The Gilded Age Chapter 6 Section 3
The Gilded Age 1870-1900 Phrase coined by Mark Twain
Individualism Belief that anyone could be a great success if they worked hard enough Horatio Alger
Darwinism Theory of evolution The strong survive and reproduce, the weak do not Natural Selection
Opponents Christians opposed Darwinism Why?
Social Darwinism Survival of the fittest Herbert Spencer Combined Darwin’s theories and the Protestant Ethic
Gospel of Wealth Carnegie’s philosophy of giving back Philanthropy to help the poor better themselves
Realism Artists and Writers tried to portray the world realistically
“The Gross Clinic” By Thomas Eakins Why do you think this painting was controversial? (Collins writing: Type 1-three lines)
Mark Twain Realist author
From The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn “’Say, who is you? Whar is you? Dog my cats ef I didn’ hear sumf’n. Well, I know what I’s gwyne to do: I’s gwyne to set down here and listen tell I hears it agin.’” So he set down on the ground betwixt me and Tom. He leaned his back up against a tree, and stretched his legs out till one of the most touched one of mine. My nose begun to itch. It itched till the tears come into my eyes. But I dasn’t scratch. Then it begun to itch on the inside. Next I got to itching underneath. I didn’t know how I was going to set still. This miserableness went on as much as six or seven minutes; but it seemed a sight longer than that.”
Do Now Answer the following in complete sentences. Why do you think some people are opposed to tariffs (taxes on imports)? Why do some people support tariffs? Collins Writing Type 2
Popular Culture People had more disposable income Began to spend it on recreation and entertainment
The Saloon Free toilets, newspapers, water for horses Drinks, free lunch Served as political centers
Sports Baseball Football
Most Popular Spectator Sports
Vaudeville Entertainment with animal shows, skits and dancers Vaudeville act
Ragtime Music that started in cities’ red light districts Scott Joplin Maple Leaf Rag
Patronage giving government jobs to people who help a candidate get elected Spoils System-winning candidates deserved the spoils of victory
Civil Service system to replace the Spoils System jobs would be given to people based on merit
Rutherford B. Hayes Republican who Became President 1876 Wanted to do away with Spoils System Received no support from Congress
Republican Party Splits Stalwarts: want to keep Spoils System Halfbreeds: want reform, stay loyal to party Mugwumps: Republicans who leave to support reformers
James A. Garfield Republican elected in 1880 Wanted reform, gave patronage jobs to reformers Chester A. Arthur V.P. (Stalwart)
Garfield Assassinated July 2, 1881-Garfield shot in D.C. train station Charles Guiteau-assassin, Garfield turned him down for a job
Pendleton Act Arthur turned reformer, passed Pendleton Act in 1883
Grover Cleveland Democrat elected President in 1884 Pushed by Mugwumps to protect more jobs with civil service
Interstate Commerce Act Cleveland signed in 1887 Regulated Railroads and set up the Interstate Commerce Commission Rebates Long haul vs. short haul
Tariffs People wanted to lower tariffs to lower prices Cleveland lowered them some, but Republicans blocked most change
Benjamin Harrison Republican elected in 1888 Received money from industrialists who liked tariffs
McKinley Tariff Raised tariffs to their highest level ever Angered Americans Harrison lost in 1892
Sherman Anti-trust Act Passed in 1890 Tried to break up trusts, but was too weak and vaguely worded Mostly used against unions
Challenging Social Darwinism Henry George author Said Laissez faire was making society worse
Lester Frank Ward Wrote Dynamic Sociology 1883 Reform Darwinism: people had become successful because of cooperation not competition
Edward Bellamy Wrote Looking Backward A book about socialism
Naturalism A new form of literature that challenged Social Darwinism Some people failed because of the circumstances in their lives
The Social Gospel People can be saved through service to the poor Led to churches providing many community services
The Salvation Army Gave practical aid and religious counseling to the poor
YMCA Young Men’s Christian Association Bible studies, citizenship training, and group activities Also gave men a place to live
The Settlement House Movement Community centers in poor neighborhoods Medical care, kindergartens, English classes Hull House Opened in Chicago by Jane Addams in 1889
Public Education More educated workers were needed Schools Americanized children