After struggling for six years, Houdini catches his big break. Theater manager Martin Beck sees his handcuff act in St. Paul, and wires several days later: "You can open Omaha March 26 sixty dollars, will see act probably make you proposition for all next season." Within months, Beck has Houdini in demand at top vaudeville houses across the country. Houdini performed his underwater box escape in New York's East River before a huge crowd. "Scientific American" magazine pronounces it "one of the most remarkable tricks ever performed.“ Houdini debuted his famous Chinese Water Torture Cell escape at the Circus Busch in Berlin. Houdini made a splash with his widely publicized escape from the Washington, D.C. jail that once held Charles Guiteau, the assassin of President James A. Garfield.
1874- Enrich Weiss (Harry Houdini) was born in Budapest, Hungary 1895-The Houdini's first famous trick was one where they traded places inside a locked trunk. Harry also did tricks escaping from handcuffs Harry Houdini was locked in a Washington D.C. prison cell, but he escaped easily Houdini performs his underwater box escape Enhrich Weiss legally changes his name to enrich to harry Houdini Houdini dies from complications of independences
Houdini falsely claimed he was born in America Houdini had 5 siblings Houdini’s dad’s name is Mayer Samuel Weiss and who also a rabbi Houdini’s mom’s name is Cecilia Steiner Houdini didn’t have any children Houdini changed his name to Harry Houdini because of a French magician named Robert Houdin