Pan-Slavism: The Balkans, 1914 The “Powder Keg” of Europe Was a movement in the mid 19th century aimed at unity of all the Slavic peoples.
The “Spark”
Archduke Franz Ferdinand & His Family
The Assassination: Sarajevo
The Assassin: Gavrilo Princip Gavrilo Princip
Who’s To Blame?
Alliances Honored Austria-Hungary gives Serbia ultimatum. Germany backs Austria-Hungary Russia backs Serbia France backs Russia England backs France
Problem for Germany??
The Schlieffen Plan Having defeated France, Germany would then be able to concentrate her efforts on defeating the Russians in the east rather then having to fight on two fronts at once. In a European war, Germany would face France in the west and Russia in the east, and would need to defeat France within six weeks before Russia mobilized her troops. Schlieffen Plan Steps 1.Send troops to the Germany Russian border to keep Russia at bay. 2.Sweep through Belgium to France and encircle Paris. 3.Knock out France before Russia enters. Why take out Paris? Why take out Paris? French Capitol & Emotional Connection French Capitol & Emotional Connection To Russia 1 3 2
Battle of Marne- Western Front Schlieffen PlanSchlieffen Plan 1.Sweep through Belgium to France and encircle Paris –Knock out France before Russia enters 2. French capitol, emotional connection 3. Foretaste of what was to come= trench warfare3. Foretaste of what was to come= trench warfare
The Schlieffen Plan Stalemate Trench Warfare War of Attrition 1) Cut off Supply Lines 2) Kill All Enemies 1) Cut off Supply Lines 2) Kill All Enemies Last A Long Time Very Bloody