Body Composition CH. 8
What is body composition? ▪ Your body is made up of many different kinds of tissues including muscles, bones, fat, and organs ▪ Many factors contribute to your body composition such as heredity, age, maturation, and healthy such as physical activity and eating habits. ▪ Only two factors you can control is physical activity and nutrition. ▪ Body Fat is most important component because you shouldn’t have too much or too little.
Body Fat ▪ Having too much fat can cause problems such as ▪ Heart desiese ▪ Cancer ▪ High Blood Pressure ▪ Diabetes ▪ Having too little fat can be a sign of an eating disorder ▪ Eating Disorders are serious medical problems and are NEVER funny
How much body fat should I have? ▪ Everyone needs to have some body fat ▪ The minimum amount of fat a person should have is called essential fat ▪ Fat is stored as energy and can be used to provide fuel for physical activity.
What is Body Mass Index ▪ Body Mass Index or BMI is a formula that uses a persons hight and weight to calculate if they are overweight ▪ The term overweight refers to having more weight than other people which isn’t the same as being high in body fat
How to measure BMI
Review ▪ What is included in the body’s composition? ▪ Which of the following is related to having too much body fat? ▪ Diabetes ▪ Loss of appetite ▪ Too much energy ▪ Which of the following is related to having too little body fat? ▪ Heart Disease ▪ Cancer ▪ An eating disorder ▪ High Blood Pressure
Energy Balance: Physical Activity and Nutrition CH. 8
Energy Balance ▪ Energy Balance means consuming only as much energy through foods as your body uses each day ▪ One way to measure energy is to count calories of the food you consume ▪ The calories you eat are called calorie intake and the calories your body burns is referred to energy expenditure ▪ People who take in more calories than they expend will gain weight ▪ People who take in fewer calories then they expend will lose weight
What Should I eat? ▪ MyPyramid or MyPlate are guides to help you so you can consume the right kinds and amounts of food ▪ Foods provide us with energy and other important nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats
Review ▪ What does energy balance mean? ▪ What is a common unit of measure for energy? ▪ What do you call the calories your body burns? ▪ If a person takes in more calories than they expend, what's likely to happen? ▪ What are three major sources of calories?