Reported by Sujing Wang UH-DMML Group Meeting Nov. 22, 2010
ACM GIS 2010 Conference Tracks: 1. Regular research papers 2. Industry papers 3. Demonstration track 4. Ph.D. showcase track 5. Seven workshops Total 209 submissions over four tracks Conference Preceding link: 2ACM GIS 2010
Submission statistics: A. Total 172 research paper submissions: 36 accepted as full papers (21%) 33 accepted as poster papers (40%) B. 6 industry paper submissions: 4 accepted (67%) C. 12 submissions for Ph.D. showcase: 5 accepted (42%) D. 19 demonstration paper submissions: 12 accepted (63%) 3ACM GIS 2010
Total Registration: 273 Conference related journals: 1. Geoinformatica: An international journal on Advances of Computer science for geographic information systems /geography/journal/ Journal of Spatial Information Science: 4ACM GIS 2010
1 st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Data Mining for Geoinformatics (DMGI) submissions 6 accepted as full paper 1 accepted as student paper Journal Special Issue Cartographic: International Journal for geographic information and geovisualization 5ACM GIS 2010
Totally 9 sessions: 1. GIS Privacy 2. GeoWeb 3. Road Network 4. Industrial Session 5. Computational Geometry 6. Spatio-temporl Data 7. Visualization 8. Map Matching and Labeling 9. Spatial Queries 6ACM GIS 2010
Total 7 Workshops: 1. 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (CTS) ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Data Mining for Geoinformatics (DMG) ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming (IWGS) ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on High Performance and Distributed Geographic Information Systems (HPDGIS) nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness (ISA) nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks (LBSN) rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS (SPRINGL) ACM GIS 2010
Two invited talks: excellent presentations Topic 1 : Photographing the World Ground UP Google street view project How did they took the pictures Techniques used to postprocess the pictures, e.g. identify people faces and blur them New robotic vehicle developed Expend Google street view around the world 8ACM GIS 2010
Topic 2: Designing Maps to Help people Presenter webpage: maps designed to help users find their way from one location to another aid viewers in better understanding the spatial layout of 3D environments, assist tourists in finding points of interest in a new city (hand made maps) 9ACM GIS 2010
Selected interesting papers: Detecting Nearly Duplicated Records in Location Datasets: Similarity functions for words, addresses and category Tolerance Geometry-Euclid’s first Postulate for Points and Lines with extension 2D trajectory Optimal and Topologically Safe Simplification of Building Footprints Simplify sets of building footprints represented as polygons by selecting a subsequence of its original edges; 10ACM GIS 2010
Measuring Consistency with Respect to Topological Dependency Constraints Measures to evaluate the degree of violation of a topological dependency constraint by geometries stored in a spatial database instance. An Algorithmic Framework for Segmenting Trajectories based on Spatio-Temporal Criteria Partition a trajectory into a (typically small) number of pieces, called segments. To obtain segments where movement characteristics inside each segment are uniform in some sense. 11ACM GIS 2010
ACM GIS 2011 Date: Nov.1-4, 2011, Chicago, IL, USA Abstract submission: June 17, 2011 Full Submission: June 24, 2011 Notification: Sept. 2, 2011 Camera-ready: Sept 9, 2011 Workshop proposals: June 1, ACM GIS 2010
Thank you! 13ACM GIS 2010