The reluctant fundamentalist Granziera Margherita 5BLS The reluctant fundamentalist Mohsin hamid
About the novel 12 chapters It is a dramatic monologue the protagonist is the only voice speaking Protagonist Changez (a very brilliant Pakistani man from Lahore)
BIG QUESTION: “Why is the Fundamentalist reluctant?” “Fundamentalism” is a form of a religion (expecially Islam or Protestant Christianity) that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of Scripture. “Reluctant” means unwilling, not inclined, to take distance to something, when a person doesn’t feel doing something. About the novelist: Hamid is a very famous Pakistani novelist who lived in Canada. He wrote his novel in English for an American-English public. He wanted to transmit a message.
OBJECTIVES to identify the structure of the novel; to single out relevant intercultural themes; to select linguistic phrases, expressions and key words; words that foster intercultural analysis of the novel.
“Do not be frightened by my beard: I am a lover of America” 1st Chapter Main function: introduction of the characters Use of language: very formal language Narrative technique: right from the first chapter the novelist decides to silence the American point of view The first chapter sets the impressive points of the novel the interlocutor’s silence is a focal point of the narrative. Main themes: Changez’s American dream Stereotypes “Do not be frightened by my beard: I am a lover of America”
Main Characters The American he is never named, Hamid encourages us to put ourselves in his place. This pushes us to make subjective judgments about the novel; Erica she is Changez’s love interest from New York; she is a queenly girl for Changez; Chris is a character that never actually appears in the story, although he plays a significant role: he was Erica’s first and only love; he died from cancer. Jim he is Changez’s boss at Underwood Samson; Wainwright he is Changez’s colleague and friend at Underwood Samson.
2nd chapter Main themes: introduction of Erica’s character referring to attractive girls: differences between the female figure in America and Pakistan strong figure of the family in Pakistan introduction of the new setting (New York); new job difference between Changez and his American friends; difference between Pakistani and American thought.
3rd chapter Main themes: -introduction of life in New York; -his job at Underwood Sampson arts of economic fundamentalism (you are expected to make as much money as possible and as quickly as possible) -introduction of Jim and Wainwright.
4th chapter Main themes: Key words: Changez explores Manhattan with Erica, in New York he feels at home because he finds aspects that he likes; Erica’s father annoys Changez with stereotypical views on Pakistan corruption, dictatorship, … fundamentalism; Picnic lunch in Central Park; Introduction of Chris figure Erica describes trauamatic effect of Chris’s death on her. Key words: “Elegant but also casual”; “Cosmopolitan nature”. NY multicultural city
5th chapter Main themes: Changez goes to the Phillipines for valuation job of music company; Difference between America, Pakistan and Philippine the county has taken the American style of living; Changez acts like an American; Exchanges sporadic emails with Erica; Jim visits and complimenst Changez on work, shark-like qualities, outsider-reminds Changez of longings for his family’s past life a nostalgia that paralyses some of his family; World Trade Centre collapses Changez sees it on tv and ‘smiles’.
“We are America – not New York” 6th chapter Main themes: Attack on Twin Towers America on her knees; Post the attack New York in mourning, flowers and flags unbridled American patriotism: “We are America – not New York” Panic Erica looks “older”, haunted by Chris’s death and the attack she takes Changez to events with her but she is distant with people; After Chris’s death Erica can’t make love she tells to Changez more about Chris.
7th chapter Main themes: Pakistani cab drivers being assaulted, mosques being raided and muslims disappearing. Changez family in Pakistan unsettled- Afghanistan being bombed Crisis. Changez continues to focus on his job Jim encourages him to “focus on the fundamentals”; But Changez realise that Afghanistan is a friend and neighbour and fellow Muslim nation he is questioning his loyalties Doubts.
8th chapter Main themes: Changez is worried and angered by America’s “dangerous nostalgia”; Underwood Samson not perturbed by sorrows and continues to power forward in pursuit of business fundamentals; Almost attacked at his car by “Arab” haters and Changez is aggressive in his response “I had heard tales of discrimination Muslims were beginning to experience in the business world”
9th chapter Main themes: Changez recognises that he has changed he is more like an unsympathetic American but gradually understands the different beauty of his family house and homeland; Things are not too good in Pakistan Changez felt powerless, angry at the weakness of his country; He did not shave his beard link with his own culture; Changez is angry and preoccupied about everything (the job, America, Erica, Pakistan). Very strong family bond
“The situation in Pakistan continued to be precarious” 10th chapter Main themes: Trip to Chile; Chaagez can’t concentrate on the job, worried about Pakistan ; “The situation in Pakistan continued to be precarious” Jim tries to encourage Changez but he can’t focus and in the end he gives up and is sent back, in disgrace, to New York he takes distances to New York the city becames hostile, an enemy.
11th chapter Main themes: Changez is confused and troubled and a bit lost complexity of his conflicting emotions; Changez visits Erica but she has disappeared, lefta pile of clothes on a headland above the river; He decides to move back to Lahore he wants to leave New York and leave the job “I got fired”
12th Chapter Main themes: Changez leaves America and returns to Pakistan he starts to work as a university lecturer; He is increasingly opposed to American actions and he is surrounded by energetic young students who are interested in Pakistan’s future; He gets involved in demonstrations and meetings, receives official warnings, interviewed by international media, feels like Kurtz waiting for the assassin. (A fictional character and the main antagonist in Apocalypse Now)