KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOCCER CHALLENGE Eligibility The Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge is open to boys and girls 9 to 14 years of age. Age eligibility will be determined by the age of September 1 Contestant should be prepared to show proof of age at the Council Competition.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOCCER CHALLENGE Competition Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge is a Competition designed for players to demonstrate the most basic soccer skill...The Penalty Kick. Each player will take 15 shots at the goal from a Penalty Line 12 yards from the goal at the Council Level and 25 shots at the District, Area and State Levels. The goal is divided into a series of five scoring zones. There are separate competitions for boys and girls in each individual age group. The contestant with the highest score after taking his/her required number of kicks will be declared the winner in his and her age group. Tie breakers will be used to determine winners if necessary.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOCCER CHALLENGE Materials Needed For a Soccer Challenge Deadline to order Soccer Challenge Kits from Supreme is August 15, 2015 but earlier is better (Use Form SC-KIT) At Least two (2) regulation size soccer goals Both #4 and #5 size soccer balls Refer to the guidebook for the outline of which ages use which ball Field chalk or spray paint to mark foul lines String to mark the scoring areas on each goal Clipboards & pencils At least four (4) volunteers to man each goal Promoting Soccer Challenges Advertise in local church & council bulletins Display promotional posters in local schools Promote event through local soccer leagues Promote event through local youth groups, Scouting groups and CCD Programs Promote in local media sources, such as newspapers, TV and radio stations Contact schools to explain the program and try to obtain permission to conduct the program through PE Classes
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOCCER CHALLENGE Program Deadlines August 15, 2014 – Deadline for councils to order soccer challenge kit from Supreme September 30, 2014 – Deadline for councils to complete the council level competition October 12, 2014 – Deadline for Districts to complete the district level competition October 31, 2014 – Deadline to complete the diocesan level competition November 16, State Soccer Challenge at the Burbank Soccer Complex in Baton Rouge December 15, 2014 – Deadline for councils to submit Soccer Challenge Participation Form 4567 to Supreme AND the State Youth Director Awards The 1 st place winners at the district level receive medallions and the 1 st place winners at the diocesan and state levels will each receive a trophy. The prizes given at the council level competition are at the discretion of the local council.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOCCER CHALLENGE For More Information: Supreme Website- There is a guidebook in the kit from Supreme that will aid you in conducting the program. Contact Your State Youth Director: Darryl J. Barrios (Home) (Cell)