A suffix is a letter or letters added to the end of a word that changes its meaning.
Words ending in ly normally tell how or how often something is done.
1nervousnervously 2tighttightly 3quickquickly 4realreally 5barebarely 6eagereagerly 7hardhardly 8awfulawfully 9cheerfulcheerfully 10certaincertainly
My First Plane Ride to Richmond. It was summer time and we were going to visit my grandmother in Richmond, Virginia. This was my first plane ride. As my sister and I waited to take off, my heart beat (nervous) _______________________________. The plane raced down the runway. I held (tight) _______________________________to my sister. I could not believe how (quick) _______________________________ we were moving! After take off, I (real) _______________________________ was glad that it wasn’t too cloudy to see the tiny cars below. By the time lunch was served, I was (bare) _____________________ nervous anymore. I stared out the window so (eager) _______________________________that I (hard) ___________________________ ate. Just when I thought I beat my fear of flying, the ride got (awful) ________________________________ bumpy. The pilot said (cheerful) _____________________________________ that it was nothing to worry about. I’m (certain) ____________________________________ glad that it was a smooth landing!
slowly tightly hardly quickly cheerfully 1. The old woman walked __________________ down the corridor. 2. He was so sick that he could ______________________ eat. 3. The baby held on her mother _____________________. 4. The host greeted the guest ______________________________. 5. The goalie dived __________________________ to block the goal.