South West Experience
How we went about Different Perspectives Findings Questions But first …………………..
Transparent baseline of existing performance for 18 Acute hospitals across NHS South West Find existing best practice to share Create partnership capacity, awareness and improvement action
Co-production at the centre of the process Joint PCT / SHA initiative Project management to plan and co-ordinate Steering Group Development of self assessment tool Briefing events – communications –web site 18 review- 2 month period involved – 2/3 reviews peer week Review teams 8-10 people (over 100 involved) Visits - whole day and evening meeting Individual site reports Action plans and regional report
Learning Disability Champion Family carer Adult Social Care Independent provider Third Sector LINk Commissioning Lead Clinician Director of Nursing Learning Disability Nurse Allied Health Professional
Listen to people with learning disability and carers Respect role of the carer and their knowledge Staff to know about the Mental Capacity act Cut the jargon and medic speak Communication skills – impact on eating, drinking, pain – basic care People with a learning disability and carers need to be paid to develop and deliver training Avoid tunnel vision (focusing on own speciality) Reasonable adjustments captured documented (systems)
Independent Co Chair of Cornwall’s Learning Disability Partnership Chair of Cornwall People First Previously an Advocacy Development Project Officer for Cornwall Member of the Steering Group for South West Acute Hospital Reviews Completed several reviews Participated in a number of follow on events both regionally and nationally. Passion about co-production, communication and personalisation
More Co-production - Nothing about us – without us Champions on each ward / shift Liaison nurse is just 1 st step People with a learning disability paid to develop and deliver training Clear communication, letter in easy read format picture of who I am going to see easy read map.
Good planning – stick to it Different communication methods for different people. Person centred approach - Understand my network of support Health passports in all hospitals used by all staff Access to easy read material - benefits everyone (children, trauma, literacy problems)
Issues apply to all patients - a litmus test Evidence for commissioners, better quality and productivity Strong local relationships have been formed Transparent action plan with LiNKs, Partnership Boards and CQC Can extend to other local services learning to share locally and nationally
Liaison Nurse 8/18 trust have one – impact was significant Access to easy read information as templates was most under developed area - medication, treatments and procedures Flagging – no consistent ways to identify and remember Fundamental care –scored well Capacity, Consent & Safeguarding – 67% actively addressing this 97% Trusts had reasonable adjustments action plan in place
More than 50 examples of best practice - EVERY hospital had examples Liaison Nursing with top level support Leadership to improve Accessible information Flagging systems Check how you are doing and improving Involving people and their families