Alexander the Great the Great ******************************** ******************************** Alexander the Great #31 Iliad Reading Due Friday Test.


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Presentation transcript:

Alexander the Great the Great ******************************** ******************************** Alexander the Great #31 Iliad Reading Due Friday Test and Notebook on Thrus. Sept. 29

Family: Father: Philip II, King of Macedonia Mother: Olympus Philip II divorced Olympus, remarried. Olympus wanted Alexander to be heir to the throne. Some believe Olympus hired the assassin who killed Philip II Olympus Philip II

Upbringing Tutored by Aristotle in philosophy, geography, biology, and medicine Later established extensive libraries that preserved the works of many famous authors (especially Socrates, Aristotle, etc) By age 18, Alexander had already been a commander of part of the Macedonian army in a minor battle.

Alexander begins to rule Alexander begins to rule Greece was weak after Peloponnesian War. Philip II conquered in 337 BCE. Philip II was assassinated in 336 BCE. Alexander became ruler.Greece was weak after Peloponnesian War. Philip II conquered in 337 BCE. Philip II was assassinated in 336 BCE. Alexander became ruler. Thebes rebelled (testing a new ruler), so Alexander destroyed their city and sold any survivors into slavery.Thebes rebelled (testing a new ruler), so Alexander destroyed their city and sold any survivors into slavery. Other cities were intimidated into obedience. Alexander wanted to continue his father’s plan of invading Persia.Other cities were intimidated into obedience. Alexander wanted to continue his father’s plan of invading Persia.

Persia and beyond Invasion into Asia Minor 334 BCE  Alexander wins Battle of Issus – 100,000+ Persians vs. 4,000 Macedonians Marched into Egypt – 332 BCE Peaceful takeover Founded city of Alexandria (one of many, but this was most famous) Mesopotamia Forces defeated 200,000 at Guagamela 200,000 at Guagamela

Persia Alexander’s army advanced unopposed into richest cities and heart of Persia Central Asia The army continued to fight its way across desert waste and mountains India Alexander’s army won a fierce battle with powerful Indian Army

ENOUGH! The Macedonian army fought for seven years and traveled 11,000 miles On the trip back, Alexander the Great caught a fever (probably malaria) and died in 323 BCE

LEGACY He had ruled for only 12 years, but had an enormous empire! Preservation of Greek knowledge in libraries, etc. Greek influence (art, trade, literature, theatre) went abroad – a new Culture arose – Hellenism No successor – when asked who should succeed him, Alexander replied, “the strongest.”