U10 D LEAGUE PROJECT A presentation by Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc
GOLDEN AGE OF LEARNING During the Learn to Train stage (Females ages 8 to 11, Males ages 9 to 12) children should be converting their Fundamental Movement Skills into Fundamental Sport Skills. This stage is referred as “The Golden Age of Learning” for specific sport skills. (From Canadian Soccer Association’s Long Term Player Development)
GOLDEN AGE OF LEARNING This stage is widely viewed as the optimal stage of trainability. In addition to the continued technical and physical development of the player, the decision making skills on/off the ball are starting to occur. Coaches can introduce basic tactical behaviour to the game. It is at this stage when mini soccer Community Associations and/or youth soccer Zones can start to offer enhanced development opportunities and programming for those players who seek more playing opportunities, strive for higher goals, and show more interest and aptitude for the game.
CURRENT PROGRAMMING Currently children within the ages of 8 to 12 are able to choose from the following in Saskatoon to further their soccer skills: Community Under-10 League with one game per week organized by SYSI, emphasis on fun no referees or game scores, and one practice per week organized by a volunteer coach (generally a parent) from their team. Zone Under-12 League with one game per week organized by SYSI, including referees and game scores tracked, and one to two practices per week organized by a minimally certified volunteer coach from their Zone. Typically Under-10 players who are seeking further challenges and growth opportunities play up in Under-12 soccer. Zone Mini Development Programs (Shooting Stars, FUNino’s, TD Soccer, Other) Academies – currently not involved in SYSI programming (Astra, Whitecaps)
CURRENT CHALLENGES “One size fits all” approach. CAs struggle finding coaches (and convincing them) to get certified (at no cost). Teams depend on coach time/ability to schedule more (or less) or no practices. LTPD training ratio not followed. Parent Education. Some players not receiving proper instruction as per their interests. CSA has introduced a Multi Level Model, incorporating a High Performance Stream, leading to Provincial and National Team Participation. Players who do not received adequate training in the fundamental soccer skills will find it very difficult to participate in High Performance Programs.
U10 Developmental (D) LEAGUE Training overseen by Zone/Affiliate Member Technical Director with a paid coach with advanced certification. Proper Periodization with 2:1 (3:1) practice/game ratio. Designed for players that are more serious about soccer and may want to eventually be a part of the High Performance Stream Participants register with Community Association (CA) opting for regular SYSI League or SYSI D League. CA communicates with Zone and forwards registration funds for U10D-League to zones except CA membership fee Zones register the team in the U10 D League.
CAN ONE APPROACH WORK FOR EVERYONE? Players have different aptitudes, levels of interest, and love for the game. Players have different goals and different needs.
SOCCER IS ALL ABOUT THE KIDS We MUST provide additional opportunities and choices in programming for all kids to be the best THEY want to be.
We appreciate your support as soccer moves forward!