Patient online communications December 2014
National support Events in Leeds, Manchester and Newcastle Guidance available on NHS England website including: – Getting ready checklist – Posters to display in practices – Leaflets for patients – Examples of signage – Case studies Patient online forum
National support
Posters to display in practices
National support Leaflet for patients
National support Signage for screens in practices
National support Case studies
National support Patient Online Community The Patient Online Community is our programme’s online hub. It is a private and secure online environment that allows us to communicate, collaborate and share information with our stakeholders in real-time. If you would like to join please
Local support Communications pack produced to help support GP practices implement patient online and inform patients about what is available to them. You don’t need to have communications skills to use the tools available in the pack, you can always contact us if you need any advice. You can also work together with colleagues in other practices to share ideas or produce pull up banners etc.
Local support Resources in communications pack for practices Syndicated articles for practices to use on their website and in newsletters including versions for: – General public – Mother and baby groups – People with long term conditions. I.e. asthma, diabetes, COPD, ect – When the practice reaches a landmark number of patients who have registered
Local support Social media - does your GP practice have a Facebook or Twitter account that can be used to support this social media campaign? Twitter - #patientonline, example tweets: – Need a doctors appointment? You can now do this online on your own GP practice website #patientonline – Need a repeat prescription? You can now do this online on your own GP practice website #patientonline – Winter is on it’s way, remember you can order your repeat prescriptions online on your GP practice website #patientonline
Local support News release produced for practices to send out at their convenience to inform patients the services which are available Teleconference/Webex can be organised early next year for any practice managers/GPs who would find it useful to discuss how each other are progressing Promotional day/week of activity in GP practices to promote patient online/give demonstrations of how it works and what is available
Timetable Communications pack available to practices – now Articles, social media, news release sent out by practices – over next few months Promotional day/week in GP practices – over next few months Teleconference/Webex – early 2015 (if required) Register for patient online forum - now
Questions/feedback Are there any other materials or support you would find useful? Do you have any feedback on the materials in the resource pack? Any questions?
Contacts Angela Clark, Communications Officer, NME Communications Services, or Chloe Watson, Programme Communications Manager, NHS England, or