Community Connecting
What does it mean Making friends Meeting people Joining in, belonging Finding out about the local area People choosing what they want to do People deciding when they want to do it Getting the right support Having someone to contact if anything changes FPLD report
Why did we do it? We had a Learning Disability Partnership Board workshop that told us how important friendships and relationships are We wanted to help people make new friends in their own community We wanted to give people more choice about activities We wanted everyone to be part of their local community, to be involved, not just ‘visiting’ We wanted people leaving Day Services to have the same feeling of security and support
Who are we? We have 12 Community Connect staff Helen in Tamworth, Chris in Lichfield, Theresa in East Staffs Julia in Cannock, Tina in Stafford and Des in South Staffs Lisa in Newcastle and Anita in the Moorlands Anna also works in the Moorlands, Sally in Newcastle and Stafford, Ronnie in Burton, Lichfield and Tamworth and Dawn in Cannock and South Staffs
Community Mapping Colleges Volunteer Bureau Leisure Centres Social Groups Luncheon Clubs Bingo Evening classes Voluntary work Walking groups Zumba Keep Fit Theatre Art, music, drama Cinema Pubs Cafe’s Shops Gym Church Restaurants Disco/ Club Dating Agency!!!
We also... Visit community venues Talk to staff, shopkeepers, employers about people with a learning disability Suggest ways in which their activities or venues could be adapted if needed Talk to people about setting up new activities Look at transport in each area, try to work out the best ways of getting about Link in with District Councils e.g leisure and transport
We have… Mapped each district to show what’s available Linked in with Purple Pages but also created accessible information Organised a marketplace event in each district to bring providers together Worked on Day Service modernisation, meeting with carers, attending local and County Council meetings including the Scrutiny Committee Worked with CVS and local partnership groups to make sure People with LD are represented
We have…. Worked with a number of providers to develop their service – Staffordshire Venture, Aspire, New Directions, Able Buddies, Friends to Friends, Scrap Barn, Elite, Greenwood crafts, Landau, Choices – we give advice, support networking and signpost people. We don’t recommend, give opinions or direct to specific providers. We also work with commissioners and support providers to develop into other districts where needed Worked with leisure centres and Sport England to develop changing places, sensory rooms, rebound therapy and Boccia sessions
Work with Young people 170 young people over the last 2 years Link into schools, colleges, youth clubs, G8way and other young peoples services Attend SPAN (Staffordshire Parents Network) and SUN (Staffordshire Umberella Network) meetings across the County – both groups aimed at carers of younger people Link into Independent travel trainers.
Work in Districts Two pilot projects around Brokerage with DCL’s Moorlands – looking at developing PA network as a Social Enterprise and activity co-ordination Cannock – working with Wigan Leisure to develop Well Active scheme Working in other districts with in house staff to develop Community based activities and support servicers – signpost, give advice, connect to the right people
Employment in Staffordshire
Employment Strategy We had a workshop in January 2011 Explored the concerns were around Employment People – wanted to work and be paid found Job Centres hard were worried about benefits said voluntary work was important
Employment Strategy wanted lots of different types of work wanted help with interviews and application forms said travel and transport is a problem said support at work is important said new skills and qualifications is important
So we….. We included all the comments and ideas in the strategy We talked to the Partnership Board We showed the strategy to lots of different people such as Job Centre Plus, Mencap, Landau, Education, Locality Boards We made the changes that were suggested We re- tendered the employment support contract to fit in with what people said
What the strategy says... We have eight priorities...
1.Providing Information Raise awareness – visit schools, Colleges, Day Services, user groups, locality boards, Social work teams, carers groups, community groups, libraries, voluntary services. Ensure information is provided in accessible format, some we make ourselves, some is on the internet Support employers – eg Autism awareness training in Asda and at Burton hospital radio Employers information pack in Staffordshire Moorlands
2.Consultation and Conversation Find out what kind of jobs people want. – we work with individuals, we use person centred tools, we match the work to the individual Raise expectations – help everyone to believe that they can do paid work! Transition fair, careers evenings, presentations, work with employers Work in schools with 6 th formers eg Two Rivers in Tamworth
3.Development We have developed a training course, we also signpost to other training organisations such as Landau and Mencap. National Careers Service offer free support with CV’s and interview techniques. Promote employment and training opportunities to young people. Enable young people with learning disabilities to undertake work training and work experience placements whilst in school/colleges - we are working with several schools Developed a buddy system that employers can use
4.Employment Opportunities Increase employment opportunities – Develop volunteering/work taster placements as part of a planned route way into paid employment. Identify and develop opportunities for the use of personal budgets for employment support, this is part of the new contract we have developed Encourage local businesses to develop employment opportunities. – we are working with District Commissioning Leads eg in Moorlands
5.Partnership Working Develop coordinated partnership working between all agencies. – continuously working to show all the employment support in each area – avoid duplication We are linking in with Universal Employment Services in each district Coordinate and support people to access Job Centre Plus – we work closely with most Disability Employment Advisors in Job Centres. We are linking in with Job Clubs across the County We work closely with Mencap and Landau and now Linkage but also link in with other organisations
6.Enterprise Find out about good practice in other areas Provide advice and support for people seeking self-employment. Encourage and support the development of new Social Enterprises and micro-enterprise.
7.Money Develop knowledge in relation to Disability Employment Support – regular updates from DWP Ensure that people seeking employment are able to access specialist benefit advice services. – we always check someone will be better off Highlight the financial benefits attainable for people working 16 hours or more.
8.Data Make sure we know how many people are in paid work. – We have around 130 that we are aware of… Increase the numbers each year!! 2010 – 5.4% 2011 – 5.7% 2012 – 7% Indicators have changed – we need to be clear what we are counting!!
Who are we? We have four Employment Development Officers. Their job is to make sure we do what the strategy says...monitored by the Partnership Board Employment sub group Sharon works in Tamworth and East Staffs Lisa works in Cannock and South Staffs Toni works in Newcastle and the Moorlands Barbara works in Stafford and Lichfield
NAME Referral Received, Book appointment /inform social worker or refer What is achievable - do a skills match Barriers: Benefits,housing, support Other Agency support e.g. JCP, Bromford, Advocacy Complete action plan. Other agency support: Remploy Making spaces Job Clubs Mencap National careers Service Develop Skills : College Work placements voluntary work Job clubs Open door WORK READY Job searches, Work experience, Employability sessions, Job clubs PAID WORK Access to work
Eligibility We work with people who have a learning disability or autism and who are eligible for Social Care support However… We also work on the preventative agenda So… Will meet and signpost people who aren’t eligible as long as they have a learning disability. Currently looking at this……