Truth

 Constructed 3 Nos. of Recharge Tube Wells 90 mts. Depth and  8 Nos. of Piezometers ( 4 Nos. of Shallow Piezometers -20 mts. Depth and 4 Nos. of Deep Piezometers - 90 mts.) In Malekpur Village,Taluka – Vadnagar,District Mahesana

Plan for Information Dissemination and Applications

Continuation of Awareness Programme from State Fund Ground Water Resources Estimation, Aquifer Mapping Study Planning of new exploratory tubewell programme implemented in Tribal Areas of Gujarat. Artificial GW Recharge locations findings and Defining Area improved through Recharge structures. Defining Saline areas for ground water Assessment