1 More on VCDE WS Journal Club Brian Davis, Ph.D. VCDE WS Teleconference November 17, 2011
2 History and Journal Clubs First mention of Journal Club is from Sir James Paget (1834? in St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London) First Organized Journal Club apparently at McGill University in Montreal by William Osler (1875) Linzer M. The journal club and medical education; over one hundred years of unrecorded history. Postgraduate Medical Journal 1987;63: Standard in Graduate Science and Clinics Electronic Journal Clubs not so successful…?
3 Purposes From Paget (reminiscing on 1834) on the lack of a suitable library: “'in place of this, some of the self-elect of the pupils, making themselves into a kind of club, had a small room over a baker's shop near the Hospital-gate where we could sit and read the journals and where some, in the evening, played cards.‘ From Osler: 'for the purchase and distribution of periodicals to which he could ill afford to subscribe as an individual'. Acknowledgement of a number of purposes (over time) 1.Teach critical reading skills (including speaking, presentation, analytical) 2.Generate questions and disseminate knowledge 3.Keep up with current literature (in field of study) 4.Impact practice We think #2 through #4 are of most interest to VCDE WS participants.
4 Journal Club, Seminars and Social Media Historical Knowledge sharing venues for Scientists and Clinicians in groups: Journal Clubs Seminars/Lectures Conferences and Meetings Now joined by Social Media Twitter RSS Blogs Web sites Listservs Etc.
5 VCDE WS Virtual Journal Club Important for Community to contribute Please feel free to add/edit/update/contribute Vocabulary Knowledge Center collaboration Articles nominated for presentation (eventually vote online?) Articles scheduled for presentation Other articles to share Journals of interest (in this field) Other resources.
6 Journal Club Best Practices Best Practices: Leader Articles Questions Review Checklist Template Type Evidence-based Critical Appraisal Other CATs (Critically Appraised Topic) and BETs (Best Evidence Topic)
7 Journal Club Best Practices Best Practices: Leader (Brian will act as now, unless volunteer?) Articles (set up for December 15; others from community for January and later?) Questions (Brian can send out beforehand, but are there volunteers to commit to read and ask questions?) Review Checklist Template (for Presenter: does not have to be followed?) Type (later, if community wants to expend effort?) Evidence-based Critical Appraisal Other CATs (Critically Appraised Topic) and BETs (Best Evidence Topic) (later, if community wants to expend effort?) 7
8 References VCDE WS Journal Club Wiki: Linzer M. The journal club and medical education; over one hundred years of unrecorded history. Postgraduate Medical Journal 1987;63: Wikipedia: How to Make Journal Clubs interesting: Advances in Psychiatric treatment Practical Tips in Starting a journal Club: Society for Vascular Nursing Journal Review.org Women’s Hearth Health Stanford Services/womenHeartHealth/electronicJournalClub.html Services/womenHeartHealth/electronicJournalClub.html BETs and CATs: cats.phphttp:// cats.php