4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting LAKE TRAVIS ELEMENTARY PTA General Meeting Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Lake Travis Elementary School Call to Order - 6:00 p.m.
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting MEETING AGENDA Welcome – Angela Frankhouser Call to Order – Melissa Nelson Confirmation of Quorum – Shelly Penner Pledge of Allegiance – Melissa Nelson Acceptance of Minutes from February 25, 2014 – Onie Gonzelez Report of the Treasurer – Katie DeRosia Report of the Executive Board – Melissa Nelson Report of the Vice Presidents – Membership – Lara Anton – Fundraising – Linda Briscoe Report of Standing Committees - Committee Chairpersons Nominations – Alison Blake Principal’s Report – Angela Frankhouser Announcements – Melissa Nelson Adjournment – Melissa Nelson
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES - Onie Gonzalez, Secretary Minutes of LTE PTA General Meeting –February 25, available on-line Motion –Motion required to approve the minutes of the Lake Travis Elementary PTA meeting held on February 25, –Second –Questions/Discussion –Vote All minutes are being posted on the web at for review lte.my-pta.org
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting TREASURER’S REPORT – Katie DeRosia CHECKING: $40, TOTAL INCOME – $ (Class Shirts, School Store, Spirit Night, Cookie Dough, Hospitality Donations, Painless Fundraiser, Membership, Carnival Sponsorship) TOTAL EXPENSES - $ (Grade Level Awards, Specialist Awards, Challenge Lab, 3 rd Grade Field Trip, Class Shirts, School Store, Hospitality, Office Supplies)
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD - Melissa Nelson, President Executive Board met on February 25 th, with quorum present.
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting Report of Vice President, Membership - Lara Anton Membership Drive Totals: –Total Members: 362 –Faculty/Staff Members: 100% Faculty, 85% Staff –Membership Cards have been distributed. Contact Lara Anton if you did not get one.
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF CARNIVAL CHAIR - Mondie McFaddin Carnival and Silent Auction – Saturday, April 12 th –VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! –Melissa Nelson is our Silent Auction Chair. She is still looking for auction items and packets are available here tonight also. –Last year the LTE Carnival and Silent Auction raised $22,000 profit. So, of course, this year we are shooting for more. We can’t do this without your support. Mrs. Frankhouser has big plans for the money we raise this year so please help out by sponsoring, donating an item, volunteering the day of the carnival, or coming and enjoying the day with your kids.
REPORT OF VICE PRESIDENT, FUNDRAISING - Linda Briscoe Spirit Night –3/19 at Mangieri’s 11:00 am – Close ** –4/23 at AllStar Burger 4:00 PM – Close 5/7 at P.Terry’s from 4:00 PM - Close 4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting
REPORT OF VICE PRESIDENT, FUNDRAISING - Linda Briscoe Box Tops, Randall’s, etc.. – Lisa Berneburg, Chair –We turned in a batch on March 1 st. –Currently we have raised $ for the year. WOW!!! –Box Tops will be collected through the end of the year. –And make sure that you save them over the summer. THANKS LISA FOR ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK!!!! 4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Volunteers – Janene Angulo –Total February hours: 568 –Total volunteer hours through February: 5200 –Please log your hours. –Volunteer of the Month for March – Mei Szeto –Staff of the Month for March – Matt Bowers –IMPORTANT: Log your hours!!! Please go to pta.org to log your volunteer hours or Janene Angulo –Nominations for Volunteer and Staff of the Month can be sent to Janene Angulo, Volunteer Chair
REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Volunteers – Ferree Rhodes Best Club Members – thru end of January 2013 –Alison Blake –Oneida Gonzalez –Michelle Dent –Tina Berrum –Ferree Rhodes –Melissa Nelson –Constanze Heitkoetter –Laura Guerrero –Loida Benitez 4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting
20 March 2012 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Communications – Kellie Carson and Paloma Rodriguez- Valencia – LTE PTA website is: Please REGISTER, so you get MEMBER ACCESS –Web-site currently has the following: Friday Feast Volunteer Sign Up Spring Carnival Sponsorship Packets and Silent Auction Packets Spring Carnival and Silent Auction Volunteer sign up will be posted soon
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Hospitality – Laura Guerrero –“Friday Feast” will be March 28 th and is hosted by First grade. We need your help to make this lunch a success!! –Please sign up tonight with Laura Guerrero (in the back of the room) or the website to bring an item.
REPORT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Bonnie Casey-Moore Career Days dates coming soon 5 March 2013 LTE General PTA Meeting
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Squire Booster Club – Ferree Rhodes –School Store – Constanze Heitkoetter, chair - Open every other Friday during the lunch hours, 11am-1pm! Contact Constanze, if you are interested in working at the school store on Friday! We have been really short on volunteers and the kids love this!! –Fridays are SPIRIT DAYS at LTE!! Wear your LTE shirts to show your school pride! LTE spirit wear t-shirts are still available in the school store.
REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Programs – Jennifer Wright Talent Show Info: –3/28 Applications are due by 3:00 p.m. (application on PTA Website) –4/29 –4/30 Auditions –5/2 Callbacks –5/7 Dress Rehearsal –5/10 Talent Show 4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting
2014 PTA NOMINATING COMMITTEE -Alison Blake 2014 Nominating Committee Alison Blake, Adrienne Booth, and Stephanie Pollard Haily May serves as the alternate and teacher representative. The Nominating Committee would like to present the following slate for the LTE PTA Board. 4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting
2014 PTA NOMINATING COMMITTEE -Alison Blake LTE Board: President – Janene Angulo Membership VP – Laura Guerrero Fundraising VP – Linda Briscoe Treasurer – Secretary – Oneida Gonzalez Vote: The general body will vote on April 8 th. 4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting
PTA OPEN POSITIONS Booster (School Store Chair and Class Shirt Chair) – we are looking for someone to fill these positions. If you are interested, please contact someone from the Nominating Committee. Volunteer Chair 4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF THE PRINCIPAL - Angela Frankhouser, Principal Updates THANK YOU to our 2014 LTE Carnival Sponsors: Nitro Swimming, Partners in Building, Gracie Barra, Becker Wright Consultants, Kid-E-Shack, Generous families of LTE, MAS Floral & Catering, HPI Real Estate Services & Inverstments, Lakeway AC & Heat, Beansprouts Pediatric, Grandview Custom Homes, Fine Line Commercial, Lake Hills Custom Homes, Assassin Pest Control and Hill Country Pediatric.
4 March 2014 LTE General PTA Meeting ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADJOURNMENT March: –3/10-14 – Spring Break –3/19 – Spirit Night at Mangeiri’s –3/20 – Kinder Roundup –3/28 – Friday Feast hosted by 1 st grade April: –4/9 – PTA General Meeting at 6:00 p.m. –4/12 – Spring Carnival and Silent Auction 2-6:00 PM –4/23 – Spirit Night at All Star Burger –4/26 – Friday Feast hosted by Kinder