TONIGHT’S GOALS 1. Introduce the Board and Coaches 2. Purposes and Goals of the Program 3. Important Dates 4. Cost to Participate 5. Sponsorship Program 6. Meet the Coaches
HHS Panther Soccer Booster Club Volunteer Board Of Directors Dee Petcher GIRLS COORDINATOR Carmen Thompson/Jennifer Jordan VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Julie Waugh CONCESSIONS Suzanne Erickson EQUIPMNENT MANAGER Jim Meehan REFEREE COORDINATOR Les Chafin JV SUPERCUP Dee Petcher GIRLS COORDINATOR Carmen Thompson/Jennifer Jordan VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Julie Waugh CONCESSIONS Suzanne Erickson EQUIPMNENT MANAGER Jim Meehan REFEREE COORDINATOR Les Chafin JV SUPERCUP
The Purposes For Which The Program Is Established Are...
“...Provide Eligible Players An Opportunity To Play At The Highest Level Of Soccer Competition Based On Recognized Skill And Desire Of The Individual Player And Family Support Group.” Boy’s Junior Varsity Coach Tom Hawke Boy’s Junior Varsity Coach Tom Hawke Girl’s Junior Varsity Coach Rodge Maxwell Girl’s Junior Varsity Coach Rodge Maxwell
Important Dates Kick-off Meeting: Fall Evaluations: Spring Tryouts: Administration Day: Matches Begin: JV Supercup: State Playoffs Begin: Final Four: Awards Banquet: November 19, 2013 December 9 – 14, 2013 – please check with your coordinator, dates differ January 20-22, 2014 February 1, 2014 February 10, 2014 March 7-9, 2014 April 26, 2014 May 9-10, 2014 May 13, 2014 Players must have a current physical and complete all required forms before participating in any training. All forms can be found on the website -
Cost To Participate $1000 Plus HHS Baseball HHS Volleyball HHS Cheerleading $1000 Plus HHS Baseball HHS Volleyball HHS Cheerleading Varsity Boys and Girls DescriptionJunior Varsity Boys and Girls $575.00Player Fees$ $75.00Practice Kit$75.00 $650.00Total w/o 7 th period soccer $ $ th Period Soccer – Fall Semester $50.00 $700.00Total w/7 th period soccer $600.00
HHS Panther Soccer Booster Club 2014 Budget: $100,000
HHS Panther Soccer Sponsorship Program 2014 Sponsor LevelDonationPlayer Credit* Panther Pride$ $ Panther Spirit$ $ Red and Blue$600.00$ Supporter$300.00$ *Credits can be used to offset all required costs! (player fee, practice kit, 7th period PE)