Fundamentals of Community Corrections (FCC) Training - Supporting Evidence-Based Practices in all ATI Programs NYAPSA Conference October 21, 2013 Yvonne J. Behan ATI/Re-entry Manager DCJS Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives
OPCA plays a critical role in New York’s Criminal Justice System: Funds and Regulates the State’s 58 County and City of New York Probation Departments Funds nearly 250 ATI programs -- in addition to Probation Departments Manages the interstate transfer of 5,000 probationers between NYS and all other states OPCA - An Office within DCJS 2
OPCA provides funding and oversight for nearly 200 ATI and Re-entry programs across NYS including: Community Service Defender-Based-Advocacy Pre-Trial Release Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities (TASC) Specialized/Drug & Alcohol Probation Violation Residential Centers Six ATI/Re-entry Programs funded via ARRA 19 County Re-entry Task Forces 3
OPCA’S ATI Annual Reporting Pursuant to New York Executive Law Section 267 with regard to Article 13A, DCJS is required to submit an Annual Report to the Governor. The 2012 Annual Statistical Reports for Alternative-to-Incarceration (ATI) Program Models highlight the following : Community Service Programs (37) report that 84.6% of participants successfully complete the service. Pretrial Services Programs (44) report 31,066 releases with an overall Failure to Appear Rate of 2.8%. Specialized Drug and Alcohol Service Programs (46) report 9,876 individuals placed in programs with 70.9% completing. 4
OPCA’S ATI Annual Reporting Defender-Based Advocacy Programs (11) prepared 2,256 individualized client-specific plans and 2,045 were accepted by the Courts. TASC Model Programs (15) report 5,406 placements and 3,481 successful completions. CRTF – (19) - 3,623 Track I intakes reported by the 19 County Re- entry Task Forces for the program year of July 2012 thru June
Standards In Published the Community Services Sentencing Standards In Published New York State Pretrial Standards In Published New York State TASC Standards 2010 – Published New York State Defender-Based Advocacy Standards Visit for copies and additional information. 6
OPCA’S Quality Assurance Provide Technical Assistance Site Visit Monitoring Quarterly Progress Reports Annual Focus Groups Review Recidivism Rates – Required Submission of Tracking Logs Annual Plan/Contract Review Quality Control Audits Training – FCC, T4C, OWDS etc. 7
OPCA trains probation officers--required 70-hour Fundamentals of Probation Practice (FPP), a nationally recognized training curriculum that was accredited in 2008 by the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) -- Evidence-Based Practice Skill Building learning modules were developed by Orbis Partners. However, professionals working in community corrections programs were receiving varied training that was not standardized or supported by evidence based practices. The need for the FCC training was evident. Programs began asking for such training. Additional Quality Assurance: Training 8
9 The Primary Goals of FCC Training Provide community corrections program staff with the opportunity to learn and practice the fundamental skills that will be needed to successfully work with individuals in the community corrections program. Provide information on the evidence based practices and “What Works” research that has proven to work effectively in bringing about change and success.
Curriculum Development and Implementation 10 The FCC curriculum was developed by a workgroup comprised of ATI professionals from each of the five ATI models, Pre-Trial Services, Community Services, Defender-Based Advocacy, TASC and Specialized/Drug and Alcohol Services Programs and DPCA Staff. The FCC includes the latest information on screening, assessment, motivational interviewing and case planning.
Fundamentals of Community Corrections (FCC) 11 FCC was drawn from Fundamentals of Probation Practices which was influenced by the “What Works” Movement EBP Modules in the FPP were developed under contract with Orbis Partners, Inc.
Curriculum Development and Implementation 12 The FCC also includes learning modules on highly- effective programs and the rights of the program participant. The FCC includes methods which are based on the principles of adult learning.
The FCC Manual 13 An Introduction to the Fundamentals of Community Corrections – (FCC) Manual
Highlights of FCC 14 Module 1: Welcome and Introduction to Community Corrections Introduction Activities Name Program and geographic location Something of interest about the county/location where program is located Something that others at the table don’t know about you
Highlights of FCC 15 Module 2: Justice System and the Law Subsection: Accessing Criminal History Records Module 3: Rights of the Program Participant – Unique to FCC – produced by the Legal Action Center
The Rights of the Program Participant focuses on the role of the ATI and community corrections professional in helping program participants understand and address issues pertaining to: legal and due process rights consequences of criminal convictions mitigating collateral consequences voting rights of the individual certificates of relief from disability Module 3: Rights of the Program Participant 16
Rights of the Program Participant details the questions that employers are allowed to ask about criminal convictions. Explains New York laws that protect individuals with criminal histories from discrimination and protect the confidentiality of drug and alcohol records. Exercises include: Examining the Rap Sheet and determining inaccuracies and instruction on how best to correct them Detailing information that must be provided on employment applications or during employment interviews Module 3: Rights of the Program Participant 17
Highlights of FCC 18 Module 4: What Works Case Activity #1 – Case Profiles that continue through curriculum Prediction Activity Module 5: Fundamentals of Assessment - Expand NYCOMPAS Access to ATI’s
Highlights of FCC 19 Module 6: Cultural Awareness Module 7: Interviewing Module 8: Case Planning Strategies
Highlights of FCC 20 Module 9a and 9 - Strategies for Highly Effective Programs – Developed with the assistance of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) and Dr. Faye Taxman Module 10: Ethics Module 11: Stress Management for Community Corrections Professionals
Highlights of FCC 21 Module 11: Stress Management for Community Corrections Professionals
Future Trainings scheduled in 2014: Westchester Albany Adirondack Region Central New York NYC Questions??????? For more information contact: Yvonne Behan, (518) Next Steps 22