Disappointed Hopes Section 17.4 Left: sign says ‘colored waiting room’; right: Malcolm X points finger for emphasis Section 17.4
How did the Civil Rights Movement change in the mid 1960s? Right: “All Power to the People” lapel button; below: Olympic medalists give Black Power salute in 1968 at Mexico City Games Divided SNCC and other groups gave up on passive resistance and turned to violence Murder of civil rights workers and little progress “We shall Overrun” replaced “We shall Overcome” New call was for Black Power!
Describe the growth of Black Pride. Right: A dashiki; left: Black Panthers “Black is Beautiful”! Adopted natural “Afro” haircuts Dashikis (African shirts) A-A called themselves Black rather than Negro or Colored
What was the Black Separatism Movement? Call for Blacks to have own land in America or in Africa Supported by Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) Malcolm X Prominent spokesman for N.O.I. Supported using violence to combat white violence Malcolm softened views on separation after trip to Mecca Openly disagreed with N.O.I. Assassinated 2/1965 over clash with N.O.I. Above: pensive Malcolm X; below: X lies dead
Capture: clip shows dramatization of X’s murder Assassination of Malcolm X (Warning: may not be suitable for all audiences) Capture: clip shows dramatization of X’s murder
Eulogy for Malcolm X Capture from clip of X’s actual funeral
Who were the Black Panthers? Militant Black political party Influenced by Stokely Carmichael’s call for Black power Used symbol of Black Panther Used violence as means of self-defense Frightened and alienated white America Clockwise from upper right: Stokely Carmichael, Black Power at Olympics, paramilitary Panthers, a black panther as a logo
High Tide: How the Movement Split and Weakened Capture from clip about factions weakening civil rights movement
What happened at Watts on August 11, 1965? Routine police stop in poor section of LA erupted into major riot over 30 people were killed and over 1, 000 were injured Reflected the Urban Black frustration from poverty, unemployment, discrimination 4 thousand arrests 1 thousand buildings (businesses) destroyed (mostly white) 1st in series of riots (’65, ’66, ’67) 150 cities (incl. all major ones except Phila.) Above: black people torch their own LA neighborhood; white businessmen flee ‘
What triggered the riots? Life Magazine cover shows young black looter Kerner Report Government investigative committee Three Reasons: Frustrated hopes Encouragement of Violence Sense of powerlessness Report said America was becoming more separated
Or Does It Explode? Vivid capture shows raging fire burning out (probably white-owned) business
What happened to the Civil Rights Movement in the late 1960s? Lacked leadership King was assassinated in Memphis (April 4, 1968) Came to Memphis, Tn. to support sanitation workers Shot while on balcony of Lorraine Motel by racist James Earl Ray Public attention focused on Vietnam Below: Assassin of true conviction, James Earl Ray
Assassination of Dr. King Capture shows boat on a river: clip is on MLK assassination