portfolio sms-games Take a look at our innovative mobile entertainment content! Version: 14 August, 2002 portfolio SMS-games
battleship SMS Battleship Game type Arcade Single- or Multiplayer Single- and Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The player is the captain of a fleet that is involved in a battle with another fleet. Each player commands two ships. Each of the game’s turns is based on two steps: First, the players must position their battleships in the battlefield, then they can fire. The battlefield is a 5x5 table and the ships are symbolized by 2 squares. Each player „fires“ (sends) four coordinates and after that he receives the battlefield, information on the opponent’s shots and information about his ships (if they have been hit or destroyed by the enemy's shots). Depending on whether he wins/loses, the score of won/lost battles is updated. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - CPU places the battleships randomly - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
bingo SMS Bingo Game type Casino Single- or Multiplayer Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay This is a classic game of Bingo. Three players are required; each selects a number. Updates on the draw are made every 10 seconds. As soon as a player has all their numbers drawn, a winner is declared by SMS message. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - time between the drawings is flexible - the numbers are randomly drawn - the amount of numbers for bet is flexible - unlimited number of players per game - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server
blackjack SMS Blackjack Game type Casino Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay Like in a classic Vegas blackjack game, at the beginning the player must place a bet (ranging from 1 to his current cash). He receives two cards, then he can choose if he wants to get another card or not. The game is over when the player decides that he doesn’t want to pick up another card, or when his cards add up to over 21. He wins if he has more points than his opponent, the server. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - the cards are randomly chosen - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
codebreaker SMS Codebreaker Game type Puzzle Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The player must break a 4 symbol code. There are 6 different symbols. Each time the player guesses, he is told how many symbols he guessed in the correct place, and how many symbols he guessed in the other places. The game is over when the player has worked out the right combination. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - random code for each game - counting of attempts - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
fourth SMS Fourth Game type Puzzle Single- or Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay This game can be played either against the computer or against a human opponent. The game is set in a 6X9 table. The first player places his "X" in the table, then the second player (or the CPU) places his "0". Each player must send the row to which his piece will be added. It will be added on top of the last piece in the column. Winner is who has four pieces in a row. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - popular choice - multiplayer game against human or CPU - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
goldfinder SMS Goldfinder Game type Strategy Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The player must guess the location of the treasure which is buried somewhere deep in the woods. For each guess the player gets the number of steps to the treasure. Each spot where the player digs is marked on the map. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - random location of the treasure - 5x5 field - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
golf SMS Golf Game type Sport Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The player must put the ball into the hole. In order to do so, there are three kinds of clubs: light, medium and heavy. Also to be taken into consideration is the weather: wind and rain are possible. The playing field is a matrix of 7x7 on which obstacles are placed randomly. They can consist of blocks or water. The player must enter the power of his shot, the direction (X and Y coordinates) and the type of club (1,2 or 3) used to reach the hole. Next page
SMS Golf Game type Sport Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Continued... Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - randomly placed holes and obstacles - random rebound when a block is hit - three clubs with different characteristics - wind and rain may affect power or/and direction of shot - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
guessit SMS Guessit Game type Basic Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The player tries to guess the number that has been randomly chosen by the computer. The player knows the range of the possible value (by default ). He guesses numbers, and the computer responds if they are lower or greater than the one to be guessed. The game is over when the correct number has been guessed. The player can also see the number of attempts it took him. The score is updated taking the most current number of attempts into account. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - the number to be guessed is randomly chosen - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
hangman SMS Hangman Game type Words Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The game is very much like the classic hangman game. The player can choose either a word category or play random ones. He then must buy letters until he’s out of cash or he guesses the word. Each round’s bet is random (generated by the server engine) and he either loses by entering a letter the word doesn’t contain or he wins the amount at stake multiplied by the number of times the letter appears in the word. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - words are randomly chosen from a database - different languages available - word categories or words in one category may be added at any time - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
jump SMS Jump Game type Arcade Single- or Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay This is a multiplayer game that can be played either against a human opponent or the CPU. Each player has 4 pieces which are placed at the beginning and the end of a line consisting of 12 squares. Each player must reach the opposite end of the line with his pieces. He can do so by jumping one or more pieces (regardless if they’re his or not), e.g. moving his piece 2 or more squares or by simply moving the piece one square. If a player is blocked (that is he cannot move) he loses. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - basic response messages from the player - multiplayer game against human opponent or CPU - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - Players can quit the game at any time
lowest number SMS Lowest Number Game type Psychological/Probabilistic Single- or Multiplayer Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay Players send their numbers through during a day long session. The smallest number greater than zero sent that has not been sent more than once that day wins. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - a player cannot send to same number twice during a day long round - instructions sent by the players are basic and simple, as are the server responses - player can quit the game at any time.
penalty shooting SMS Penalty Shooting Game type Sports Single- or Multiplayer Single and Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The game is a simulation of penalty shooting in soccer. The player sends his directions, first as the shooter and then as the goalkeeper. There are three possible positions to shoot or defend: left, center and right. The player must send five directions to shoot as the shooter followed by his five options as the goalkeeper. If you shoot in the same direction where the keeper is, you won’t score any goals. For example, if in the first round you shoot to the left and your opponent defends center or right there will be a goal. The final score is the number of goals you and your opponent each scored against each other. If the player wants to see the game rounds in detail, he can enter that he chooses to do so at the end of the game. Next page
SMS Penalty Shooting Game type Sports Single- or Multiplayer Single and Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Continued... Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - multiple shots/defends in a single message - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
poker SMS Poker Game type Casino Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay This is a classic Video Poker game. At the start of each round, a player places a bet to a maximum amount of his total number of tokens. Once the cards are drawn, a card is chosen and held. A Jack or better ensures a win, and the tokens collected as proceeds add to the total accumulated winnings. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - a popular, well known game - standard five card poker - instructions sent by the players are basic and simple, as are the server responses - player can quit the game at any time
quiz SMS Quiz Game type Trivia Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The player must answer questions of 5 levels of difficulty. Each level has a certain number of questions. If the player makes it to level 5, he wins. Each question can have more than one correct answer. The questions are presented to the player, and he must choose the correct answer. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - random questions for each level - random number of correct answers (1 or 2) - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
racing SMS Racing Game type Sports Single- or Multiplayer Single and Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The game is a race simulation. The player can race with 2 more players or against the computer. During the game the player can stop at a pitstop to fill up with gas. The car is controlled by sending the speed. Points won in each race are added to the season’s total score. The player gets 2 points if he finishes alone and 1 point if he passes the finish line while someone else, or if all other players have finished already. Next page
SMS Racing Game type Sports Single- or Multiplayer Single and Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Continued... Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - random length of race - random locations of pitstops - random number of pitstops - if a player is out of the race (e.g. out of fuel) the race continues with the remaining players - season standings - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
slotmachine SMS Slotmachine Game type Casino Single- or Multiplayer Singleplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay This is a strait forward Slot Machine game. At the start of each round, a player places a bet to a maximum amount of his total number of tokens. Once the reel is spun, the player chooses which reel(s) to hold. Tokens collected as winnings add to the total accumulated tokens. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - popular, classic game - all reels are randomly spun - instructions sent by the players are basic and simple, as are the server responses - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - player can quit the game at any time
sticks SMS Sticks Game type Puzzle Single- or Multiplayer Single and Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The game can be played by two players (the second one may be another human player or the CPU). If the player chooses to play against the CPU he can choose the level of difficulty (easy, medium or difficult). In the initial state, the game has 4 rows and 17 sticks distributed as follows: row sticks, row sticks, row sticks and row sticks. The player can take any number of sticks (greater than 1) but from one row only. A player loses if there is only one stick left on the table when it’s his turn to move. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - three levels of artificial intelligence - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
tanks SMS Tanks Game type Arcade Single- or Multiplayer Single and Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The player is the commander of a tank that is involved in a battle with another tank. In each round the players can fire or move their tank, if it’s not too heavily damaged. In each round the wind comes from randomly selected directions and affects the players’ shots. The tank’s energy represents the power of his shots, and it’s decreased when the tank is hit. Each player controls the shots he fires by shooting in a certain angle. The game is over when one tank hits the other’s tank turret. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - random wind in each round - easy control of the tank - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
teamfight SMS Teamfight Game type Arcade Single- or Multiplayer Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay There are two teams: “Red” and “Blue”. The game begins with 2, 3 or 4 players per game. Each one has 5 attack points. They enter the number of attack points they want to send. The rest to 5 points is added up to the team’s bonus points, the team winning more rounds in a battle wins the game. When a new round begins, the team’s bonus score is increased by the number of points won. Each player has 5 attack points again, but now he may use a maximum 4 points from the team bonus. The game is over when one of the players leaves the game or has left for more than 24 hours since the game began. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - players can choose type of game (2, 3 or 4 players per team) - basic response messages from the player - prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - player can quit the game any time
ten SMS Ten Game type Casino Single- or Multiplayer Single player Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay Players send up to ten numbers per day-long sessions. Once the server controlled session is over (24 hour cycle), the server randomly generates 10 numbers. Points are earned for each matching numbers between the player ’ s own submission and the set generated by the server. At the end of ten rounds (ten day-long sessions), scores are compiled for each player, and a winner is announced. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - áll numbers are randomly selected - the session duration can be customized - instructions sent by the players are basic and simple, as are the server responses - player can quit the game at any time
tictactoe SMS TicTacToe Game type Puzzle Single- or Multiplayer Single and Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The game is a classic version of the TicTacToe game, and it has a 3x3 table. It can be played either against the computer or against human opponent. Each player must send the coordinates of his move and they will see the «table». Who has three pieces in a row wins. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - 3 levels (easy, medium or difficult) for the CPU - Popular choice - Basic response messages from the player - Simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - Players can quit the game at any time
vote SMS Vote Game type Basic Single- or Multiplayer Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay The game is built after the charts system. Players send their preferences and according to the points obtained, the chart is rebuilt. A player can vote only for one category of chart during one day. Any player can request the top 10 of the chart at any time. Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - other categories of charts can be added at any time - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
wordcircle SMS Wordcircle Game type Words Single- or Multiplayer Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Detailed description of the game / Scenario / Gameplay This is a multi-player only game and can be played by 2 or 3 players. The players must send their letter into the round. Or, if they know the final answer they can also send the whole sentence. If the answer is incorrect, the server will only get the first letter. After a player sent his option the next player will receive a message with all the information on the current state of the game, including the amount of money the other users have got. The game ends when the entire sentence is completed. If a player leaves the game early, the remaining players play until the game is finished. Next page
SMS Wordcircle Game type Words Single- or Multiplayer Multiplayer Date of availability Available now portfolio SMS-games Continued... Key Features of the game Benefits for the customer - sentences are randomly chosen - other sentences can be added at any time - basic response messages from the player - simple prompts and comprehensive messages from the server - players can quit the game at any time
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