More Skill, More Fun, Fewer Injuries Summer Campaign 2011
Do’s Get in shape. Anybody can play, but you’ll have more fun if you can run to chase down other players and the ball. The higher your running fitness level, the more energy you’ll have during a game. Make sure your cleats and shin guards fit. Learn how to slide tackle correctly. This maneuver is perfectly legal, but if you do it wrong, you can get hurt. Stay hydrated, and don’t wait until you feel thirsty.
Do’s Try to avoid ankle injuries. Sometimes when two people are in the box, fighting for the ball, their legs get tangled up and ankles are at risk. Tape your ankles. Not everyone does, but many players who do have never had an ankle injury. Shin guards are a must. Sportsmanship is important—loss of temper leads to loss of control, which can lead to needless injuries.
Don’ts Don’t over-exert without warming up. Pulled muscles and cramps are common in soccer. My team warms up before practice or a match, and we cool down after, as well. Try not to play on fields that are in bad shape. Holes, rocks and uncut grass all increase the chances of getting hurt. If you haven’t been playing for a while, don’t try to get back to full speed immediately. Progress gradually—do some aerobics, lift some weights, and work on your agility. Thanks to DC1(SW) Dorian Spencer, lead enlisted safety rep aboard USS Mahan