Cellular Status at UCAR
History UCAR/NETS had installed limited cellular amplification over the last 5 years to accommodate business continuity requirements in computer rooms, facilities areas, and communication closets CISL/NETS installed full cellular coverage at the NWSC due to limited coverage at the site NCAB had recently approved full cellular coverage for all UCAR campuses due to the strategic nature of mobile device use for business purposes – FL4 and FLA have full cellular amplification (LEEDS construction greatly limits external cellular coverage)
FCC Ruling In summer 2011, NETS and UCAR legal began monitoring FCC activity to limit cellular amplification In the Spring of 2013, the FCC ruled that all non- vendor cellular amplification systems have to be approved by the vendor and then registered with the FCC AT&T has refused to approve any of the UCAR installed cellular amplification systems (including NWSC which is tunable)
Business Case NETS and UCAR legal have been pursuing AT&T and Verizon business cases to have the vendors install and support approved cellular systems This is stalled pending signature of NDAs to release UCAR building drawings so a business case can be pursued
Cellular Integrator Assuming the business case fails, UCAR can pursue hiring a cellular integrator to install an approved vendor system The estimated cost is $1/occupied square foot UCAR has 887K square feet of occupied space (not including RMMA, MFS, NWSC) – NWSC is likely to be approved by Verizon as is since tunable amplifiers and can turn down AT&T amplification This is a base cost of $887K one time (with equipment refresh every 3-5 years) There is also a one time Signal Source "Service" Costs per vendor, which varies from $150K to $375K per vendor For Verizon only coverage, the one time cost could be: $1.037M
Options to lower/minimize cost Continue to pursue Verizon business case to provide service at no cost (at least in FLA, FL4, Mesa Lab) Don't amplify all occupied space - FLA, FL4, Mesa Lab priority – ~360K square feet $360,000 + $150,000 = $510,000 Could be largely bonded except cabling at ML and $150K one time signal source Don't provide any amplified cellular service - depend on wireless (wifi) only – Full wifi coverage in all buildings/campuses – , Skype, Google hangouts, etc. can use wireless – Wifi applications are rapidly evolving, e.g. T-mobile already support VoIP Continue to run existing amplifiers until complaints from carriers - not recommended by UCAR legal counsel – Have only received one complaint from AT&T to date and this was some time ago and related to an improperly installed server interfering with an amplification system – Could be stop-gap to buy us time once have a plan in place Build a cellular amplification system ourselves that is pre-approved by Verizon (minimize use of an integrator) – Would have to verify this is a lower cost All cases only support only one carrier