CHAPTER 5 Body composition
Your body type Ectomorph-a low percentage of body fat, small muscle mass and size Mesomorph-a low to medium % body fat, medium to large bone size, large muscle mass Endomorph-High % body fat, large bone size, and a small amount of muscle mass
Your body weight Overall body type is determined by heredity. The aspect you can control is your weight. No ideal weight but there are healthy ranges for each individual. Weight by itself is not an indicator of health Lean body weight- the combined weight of bone, muscle, and connective tissue.
Body Mass Index BMI-a way to assess body size in relation to your height and weight.
Body Composition Body composition-the relative % in your body of fat to lean body tissue, including water, bone, and muscle. Amount of body fat is not the same as body weight. Overweight-heavier than standard size Obesity-a medical condition in which a person’s ratio of body fat to lean muscle mass is excessively high
Body Fat Essential Fat- the minimum amount of body fat necessary for good health. It insulates your body against cold Protects internal organs from injury Provides stored energy Teen Males- 7 to 19 % body fat Teen females- 12 to 24% body fat
Body composition Excessive leanness –having a % of body fat that is below the acceptable range Overfat-carrying too much body fat for your age and gender
Males vs Females Males are considered overfat when body fat is greater than 20%. Excessively lean if their body fat is less than 7%. Females are considered to be overfat when their body fat is greater than 25%. Excessively lean if their body fat is less than 12%.
Influences on body fat After infancy, your teen years are the most dramatic growth period in your life. Body developing new fat cells (amount depends on body type) You cannot control the number of fat cells in your body, but you can control their size
Lifestyle behaviors Your body composition, is party a function of your eating pattern. The stored fat from extra calories will increase the size of your fat cells. The more physically active you are, the more calories you burn as fuel.
Energy equation Your body needs to maintain a energy balance Needs to use up the energy taken from food each day Energy balance is determined by calorie intake Calorie intake- the total number of calories you take from food. Calorie expenditure- the total number of calories you burn or expand.
Calories per gram Carbohydrates=4 Protein=4 Fat=9 Less active teens and adults require fewer calories than those who are physically active. Metabolism-The process by which the body converts calories from food to energy. Ongoing process even when at rest
Resting Metabolic rate Resting metabolic rate- the amount of calories you expend for body processes while at rest. For young adults you need 1,400 and 1,800 calories just to keep your body functioning. Your RMR is shaped by several factors
1.Gender-Males(on average) have higher RMR’s Have higher muscle mass to fat and muscle burns more calories than fat. 2.Age-RMR decreases with age 3.Heredity-some people inherit higher RMR’s 4.Eating Habits-when you eat regularly throughout the day you stimulate your RMR. 5.Eliminating Calories-tired, hungry, and energy low 6.Physical Activity-stimulates metabolic rate