Lansing Central School District Budget Update November 13, 2012 Ms. Mary June King, Business Administrator 1
LONG-TERM BUDGET PERFORMANCE Annual Revenues vary over past four years; current trend is decreasing revenues District appropriations have increased and currently obligate entire sum of ‘surplus’ funds Annual Expenses are increasing at a decreasing rate is first time in this administration’s history that expenses exceeded non- appropriated revenues 2
LONG-TERM BUDGET PERFORMANCE REVENUE25,100,000*24,000,00024,500,00024,300,00024,000,000 BUDG APPR400,0001,400,0001,900,0002,000,000 EXPENSES21,900,00022,800,00023,500,00024,200,00026,000,000 SURPLUS OPS3,200,0001,200,0001,000,000100,000(2,000,000) REV INC YR-TO-YR14.3 %-4.4 %2.1 % %-0.01 % EXP INC YR-TO-YR-0.88 %4.11 %3.1 %2.5%7.44 % SURPLUS DISTR UNASSIGNED BAL900,0001,000,0001,400, ,000 APPROPRIATED400,0001,400,0001,900,0002,000,000 RESERVE ADDS1,900,000100,000200,000700,000200,000 RESERVE USES180,000500,000700,000 3
FUND BALANCE ANALYSIS (expenses) What functions, and components thereof, have been over- or under-spent in previous years? Is there a discernible pattern that could/should be corrected for more exact budget planning? 4
ACTUAL EXPENSES TOTAL BUDGET$ 22,838,912$ 23,944,315$ 24,377,906$ 25,275,503 GENERAL SUPPORT 2,644,7582,835,2622,668,6422,567,429 INSTRUCTION11,473,04012,157,94012,158,10712,237,387 TRANSPORTATION870,227976,931827,451875,963 UNDISTRIBUTED6,920,5536,813,7277,860,8648,509,641 TOTAL EXPENSES$ 21,908,579$ 22,783,860$ 23,515,06424,190,420 $ 930,333$ 1,160,455$ 862,842$ 1,085,083 5
FUND BALANCE ANALYSIS (expenses) General Support: Central Services (salaries and utilities (!) in 11/12), Finance (11/12) Instructional: Teaching Regular School, Special Education (08/09 and 10/11, 11/12) Transportation: Salaries and overtime (09/10, 10/11, 11/12) Undistr. Expend: DS (08/09), EB (09/10), wash (10/11), EB (11/12) GENERAL SUPPORT$ 344,832$ 258,063$ 274,692$ 428,118 INSTRUCTION$ 483,668$ 259,654$ 261,321 $ 186,798 TRANSPORTATION$ 223,476$ 38,295$ 240,165$ 154,998 UNDISTR. EXPEND$ (121,643)$ 604,173$ 86,664$ 315,169 TOTALS$ 930,333$ 1,160,455$ 862,842$1,085,083 6
FUND BALANCE ANALYSIS (revenue) What revenue codes have been over- or under-projected in the past few years? Is there a discernible pattern that could/should be corrected for more exact budget planning? 7
ACTUAL REVENUES 2008 – BUDGETED22,838,91223,944,31524,377,90625,275,503 STATE AID7,176,0266,383,2456,326,1426,342,673 FEDERAL AID17,7271,051,482455,8476,375 MISCELLANEOUS2,705,802784,8011,652,1391,486,719 PILOT281,864233,9452,677,3152,509,743 TAXES14,894,06515,551,68813,351,15713,954,451 TOTAL25,075,48424,005,16124,462,60024,299,961 TAX RATE $ 17.76$ 17.60$ 18.48$
FUND BALANCE ANALYSIS (revenue) 08/09: Misc $ reflects reclass of liabilities, < taxes reflects BOE decrease of levy in Aug. 09/10: State/Fed aid reflects ARRA/ESF, PILOT/Tax reflects TC assessment documentation 10/11: state/Fed aid reflects ARRA/ESF, Misc reflects BOCES refund, 11/12: Misc reflects budgeted appropriation not utilized STATE AID$ (6,089)$ (286,033)$ 91,122$ (128,638) FEDERAL AID$ (66,646)$ 972,117$ (30,000)$ (23,625) MISCELLANEOUS$ 2,112,442$ 609,926$ 638,410$ (955,455) PILOT$ 31,864$ (2,979,755)$ 274,915$ 132,169 TAXES$ (1,079,922)$ 2,482,268$ (18,751)$ 7 TOTALS$ 991,649$ 798,523$ 955,696$ (975,549) 9
FUND BALANCE ANALYSIS REVENUES$ 991,649$ 798,523$ 955,696$ (975,549) EXPENSES$ 933,333$ 1,160,455$ 862,842$ 1,129,083 FUND BALANCE $ 1,924,982$ 1,958,978$ 1,818,538$ 153,534 10