Weekly Editing 4th Grade Q2
Week 1- Monday Has you got rhythm. George Gershwin, writer of the song "I got Rhythm," did! Known for wonder ful melody's like "Strike Up the Band," this american composer also wrote the opera Porgy and Bess. Born on September 26, 1898, in Brooklyn New York, George often collaborated with his older brother, Ira. After a success on Broadway, George move to California and rote material for famus performers like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
Day 2 In Korea, the celebration called Chusok happen during September or October. The date change from year to year. Chusok its a time when the people of Korea give thanks for the autumn harvest. On Chusok, many Koreans visit the graves of there ancestors and leaf food for them. "Moon cake," which made from rice chestnuts and other things is prepare the night before Chusok. Korean's dance, play, games, and exchange gift to mark the holiday.
Day 3 Ring! Ring! In September 1878, Emma M Nutt became the first female telephone operator. She took her post in boston, Massachusetts. She was pay just $3 per day for her werk. Emma must have injoyed her job. She continued to work as an operator for 33 year every time you here an operator say What city, please?" you should think of Emma Nutt.
Day 4 in September 1985, Dr. Robert Ballard made an amazing discovery! Seventy-five year after the ocean liner Titanic had sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean, ballard and his team founded the ships remains about 350 miles from newfoundland, canada. Nearly a year later, Ballard used a submersible craft named alvin and an underwater robot called Jason Jr. To explore the reck.
Week 2- Monday What do you know about Jesse James. Jesse was born in september of He and his brother formed a gang of outlaws that robed banks stores and stagecoaches. When all the other members was cot or killed in 1876, the brother's started a new gang. Six years later, Jesse was dead. Robert Ford, a member of the knew gang, killed Jesse and claimed a $10,000 reward. Storys of Jesses adventures were widely read at the time and are still told today.
Day 2 California become a state in September, Today it is the most populous state, with large citys like San francisco, San diego, and Los angeles. Only the states of Alaska and Texas are big in size than California. California, which borders the country of mexico, is often called "The Golden State." Do you know about Californias tallest and oldest citizens. The states redwood trees grow to be 370 feet tall and live more than 1,000 years.
Day 3 California become a state in September, Today it is the most populous state, with large citys like San francisco, San diego, and Los angeles. Only the states of Alaska and Texas are big in size than California. California, which borders the country of mexico, is often called "The Golden State." Do you know about Californias tallest and oldest citizens. The states redwood trees grow to be 370 feet tall and live more than 1,000 years.
Day 4 Have you read a book by Lemony Snicket! Lemony Snicket is not a real persons name. Its and imaginary name used by the author of the A Series of Unfortunate Events books. In those books, which were first published in Septemer of 1999, readers follow Violet Klaus, and Sunny as they attempt to protect their fortune from greedy count olaf. The identity of Lemony is secret. but he communicates thru his representative, Daniel Handler.
Week 3- Monday Haloween is a Holiday that many people observe on the last day of October every year Children and adult’s dress in costumes and go door to-door asking for candy. Some people hoste partys and serve Halloween treats such as caramel apples, pop corn, and cidar. Others celebrate by telling scary stories or watching spookey movies.
Day 2 Every october, people harvist pumpkins. they are used for many different thing. Some carve them into jack-o’-lanterns, while others bake deserts such as pie’s and breads. Pumpkin seeds can be a special treat when roasted The bigest pumpkin ever recorded waighed over 1,800 pounds. Thats as much as a car!
Day 3 Every october, people harvist pumpkins. they are used for many different thing. Some carve them into jack-o’-lanterns, while others bake deserts such as pie’s and breads. Pumpkin seeds can be a special treat when roasted The bigest pumpkin ever recorded waighed over 1,800 pounds. Thats as much as a car!
Day 4 October , is the day when the explorer Christopher Columbus arrive in the “New World.” He sailed from Spain and landing in what is now the Bahamas, near the U.S. state of florida. Because Columbus was Italan, many serve there favorite Italian foods on the holiday. many native Americans and West Indians also honor the nativ cultures Columbus found on his journey. How do you celebrate the day. -
Week 4- Monday Take time to enjoy some of the sights and activitie that come with the autumn seson. Have you ever picked apples at a orchard or jumped in a pile of leafs that have fallen from the trees. May be you have use a pumpkin, guord, or scarecrow to decorate your home. If the whether is starting to got colder where you live, try bundling up and going on a hike.
Day 2 President, Jimmy Carter grew up in the small town of Plains Georgia. No one could have predicted what his future hold when he was born on October 1, The death of his father brought Jimmy into the families farming business he became a community leader, then Georgia's governor, and, eventually, president of the United states. As president, Carter was nown as a piecemaker. Since then, he has build many homes for families in need.
Day 3 Each October, thousands in India gather to celebrate the live of Mahatma Gandhi. Born in Porbandar, India, on October , Gandhi receive world attention for his belief in peace ful protest. When he seen violence, he sometime stoped eating. That usuly made people think, and soon the violence would stop "You must be the change you wish to see in the world, Gandhi said. He was killed by an assassin at the age of 79.
Day 4 The first successful launch off a man-made satellite happened on October 4, 1957, That satellite, launched by the Soviet Union was named Sputnik I. The launch caused a renewed emphesis on the teaching of science in america. The satellite, which weighed 184 pound took off from the soviets' Tyuratam launch site. Though it was active for just 21 days, Sputnik I mark the beginning of the Space Age and exploration beyond planet earth.
Week 5- Monday Near Springfield, ohio, a great Native american leader, Tecumseh, was born in march As a leader of the shawnee Indians, tecumseh did not except treaties that had give Indian land to whites he was a powerful speaker who hoped all tribes would join together to save Indian lands. Though he wanted peace, Tecumseh did not ruleout the use of force. He lost his life in the War of He was shot by a bullet from an American's gun.
Day 2 Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "It is not fair to ask of other's what you are unwilling to do your self. Those are words she live by when her husband, Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president of the United States. As first lady, Eleanor work hard to improve life for underprivileged people of all creeds races, and nations. Each October 11 the anniversary of Eleanors birth, many people take time to remember the great woman she became.
Day 3 On October the cornerstone was laid for a building that is now the oldest in Washington D.C. Designed by irish architect James Hoban, this 100-room building is the home of the president and his family. The building was given the name "White House" about ten years after it's construction the White House was burned down by british troops in 1814, but it was rebuild with in three years.
Day 4 Dwight D Eisenhower was born in Denison Texas on October 14, He gain fame as a military leader during World War II and the Korean War. With the slogan "I like Ike," Eisenhower one a big victory in the presidential election of 1952 he was re- elected in While he was President, he work hard to gaining equal rights for black people. "There must be no second class citizens in this country, he wrote.
Week 6- Monday William Penn, was born in England on October A follower of the quaker religion, Penn dreamed of establishing a place where people would be free to worship in what ever way they wanted. He recieved the land he wished for from Englands King Charles II He settled that land as a colony called Pennsylvania. Penn traveled twice to Pensylvania but each time he had to return to England? He died in England in 1718.
Day 2 From the first day the peanuts comic strip appear in newspapers, the antics of Charlie Brown and his dog, snoopy had readers in stitches. Created by Charles M Schulz, the strip first appeared in October Other Peanuts characters included Linus Lucy and Sally. In the strip, when ever things went rong, Charlie's response was, Good grief!" When Schulz died in February 2000 many wondered if Charlie would ever kick a football.
Day 3 Thanksgiving is a american holiday that celebrate’s the pilgrims successful harvest. The pilgrims were thankful that they had survived in the New World. At the first Thanksgiving feast, people ate lobster, along with seal, swan, and dear meat. In modern times, we serve turkey diners, have familey gatherings, and watch foot ball games. Many also donate food to neighbors who dont have enough two eat. - See more at: thanksgiving.shtml#sthash.mIc6ECy6.dpuf
Day 4 Smoking cigarettes and using tobaco can cause heart disease and cancer Thats why the American Cancer Society encourages smokers to quit. A special event, The Great American Smokeout, happen on the third thursday of November. When people stops smoking, they become healthyer. in just a few weeks, their heart rates go back to normal, and there blood vessles and lungs start to work better.
Week 7- Monday Squanto, a member of the native American patuxet tribe, helped the Pilgrims servive after a hard winter in the New World. He showing them how to catch fish grow corn, and fertilize crop. He also worked to keep piece with other tribes. In fall 1621, the gratefull Pilgrims held a harvest celebration that we remember in November with the Thanks giving holiday
Day 2 Every November, stores offer special sales in the friday after Thanksgiving. the day is know as Black Friday because when busineses make a lot of monney, they call it “being in the black.” black Friday starts the holiday shoping season and is the time when many people bye gifts for friends an family.
Day 3 In 1919, president Woodrow Wilson proclamed November 11 Armistice Day to celebrate the end of, the fighting in World War I. Congress change the name of Armistice Day in 1954 in order to include American vetarans of all wars. Veterans Day honors our countrys military men an women for there willingness to help protect the United States Every year on this day, a national ceremony is held exact at 11 a.m.
Day 4 Author and illustrator Janell Cannon enjoys write storys about aminals that make people uncomfortable. Her first successful book Stellaluna told the tail of a bat whom befriends three baby birds. Cannon wanted her book to be like a mirror. "Anyone who looks into it will see their own story in they're own way" she said. Cannon works out of her california home, which she shares with a cat and a parrot. She was born on November 3, 1957.
Week 8- Monday On November 4, 1922 english archaeologist Howard Carter made one of the most important discoverys of modern times. While on an expedition to Egypt, Carter discovered the tomb of king Tutankhamen. King Tut had became Egypts ruler when he was 9 years old he died just a few years later. Discovered 3,000 years after Tuts's death, the tomb contained many priceless treasures that are now display in a Museum in the city of Cairo.
Day 2 Kay Thompson was born in St Louis, Missouri, on November "I was a stage-struck kid, she said "and I got out of St. Louis fast." In New York City, Thompson become a successfull dancer and singer. When she was late for a rehearsal one day, she apologize in the high-pitched voise of a 6-year-old. The character she create that day would soon become the character in a popular childrens book, Eloise.
Day 3 The Winter Solstice happens evry year on a day any where from december 20 to 23. The sun seems to stop moving, and it appear to rise and set in the same place. In fact, the word “solstice” comes from the latin words for “sun stand’s still.” In the Northern Hemispere, the Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year This event also means that the whether starts to get colder north of the earths equator.
Day 4 Earths axis is tilted, so as we orbit the Sun, the angle of the sunlight hitting our planet change’s through out the year. In December, people in the northern Hemisphere feel colder because they are tilted away form the Sun. at the same time, people in the Southern Hemispere are tilter toward the Sun, makeing it warmer in tat part of the world.
Week 9- Monday Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights is a celebration in the Jewish calender that ocurs ever year in December. Jews in ancient times beleived it was a miracle when a small amount of lamp oil lasted for eight days. Today, many celebrate the eight day of the festival by lighting candels in a special candlestick called a menorah. they all so give gifts and enjoy fryed foods such as jelly-filled doughnuts.
Day 2 Held from December 26 to January 1, Kwanzaa is an African- American holiday that were first celebrated in It's name come from words in the swahili language that mean "first fruits," and it honors the harvest celebrations of africa Among the symbol of Kwanzaa are a mat a candleholder and corn. The mat stands for tradition the candleholder stand for family roots and the corn stands for children and the future.
Day 3 Christmas is a winter holiday celebrated allover the world. Different countries and familys have meny traditions that came from several cultures over the years. People often give gifts sing song’s, feest with family and friends, or go to worship services. Christmas is also a time four helping others in need. Do you celebrate christmas or an other December holiday.
Day 4 Many people celebrate holidays like Chrismas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa by giving gifts. Gifts dont need to costs a lot. Some times the best gift is one you make yourself, such as a hand-knit sweater. Another nice gift might be shareing your time or tallents. Why not offer to babysit or cook a meal for a relative. The Holiday season are also a grate time to help your community. Try donating to a food bank or toy drive.