UFCFR Advanced Topics in Web Development II 2014/15 SHAPE Hong Kong Lecture 1 : Introduction & Course Outline
Syllabus Outline (1) : The module will teach emerging, recent and relevant web technologies grounded within the context of good software design and programming principles. Three major areas: Web Architectures & Patterns (client-server, 3-tier, n-tier, MVC) Design patterns in software design (object-oriented & functional); architecture (systems design); design (component interactions); and programming idioms (language-specific techniques/style) will be covered. Various languages, libraries and toolkits will be used to illustrate functionality as well as build applications in seminars. These will include (but are not restricted to) PHP/Pear, JavaScript/JQuery and various other libraries and web based tools
Syllabus Outline (2) : document object model (DOM) data structures (xml, json, relational, noSQL) mvc frameworks (cake, codeigniter, yii etc.) html5, css3 & javascript micro frameworks (slim, limonade, dancer, flask, camping microjs etc.) Object Oriented PHP *** Note that not all content can be covered in the lectures and workshops – students will be required to expend significant out-of-class individual effort to achieve maximum learning outcomes & marks. Representational State Transfer (REST)
Teaching and learning: o 1 hour lecture o 1 hour workshop sessions o emphasis on both individual & working with others in workshop sessions o Preparation will be required – readings and other material listed for each week (in the Resources column of the module contents & outline page) should be done at home in preparation for the following class (=> 3-4 hours home based study each week) module contents & outline page Assessment: o Coursework - 1 piece – weighting 50% - will be an individual design and programming task. After hand-in, you will also be required to do a minute presentation to your tutor illustrating and explaining your application. o Examination – weighting 50% - 3 hours - compulsory part 40% - selective part 60%.
Course Content Outline
Course materials: No specific set textbook is required – all course materials, lecture notes, workshop notes, readings and other resources are pointed to and made available via the module contents & outline page.module contents & outline page However it is strongly recommend that you acquire one or two of the following texts for help with the assignment: Nixon, Robin : Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS: A Step-by- Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites : O'Reilly Media, 2 nd ed., 2012Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS: A Step-by- Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites David Sawyer McFarland : JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual : Pogue Press; 2 nd ed., 2011JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual Ullman, Larry : PHP Advanced and Object-oriented Programming : Peachpit Press; 3 rd ed., 2012PHP Advanced and Object-oriented Programming
Develop a glossary of terms and their meanings, with examples of use Relate terms with a mind-map or data model Find illustrative examples Find good references and tutorials What else? The same techniques apply to learning technology areas. Write and write and write lots & lots of code …. test it …. then refactor it again & again Techniques for knowledge acquisition:
Questions? & Answers!