7.23am: Oswald goes to work Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee at the Texas book depository building in Dallas, goes to work with Buell Wesley Frazier, a young worker there. Frazier asks about the long, paper- wrapped package in Oswald’s arms, to which Oswald says: “Oh, just some curtains.” 11.30am: Arrival in Dallas Air Force One lands at Love Field in Dallas and the disembarking President Kennedy and first lady Jacqueline Kennedy are met by the press and a crowd of Texans am: The motorcade The Kennedys join Texas governor John Connally, his wife, Nellie, in an open-air limousine. Vice-president Lyndon Johnson and his wife ride in another limo nearby. They start to travel the streets of Dallas, Texas. Noon: Downtown Dallas The motorcade heads for downtown Dallas, passing through crowds estimated at over 150,000 people. People are cheering, filming and taking photographs of Kennedy who waves to the crowd alongside his wife pm: Dealey plaza As the limo enters Dealey Plaza, Nellie Connally (The Texas governor’s wife who is in the limo) turned to the president and remarked, “Mr President, you can’t say Dallas doesn’t love you.” The crowds are cheering and Kennedy is waving and smiling pm: Assassination A bullet strikes the president in the back while he waves, followed by a second shot to the back of his head. Another shot severely wounds the governor. A man in the crowd, Abraham Zapruder, happens to film the sequence on his home-movie camera pm: Reaction, and Oswald departs Hearing what he initially thought to be a firecracker, secret service agent Clinton Hill sees the president recoil from the first shot. He runs from the follow-up car, but when he reaches the limousine the second shot hits the president, and the agent leaps aboard too late. Policeman Marrion Baker confronts Oswald in the depository cafeteria, but the building superintendent vouches for him. Oswald walks seven blocks, boards a city bus, and eventually gets into a cab at the bus depot. 1.15pm: Officer Tippit killed Police officer JD Tippit pulls up to Oswald in his car, after having heard of a suspect matching his description. After briefly speaking through an open window, Tippit stepped out of his car and was shot three times in the chest and once in the temple. Twelve people witnessed a man fleeing the scene, and six later identified Oswald in police lineups. 1pm: Parkland hospital Doctors are unable to save the president, who arrived ‘at the point of death’. One says: ‘We never had any hope of saving his life.’ A Catholic priest administered last rites and the first lady reportedly held her husband’s hand and placed one of her rings onto his finger. 1pm: Oswald's flight Oswald walks back to his house, changes his jacket there for one more lightly coloured, and heads back into the street. 1.22pm: On the sixth floor Police find a rifle behind a stack of books in the room from which the assassin fired. 1.30pm: Texas Theatre Hearing sirens, Oswald ducks into the Texas Theatre without paying, and takes a seat for the movie War is Hell. Police receive a tip from the area about a suspicious man matching their description for Tippit’s murderer. 1.45pm: Oswald arrested Fifteen police officers surround the movie theater, and four officers are needed to subdue Oswald inside. At 1.51pm police report him in custody. 2pm: Evidence Dallas police’s tests on his fingers confirm that Oswald recently fired a gun. Oswald’s wife later confirms that the rifle found in the depository belongs to her husband. 2.30pm: Questioning Interrogated for almost 12 hours, Oswald denies throughout that he had anything to do with either murder. He eventually stops answering all questions. Timeline of Events 23 rd November 1963