Workshop on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Grant Funding and Additional (Non-ARRA) Grant Funding to the Housing Division. Wakulla County, Florida April 21 st, 2009 County Commission Chambers Crawfordville, Florida 1
In today’s presentation, we will: Look briefly at the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of Define the Weatherization Assistance Program. Examine ARRA WAP the stimulus funding allocations. Overview the ARRA/Non ARRA grant Funded programs within the Housing Services. Briefly consider the impact of the WAP stimulus funding on Wakulla County. 2
Let’s get started by looking at the general provision of the ARRA and the Weatherization Programs 3
ARRA Signed into law February 17, The Act provides $5 billion for the nation’s Weatherization Programs in stimulus funds. The State of Florida is expected to receive from $88 million to $175 million in funding over the next 3 years for Weatherization Assistance. Wakulla County is Slated to receive $1.5 million to $3.5 million over the next 3 years in WAP funding from the ARRA to weatherize households. 4
The Weatherization Program A 30 year old branch of DOE created in 1976 that provides weatherization services to low-income families. 25 Agency’s in Florida, including Wakulla, administer the program. The national goal is to weatherize 1 million homes. Florida historically weatherizes 1500 homes a year with $5 million. Wakulla typically weatherizes between 25 to 45 households with an average of $138,000 5
Wakulla County’s Weatherization Stimulus Allocation Wakulla County is slated to receive as much as 35 times its 2008 WAP allocation of $138,000 over the next 3 years. This means Wakulla County must be prepared to spend a much a $3.5 million dollars on weatherizing homes over the next 3 years. Housing Services weatherization production will increase from weatherizing just under 45 homes in 2008 to 200 homes weatherized annually for the next 3 years in order to expend the County’s ARRA WAP allocation. 6
Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) issues weatherization grant funding to counties from DOE. Local Agencies administer the WAP grant funds per-contract with DCA & DOE and is allowed to use 10% of the funding for administrative purposes. Local Agencies can be awarded as much 35% of the remaining contract in the form of fee for services. Typically the combination of the two will equal to no more than 28% of the grant funds allocated being used to the county for administrative purposes. Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) issues weatherization grant funding to counties from DOE. Local Agencies administer the WAP grant funds per-contract with DCA & DOE and is allowed to use 10% of the funding for administrative purposes. Local Agencies can be awarded as much 35% of the remaining contract in the form of fee for services. Typically the combination of the two will equal to no more than 28% of the grant funds allocated being used to the county for administrative purposes. The Weatherization Grant 7
WAP Grant Funding FY2008/ ARRA 8
Grant Funded Programs Within Housing Services WAP: Weatherization Assistance Program WAP-LIHEAP: Weatherization with Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program SHIP: Down-payment/Home Rehabilitation LIHEAP: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program SECTION 8: Affordable Housing Assistance 9
FY2008 Housing Services Grant Funding 10
Additional 2009 Non-ARRA Grant Funded Programs SHIP Program:$500,000 in Impact Fee Proviso funds Section 8:Estimated 30% increase in funding from the 2009 Congressional Budget LIHEAP: 2009 Funding allocation has double to $157,000 as a result of the 2008 stimulus WAP-LIHEAP: $100,000 in additional 2009 funding as a result of the 2008 stimulus 11
Non-ARRA FY2009 Grant Funding 12
Additional Resources Needed Within Housing Services to Support the 2009 ARRA Roll-Out Additional Personnel: 2 Weatherization Assistance 1 SHIP Rehabilitation Specialist/Inspector to replace Robin Dias. 1 Office Assistant the assist with the expected influx of application, clients, and contracts. Equipment: Two 4WD Pick-ups 13
Increase In Production 14
Community Impact 4 Additional Housing Services Positions ARRA is expected to produce an estimated 18 to 20 within Wakulla County construction industry. The $500, Impact Fee Proviso is expected to produce an additional 10 construction jobs. Spending in local stores and shops is expected to increase and the level local business hiring is unknown. Housing Services 2009 grant funding is expected to produce 29 additional jobs within the local community. 15