Moving towards a culture of digital professionalism to encourage involvement in open educational resources Helen Blanchett JISC Netskills Newcastle University
Digital professionalism To be a digital professional every member of staff who contributes to curriculum delivery, in both NHS and academic settings should be able to identify, model and understand professional behaviour in the digital environment. CC-BY Official US Navy Imagery
Digital professionalism in the curriculum? Digital professionalism: how we present and manage presence in the digital environment and how that presence relates to professionalism in the curriculum Professionalism in Tomorrow’s Doctors: No reference to professionalism online: implicit? explicit in your curriculum?
Information/resources increasingly easy to find Blurring of personal and professional identities online Increasing need to manage issues of disclosure Changing public expectations Misunderstandings of digital spaces Consequence Permanence Lack of understanding of copyright and licencing in online environments
Principle #1: establish and sustain an on online professional presence that befits your responsibilities while representing your interests. Be selective in which channels and places you establish a profile.
Principle #2: use privacy controls to manage more personal parts of your online profile and do not make public anything that you would not be comfortable defending as professionally appropriate in a court of law
Principle #3: think carefully and critically about how what you say or do will be perceived by others and act with appropriate restraint
Principle #4: think carefully & critically about how what you say or do reflects on others (individuals & organisations) and act with appropriate restraint
Principle #5: think carefully and critically about how what you say or do will be perceived in years to come; consider every action online as permanent By Michael Deschenes (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsWikimedia Commons
Principle #6: be aware of the potential for attack or impersonation, know how to protect your online reputation and what steps to take when it is under threat Ellaway, 2010
Principle #7: an online community is still a community and you are still a professional
Information literacy “Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner” Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP)
Digital literacy “digital literacy defines those capabilities which fit an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society”
“learners' information literacies are relatively weak but learners have little awareness of the problem” (Beetham et al 2009)
“many medical students seem unaware of or unconcerned with the possible ramifications of sharing personal information in publicly available online profiles even though such information could affect their professional lives” (Ferdig et al, 2008)
“most learners are still strongly led by tutors and course practices: tutor skills and confidence with technology are therefore critical to learners' development” (Beetham et al, 2009)
Manage risk by adopting good practice Know how to find appropriately licenced content Use the most openly licenced content wherever possible Attribute 3 rd party material Explicitly attribute your own work with disclaimer and licence as openly as possible Pass on good practice to peers and students
Make hidden curricula explicit Digital professionalism Academic practice Information & digital literacies Who takes responsibility?
References Beetham, H., L. McGill, et al. (2009). Thriving in the 21st century: Learning Literacies for the Digital Age. Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonian University/JISC. Online at Chretien, K. C., S. R. Greysen, et al. (2009). "Online Posting of Unprofessional Content by Medical Students." JAMA 302(12): pp Ellaway, R. (2010). "eMedical Teacher # 38: Digital Professionalism." Medical Teacher 32(8): pp705–707. Farnan, J. M., J. A. M. Paro, et al. (2009). "The Relationship Status of Digital Media and Professionalism: It’s Complicated " Academic Medicine 84(11): pp Ferdig, R. E., K. Dawson, et al. (2008). "Medical students’ and residents’ use of online social networking tools: Implications for teaching professionalism in medical education." First Monday 13(9). Online at Thompson, L. A., K. Dawson, et al. (2008). "The Intersection of Online Social Networking with Medical Professionalism." J Gen Intern Med 23(7): p Mostaghimi,A., Crotty, B.H., “Professionalism in the digital age” Annals of Internal Medicine 19 Apr 2011;154(8):
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