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Presentation transcript:


Care and disadvantage in adult life Studies have consistently shown approx. 20% of homeless people have been in care Experience before care has usually involved neglect & poor parenting Young people in care & care leavers experience a range of disadvantages, e.g. education, teenage pregnancy, poor emotional well being, despite some excellent care

Leaving Home and Leaving Care Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000 ensured greater support to age of 18 Foster care network point out average of leaving home is 24; difficult step to make Staying Put schemes enable young people to stay in foster care up to the age of 21 where they have ‘established familial relationships’ Other provisions to bridge gap, e.g. housing support during university holidays

Professionals on Care Leavers and Independent Living Lack of informal social networks or friends who are coping well with independent living Attachment issues Difficult to see relevance of preparation, but need to be independent at a younger age Get a second chance, but often a different second chance Different forms of financial support available

Implementing a New Approach in Newcastle European peer review recommendation to examine the pathway to independence from care and create transitions panels Measure taken was to introduce greater housing element into Pathways Plan RAG assessment (red, amber, green) Funding obtained for staff to work intensively with those assessed as red, eventual aim to inform ‘mainstream’ commissioning

Young person’s evaluation of the RAG system (pre-introduction) Positive to identify people who might have issues with housing Useful basis of discussion of (for example) why someone had gone from green to amber Could also give positive feedback when someone moved the other way

Staff evaluation of the RAG system (pre- introduction) All felt it would be easier to identify potential problems, and involved housing staff/providers at an early stage Would prevent unrealistic options being taken Might facilitate thinking about a wider range of options Would lead to discussions with young person of where progress needed to be made

Views of the Managers – RAG System (post-introduction) Crucial that the system amended existing care planning to incorporate housing need Some young people moving into independent accommodation although RAG assessment red Not ideal but RAG rating could be improved ‘in situ’ Project has been able to work with young people with complex needs with few unplanned moves

Views of the Managers – Joint Working Historical strength in Newcastle Crucial that services understand each other Two workers, from two different housing providers, are both able to be part of 16+ team Social workers appreciate housing background Workers can work more holistically rather than just at pressure points Young people from care rarely approach homeless section or go into emergency accommodation

Views of the Young People Project worker as more effective alternative: “Just good at explaining and going through things properly. Whereas some people you find don’t go through things properly. They just read what’s on the paper instead of what it actually means, or explain it a little bit where you don’t understand it.”

Views of The Young People (2) Project workers as supplement to other professionals: “I’m surprised [project worker] and my social worker aren’t just stressed out, because I’ve changed my mind that many times... assuring me that it’s not going to be as bad as what I think, I’m not going to be left by myself to do everything. Like they’re going to be there beside me when I need them, and gradually let me get on with it.”

Conclusion Project has sought to tackle a very longstanding difficulty At an early stage but evidence to date is positive Highlights the need for very intensive support in some cases – funding for two extra workers crucial Importance of effective joint working between agencies