March: 1865 a plot is hatched to launch assassinations of Secretary of State William Seward, Vice President-Andrew Johnson, and President Lincoln. March 11, 1865: first attempt is called off. April 14, 1865: despite reporting to his bodyguard a dream of his assassination, Lincoln attends the play “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theatre. On this night two of the three assassination attempts are nearly completed. The assassin for Andrew Johnson chickens out and goes “salooning” all night. April 15, 1865: Lincoln dies at 7:22 AM TIMELINE OF EVENTS
Booth hoped to do this in honor of South and to avenge for the Civil War. What he didn’t know what was that he unleashed forces against the South during Reconstruction that only Lincoln could control. It can be said that the assassination of a powerful moderate president in Lincoln was the worst of all forces for the South. OUTCOME