UK - RA 5GHz Consultation Spectrum Management Advisory Group (SMAG) UK Radiocommunication Agency Conference and workshop on the future use of the 5GHz frequency bands DTI Conference Centre London, Friday, 2 June 2000 Adaptive Broadband Corp. Raja Nasreldine/ Dr. Demos Kostas
2 UK - RA 5GHz Consultation Small and Medium Size Businesses Need Unencumbered Broadband Wireless Access Now!!! Small and Medium Size Businesses need cost-effective MAN/WAN Broadband Access –HIPERLAN(0) License-exempt Spectrum in the 5-GHz band is in the public interest as it makes possible immediate low-cost competitive broadband wireless access systems Would provide timely MAN/WAN broadband access Favors new entrants due to no-licensing costs and rapid deployment for quick revenue generation
3 UK - RA 5GHz Consultation Small and Medium Size Businesses Need Unencumbered Broadband Wireless Access Now!!! 26/28 GHz and 40 GHz set aside for High-Speed Multimedia Fixed Wireless Broadband Access –ETSI BRAN HIPERACCESS and IEEE Standards-based equipment are not expected commercially before 2002 –Standards availability delayed by technology uncertainties, cost issues, and industry competitive forces
4 UK - RA 5GHz Consultation Small and Medium Size Businesses Need Unencumbered Broadband Wireless Access Now!!! ETSI BRAN HIPERLAN1/HIPERLAN2 and IEEE /.15 Standards for private local area networks There should be both license-exempt and licensed operators in every market –Spurs early and competitive broadband access market and makes efficient use of spectrum –License-exempt HIPERLAN(0) is complementary to HIPERACCESS, HIPERLAN1/2 and IEEE /.15
5 UK - RA 5GHz Consultation The USA Experience/ USA FCC U-NII Decision The FCC after considering industry comments on its U- NII proposal concluded… Excerpt from the FCC "REPORT AND ORDER" Adopted: January 9, 1997; Released: January 9, 1997 ”...We continue to believe that low power U-NII devices and associated operations are more amenable to an unlicensed structure and should be regulated under the Part 15 rules..." and "Additionally, like other existing unlicensed devices, we believe that trying to license U-NII devices individually would be administratively difficult if not impossible for both the Commission and the consumer and would greatly delay the implementation and use of this band by U-NII devices..."
6 UK - RA 5GHz Consultation The USA Experience/ USA FCC U-NII Decision The FCC allocated 200 MHz of free spectrum at 5-6 GHz for unlicensed outdoor use CLECS and ISPs were first to recognize the license- exempt opportunity for providing immediate low-cost Broadband Wireless Access services Both licensed and license-free operators in every market
7 UK - RA 5GHz Consultation ADAPTIVE BROADBAND HIPERLAN(0) Proposal Consistent with US FCC U-NII Rules Outdoor Systems RF Mid-Band5.25 to 5.35 GHz RF Upper-Band5.725 to GHz
8 UK - RA 5GHz Consultation SUMMARY Small and Medium Size Businesses need Broadband Wireless Now!!! HIPERLAN(0) is in the public-interest –It makes possible immediate low-cost competitive Broadband Access Systems –Address Market demand as an intermediate natural step towards open systems There should be both licensed and license-exempt operators in every market License-exempt HIPERLAN(0) is complementary to HIPERACCESS, HIPERLAN1/2 and IEEE /.15