Update on Training Rural People in Zimbabwe A team from Silicon Valley has just returned from Zimbabwe after training 22 rural people to can mangos, produce mango jam and mango chutney. They are now ready to preserve the guava crop that will soon be ripening.
2014 Pilot Training Guava Jelly No canning jars were available, so guava jelly was made using drinking glasses and candle wax for sealing
2015, Shipping a Pallet of Canning Jars Ordain Hove, a leader from the rural area is seen here supervising the shipment of 1050 canning jars from Cape Town, South Africa to Mberengwa, Zimbabwe.
The Pallet Was Transported 2,000 Miles by Truck From South Africa to Zimbabwe Cape Town, South Africa Mberengwa Zimbabwe Bulawayo
2015 Production Training Mango Products Twenty two trainees used the canning jars to bottle mangos and make mango jam and mango chutney.
Each Day the Women Brought Mangos and Firewood
Ripe Mangos Ready For Processing
Jo Ann Blum Getting The Training Started
Checking that the syrup is ready
Stainless Steel Cookers and Special Grips Were Used for The Processing
Mango Chutney The mango chutney was an outstanding success and was used immediately on the food.
Lunch With Mango Chutney
Ordain Hove, The Key Zimbabwean Contact Ordain works in Cape Town most of the year. He is in close contact by cell phone and iPad with Mike Blum in Silicon Valley
Playing With a New Toy
Back from school and working with the new art supplies.
A boy made this ball so that he could play soccer.
Happy to have a real soccer ball
The women enjoying the soccer ball. They would like to start a net ball (similar to basket ball) team.