Development and validation of methods for integrated assessment of ecological status of rivers and lakes to support RBMP Lake macrophytes Oslo, June 2010 UWM:Hanna Ciecierska Joanna Ruszczyńska Jan Dziedzic Piotr Dynowski IEP: Agnieszka Kolada NIVA: Marit Mjelde Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund
Lakes of Wel river catchment: 1. Dąbrowa Wielka 2. Dąbrowa Mała 3. Kiełpińskie 4. Rumian 5. Lidzbarskie 6. Wlecz 7. Hartowieckie 8. Tarczyńskie 9. Grądy 10. Zarybinek 11. Zwiniarz 12. Neliwa stratified polymictic Study area
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund To perform field survey of macrophytes in lakes of Wel river catchemnt by different surveyors and using different methods – COMPLETED To test and validatie different macrophyte methods used in Poland and European countries in lake ecological status assessment – RUNNING To test and validate the applicability of different macrophyte metrics describing taxonomic composition and abundance in lake ecological status assessment – RUNNING To estimate an uncertainty and risk of misclassification in lake assessment based on macrophytes concerning different surveyours and different methods – PLANNED FALL 2010 (after the WISER meeting in Dębe in September 2010) To combine macrophyte-based assessment with assessment based on other biological elements, physico-chemical parameters and hydromorphology Aims:
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Methods: Method: Dąbrow a Wlk. Dąbrow a Mała Rumi an Zarybi- nek Tarczy nskie Grądy Lidzba rskie Kiełpin -skie Hartow ieckie ZwiniarzNeliwaWlecz ESMI_trans XXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXXXX ESMI_sp XXX X XXXXXXXX ESMI_map XXXXX XX XXXXXX ESMI_sigma X XXXXXXXXXXX M MP XXXXXXX XXXX AMCI XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX WISER XXX MATRIX OF SURVEY METHODS AND NUMBER OF SURVEYORS PER LAKE
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund All survey data compiled in EXCEL tables acc. to a common template (available: Database
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Metrics: For all the lakes several mactophyte metrics calculated: TAX. COMPOSITION METRICS: Simpson Diversity Index (D) Shannon Diversity Index (H) No of communities/species (S) No/area of sensitive species No/area of alien species Glyceria index ABUNDANCE METRICS: Colonisation index (Z) Max colonisation depth %phytolittoral area Proportion of: Characeans elodeids nymphaeids helophytes ASSESSMENT SYSTEMS: ESMI – Polish national method (Ciecierska et al. 2006) RI – German national method (Schaumburg et al. 2005) WSE M – alternative method (Kolada 2008) TIc – Norwegian method (Mjelde 2008) AMCI – American method (Nichols et al. 2000)
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund All metrics calculated compiled in EXCEL tables and Access common database (available: Database
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund POLISH METHOD ESMI vs ALTERNATIVE METHOD WSE M NON-STRATIFIED LAKESSTRATIFIED LAKES Method comparison
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund NON-STRATIFIED LAKESSTRATIFIED LAKES Method comparison
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund NON-STRATIFIED LAKESSTRATIFIED LAKES POLISH METHOD ESMI vs GERMAN METHOD RI Method comparison
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund To test the pressure-biota relationships the set of the data from Wel catchment (12 lakes) is too limited! The use of external dataset is necessary!!! Macrophyte dataset extended with additional data from routine monitoring survey: lakes surveyed in , mainly 2008; lakes situated within a 100 km radius from the centre of Wel catchment area; only transect method; environmental data collected April-June-August Database completed with 25 additional lake-years: 15 stratified 10 non-stratified Metric testing
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Preliminary metric testing: 37 lake-years: - 21 stratified - 16 non-stratified TP used as pressure proxy limited set of metrics: - ESMI - H - Hmax - Z - Zmax all data log- transformed Metric testing
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Macrophyte metricR2R2 RpRegresion equation STRATIFIED LAKES (n=21) ESMI0,28-0,530,0130y = -0, , *x Shannon diversity index (H)ns Max diversity index (Hmax)0,21-0,460,0345y = 0, , *x Colonisation index (Z)0,28-0,530,0170y = -0, , *x Max colonisation depth (Zmax)0,46-0,680,0007y = -0, , *x R 2 =0,28 R 2 =0,46 Metric testing
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Macrophyte metricR2R2 RpRegresion equation NON-STRATIFIED LAKES (n=16) ESMIns Shannon diversity index (H)0,24-0,490,05y = 0, , *x Max diversity index (Hmax)ns Colonisation index (Z)ns Max colonisation depth (Zmax)ns R 2 =0,24 Metric testing
NORWEGIAN INDEX TIc Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Metric testing
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Next steps To calculate the remaining/any other macrophyte metrics on extended datase (the use of the complete national monitoring database - app. 150 lakes - is still considered) - JULY 2010 To test all the metrics against pressure gradient, mainly TP but other alternative variables will be also considered (e.g. TN in shallow lakes) – JULY/AUGUST 2010 To select the best responding mascrophyte metrics – AUGUST 2010 To test the uncertainty of assessment and the risk of misclassification of existing macrophyte methods and metrics tested – AUTUMN 2010 (preferably after the uncertainty workshop with Ralph Clarke and Michael Dunbar during the WISER mid-term meeting in September 2010)
Thank you for your attention !!! Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund