The Petroleum Registry of Alberta The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information Registry Information Session September 22, 2005
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Detailed Overview of Natural Gas Royalty Regime Annual Allowable Costs (AC1) filings to the Registry
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs: Agenda Overview AC1 –Set up –Edit –Operator Change –Queries –Reports Other Learning Tools
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta OVERVIEW
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs Overview The Registry will be available for AC1 submissions and querying on October 11, The DOE discontinued accepting paper submissions, effective September 15, This will allow the DOE to process all data to prepare for conversion. –See August, 2005 Gas Royalty Calculation Information Bulletin for more information. Business rules are unchanged. Current penalties for non-compliance are unchanged.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs Overview Registry screens for the AC1 are consistent with the look and feel of previous paper forms. Data contained in DOE systems is considered the ‘data of record’. A confirmed file will be sent to the Registry once the DOE has validated and confirmed the initial submission. Data input to the Registry can be performed online or by batch using xml or csv files. The Registry staff have been working closely with software vendors to ensure a smooth transition to Registry reporting.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs AC1 Process The FCC Operator completes an AC1 in the Registry to request a new FCC ID or to edit (change) an existing FCC. –Submissions can be completed by batch upload using a.csv or.xml file or by keying the information online. –For more information on batch uploads see Job Aid “GCA Upload Specifications” document in the Registry Training System.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs AC1 Process The Registry performs an initial validation of the submission, based on edits contained within the Registry. –All errors must be corrected prior to the file being sent to the DOE. –This record is saved in the Registry as an “Unconfirmed” record. –If the unconfirmed record is for a new FCC, you cannot edit or query the data until the confirmed record is received from the DOE. –If the unconfirmed record is for a change to an existing FCC, it can only be viewed on the AC1 Edit screen by the BA that submitted the record, but not queried. Once confirmed by the DOE, it can be queried.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs AC1 Process Once validated, the submission will be forwarded to the DOE for their validation and approval. –When the DOE accepts an AC1 request or change: the file is stored in the Registry as a “Confirmed” record and a notification is sent by to the operator. The operator can now edit or query the FCC. An owner listed in the AC1 can also query the FCC.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs AC1 Process –When the DOE rejects an AC1 request or change: The file is stored in the Registry as a “Rejected” record and a notification is sent by to the operator. A DOE rejection report will be sent to the Ministry Invoices and Statements area that will identify the reason for the rejection. This record is similar to an unconfirmed record, it can only be viewed on the AC1 Edit screen by the submitting BA.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs AC1 Timing Registry –Processing of submissions is completed in near real time. DOE –The DOE workflow response time for an AC1 Setup is 4 hours (e.g. if the request is submitted in the morning, a response will be received in the afternoon; if a request is submitted in the afternoon, a response will be received the following morning (of the next business day).
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs AC1 Timing –When editing an FCC, the DOE response will be received the next business day. The exception to this is during the DOE Gas Royalty Invoice cycle: –AC1 changes will continue to be processed by the Registry and submitted to DOE. However, these submissions will be held by the DOE until the invoice run is complete. –DOE Gas Royalty Invoice cycle refers to the specific activities surrounding the monthly generation of the Gas Royalty Crown Invoice. This generally encompasses the 16th to 23rd of each month (including non-business days), however can vary by 1-2 days, depending on the month.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs AC1 Demonstration –AC1 Setup –AC1 Edit Change Terminate/Unterminate –AC1 Query –Operator Change Request Accept/Decline (Concurrence) –FCC Queries Operator History Query –By FCC –By EUB Facility Owner History Query –By FCC –By EUB Facility
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs AC1 Setup
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta
Allowable Costs AC1 SETUP Holiday Gathering System AB GP
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta AB1050 AB1350 REGISTRY USER
Input screen for submission to Registry
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta
01002 Holiday Gas Plant Rose Compressor James Plant Facility James 5-10 Compressor Holiday Rose GGS
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Holiday Gas Plant Rose Compressor James Plant Facility James 5-10 Compressor Holiday Rose GGS
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta James Plant Facility James 5-10 Compressor Holiday Rose GGS Holiday Gas Plant Rose Compressor
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Holiday Gas Plant Rose Compressor
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta
Allowable Costs Accept/Decline FCC Operator Change
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta AB13 ALOHA OIL & GAS LTD.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta
We did not purchase this FCC
Allowable Costs Query Ownership History by EUB Facility
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta
0AB8 Stone Henge Energy Ltd
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Allowable Costs Query Operator History by EUB Facility
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta
Allowable Costs AC1 Reports Reports are not available at this time. Training Modules will be updated as they become available. When reports are available we will communicate through the Registry Website. An overview of these reports will be done at the next Q&A.
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta OTHER LEARNING TOOLS: Registry Training Modules: –8.0 Manage Allowable Costs (Knowledge) –8.1 Manage AC1: FCC Setup/change (Step by Step) –8.2 Manage FCC Operator Change (Step by Step) Registry Online Help Registry Tips & Alerts DOE Gas Royalty Information Bulletins DOE Gas Royalty Principles and Procedures CAPPA Conference Break-out Session (Nov 23, 2005) Allowable Costs
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta To gain access to Registry Training, please contact the Registry Service Desk:
The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Questions