Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church Reflections from the Diocese of Newcastle Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission
Your Experiences: what are the key components of your diocese’s vision? how are they evidenced in your local parish?
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission The Newcastle Story
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission evolving......a work in progress
Diocesan Strategic Directions Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission
Understanding Vision the task of the leader
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Understanding Vision the task of the leader the case for change
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Understanding Vision the task of the leader the case for change the substance
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Understanding Vision the task of the leader the case for change the substance the authority
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change from pastoral to missional
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change key components inspiration
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change key components education
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change key components experience
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change key components equipping of personnel
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change key components permission giving
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change key components authority
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change key components understanding the context
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change key components instability
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Cultural Change key components naming ‘inevitability thinking’
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Team-shaped Vision essentials bishop’s ministry team
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Team-shaped Vision essentials ministry teams in parishes
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Team-shaped Vision essentials external consultants
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Team-shaped Vision essentials focusing on equipping
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Team-shaped Vision essentials diocesan learning days
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Team-shaped Vision essentials newcastle school of theology for ministry
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Team-shaped Vision essentials diocesan entities
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Integrity staying on track diocesan leadership practising the vision
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Integrity staying on track remaining focused on the local ‘if it’s not happening in the congregation......it’s not happening’
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Integrity staying on track being honest when things aren’t working not being afraid to stop......and learn from our mistakes
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Integrity staying on track doing a few things, and doing them well
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Integrity staying on track being realistic about what is possible
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Integrity staying on track not being afraid to learn from others
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Integrity staying on track the necessity of theological formation and ongoing theological reflection
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Integrity staying on track listening to the local context
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Being Single-minded not getting side-tracked continuous focus harmony of message staying on message
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Permission Giving abraham as a model of faith
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Our Current Practice in the diocese of newcastle becoming ministering communities in mission
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Our Current Practice in the diocese of newcastle focusing on missional communities
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Our Current Practice in the diocese of newcastle resourcing size transitions
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission Achievements where we are on the journey
Encouraging the DNA of a Missional Church developing strategic pathways for local mission