“ Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs “ ~Bruntland Commission~
How do we live “sustainably”? Imagine all the money you have to live on is currently in your bank account in the amount of 500k. The only way you can not spend any of this capital is to live off the interest. If you can’t live within the means of the interest, your capital will dwindle and you will have less and less to live on as well as to pass on to future generations. To do this, you may adopt some saving/expenditure principles such as: only invest in secure financial instruments need to have interest paid monthly to have a cash flow need to shop around for best rates on secure instruments learn from experience of others seek expert advice
Moving Towards a More Sustainable Future A community needs to understand what assets they have and which of those assets are important for the community to see preserved and enhanced for future generations. What is needed : long term community vision vision needs to be developed from the ground up It requires political support but not be politically imposed ~Great Law of the Iroquois
Successful Sustainability In the same way that an individual has to set parameters to live within their means in order to not expend their capital, so does a community have to establish some guides to ensure its ability to meet its needs without compromise for future generations. Natural Environment Healthy Communitie s Economic Vitality To be successful, the community has to adopt a process to ensure success. The adoption of a set of principles helps to develop the thought process required to guide the thinking of decision makers within government, business, and the community at large and helps to develop a strategic framework for action. Economic Social Environment Culture
Bike Paths “Example” Social Culture Sustainability Environment Economic Group activity, social activity, desirable community feature (competition for people), healthy living, accessibility Social Lower health care costs, decrease cost of transportation, generate traffic for businesses, “Bike tourism,” cost effective activity for citizens Economic Lifestyle choices, “Green” values, activities for families, increased safety for cyclists. Culture Non polluting mode of transportation (carbon footprint), makes environmental assets more accessible, increases awareness and interaction with the nature Environmental
Active Transportation needs… Identification in the municipal budget Identification of bike corridors in Official Plan Identification of opportunities (ex. Uptown core) Tourism development fee to help fund program Tie in with local businesses (ex. Bed and breakfasts, local bike shop) Coordinate with the District Active Transportation Plan Economic Social Environment Culture Nat ural Envi ronm ent H e a lt h y C o m m u n it i e s Ec ono mic Vita lity
Showers in new buildings for employees Trail network with bike friendly sections Bike racks/ bike parking requirements in ZBL Bike rentals Mapping routes and identify amenities (ex water fountains and bike parking) Active Transportation infrastructure needs… Public Bike Racks Bike Lanes BikeRentals Signs
Implementation Raise Awareness and Seek political and community buy in Present to Council (Budget considerations ) Get Staff involved Get community involved (public process) Create public process to create the long term vision Marketing and education program Eventually integrate into all plans and Town documents (ex. O.P., by-laws)