A. Support for key statutory services Grants ProgrammesFunding CategoriesCriteria 2. Youth Work Chart of Grant Programmes, Funding Categories and Priority Services Appendix v The Early Childhood Services funding category is for those services that provide sustainable, high quality early years education, childcare, play and related activities for children 0-14 years which support or complement the City Council's priorities for children. The Youth Work funding category is for those services that provide high quality programmes for year olds, and meet the identified needs of local young people in line with the Council’s Youth Service Plan and National Transforming Youth Work agenda. The Health and Social Care funding category is for those services that provide high quality, user focussed projects and activities which promote health and physical well-being, and support people to live independently as possible in their homes and the community. The eight criteria within the General Grants Programme are based on the Westminster City Plan and applicant organisations must address at least one under this grant programme. 3. Health & Social Care B. General Grants C. Small Grants The eight criteria within the Small Grants Programme are based on the Westminster City Plan and applicant organisations must address at least one under this grant programme. 4. For grants of £10,001 or more 5. For grants of £10,000 or less See page 2 for the criteria See page 3 for the criteria See page 4 for the criteria 1. Early Childhood Services 1
A. Support for key statutory services Grants ProgrammesFunding CategoriesPriority will be given to services or activities that: 2. Youth Work The Youth Work funding category is for those services that provide high quality programmes for year olds, and meet the identified needs of local young people in line with the Council’s Youth Service Plan and National Transforming Youth Work agenda. Chart of Grant Programmes, Funding Categories and Priority Services Appendix v 1. Early Childhood Services The Early Childhood Services funding category is for those services that provide sustainable, high quality early years education, childcare, play and related activities for children 0-14 years which support or complement the City Council's priorities for children. 1.1 Demonstrate a sound quality assurance programme which includes: Clear service aims; Continued professional development of staff; Provision of a responsive service through consultation with children and their families; Monitoring and evaluation. 1.2 Address the needs of disadvantaged families and those parents wishing to return to employment through the provision of: Affordable childcare places; Advice to parents that promotes the take up of benefits and tax credits; An approach that supports the sustainability of the service. 1.3 Provide an inclusive, stimulating environment that supports all children’s development, including children with disabilities and children with special educational needs. 1.4 Support the development of integrated early years provision, childcare, health and family support, that link with the Children Centre model. 1.5 Demonstrate partnership work that delivers a family-friendly, child and community-orientated service. 2.1 Support the Westminster Youth Service’s Mission Statement and curriculum framework. 2.2 Work with the age group, including any priority groups of young people. 2.4 Offer accreditation opportunities, consistent with the Council’s Local Public Service Agreement target. 2.3 Support provision at times requested by young people. This includes: Directly after school; Evenings – with the exception of specialist activities like sailing or canoeing, evening provision should be in the later part the evening, reflecting the age range of the client group; Weekends; In school holidays. 2
A. Support for key statutory services Grants ProgrammesFunding Categories Priority will be given to services or projects that meet one or more of the following criteria: Chart of Grant Programmes, Funding Categories and Priority Services Appendix v 3. Health and Social Care The Health and Social Care funding category is for those services that provide high quality, user focussed projects and activities which promote health and physical well-being, and support people to live as independently as possible in their homes and the community. 3.1 Support flexible, non-building based day and leisure services. The Council is particularly interested in developing these services so that they appeal to women and to our local BME communities as they are reflected in a number of service user groups: people with learning disabilities; people with physical disabilities; people with mental health problems; and people with substance misuse problems. 3.2 Promote the health and physical well-being of our service users and are able to show a demonstrable health impact. 3.3 Demonstrate successful and innovative routes into sustainable employment for service users. 3.4 Demonstrate creative ways of improving the lives of people with long-term physical conditions, for example: neurological disease, brain or spinal injury. The Council is interested in projects that are able to show their relevance to the National Service Framework for Long Term Conditions currently being developed by the Department of Health at a local level with direct impact for our service users. 3.5 Address the needs of service users with mental health problems suffering from early onset psychosis. The Council is particularly interested in ideas that support a shared approach with both local authorities and health authorities in the development of these services. For Older People:For Mental Health, Physical Disabilities, Learning Disabilities and Substance Misuse Services 3.6 Support the take-up of treatment by service users with substance misuse problems in the criminal justice system and that contribute to community safety. 3.7 Enable people to have a voice in service planning and development by developing advocacy services. 3.8 Provide practical services to older people with low levels of support need in order to maintain independence. 3.9 Help prevent hospital admission and ensure effective rehabilitation for people discharged from hospital Enable people to have a voice in service planning and development by developing advocacy services. For Housing Related Services: 3.11 Support the Council in our delivery of both our homeless and Rough Sleeping strategies Enable people to have a voice in service planning and development by developing advocacy services. 3 For Children and Families Services 3.13 Improve parenting and family functioning to reduce the incidence of children entering the looked after system or being placed on the Child Protection register Services which make early interventions with vulnerable families to promote effective parenting, increase access to mainstream services and improve family functioning.
B. General Grants (of £10,001 or more) Grants ProgrammesThe service or activity must demonstrate how it meets at least one of the following eight criteria: 4.1 Promote and provide opportunities for children or young people to develop in a way that suits them through informal educational, sporting, cultural or recreational activities. Chart of Grant Programmes, Funding Categories and Priority Services Appendix v 4.2 Promote and provide opportunities for adults to learn and develop at every stage of their lives and in a way that suits them through informal educational, cultural or recreational activities. 4.3 Improve the quality of life for individuals and local communities by tackling anti-social behaviour and providing diversionary activities. 4.4 Provide high quality information and advice services to Westminster residents so that they are empowered to make choices regarding issues which affect them. 4.5 Protect those at risk of significant harm and support vulnerable individuals and families to live independently in the community. 4.6 Improve health by encouraging greater involvement and participation by individuals, groups and communities in the promotion of all aspects of good health. 4.7 Increase the sustainability and independence of individual voluntary and community organisations and/or the voluntary sector as a whole. 4.8 Support and enable effective partnership and joint working with the Council and other stakeholders on behalf of Westminster residents. C. Small Grants (of £10,000 or less) 5.1 Promote and provide opportunities for children or young people to develop in a way that suits them through informal educational, sporting, cultural or recreational activities. 5.2 Promote and provide opportunities for adults to learn and develop at every stage of their lives and in a way that suits them through informal educational, cultural or recreational activities. 5.3 Improve the quality of life for individuals and local communities by tackling anti-social behaviour and providing diversionary activities. 5.4 Provide high quality information and advice services to Westminster residents so that they are empowered to make choices regarding issues which affect them. 5.5 Protect those at risk of significant harm and support vulnerable individuals and families to live independently in the community. 5.6 Improve health by encouraging greater involvement and participation by individuals, groups and communities in the promotion of all aspects of good health. 5.7 Increase the sustainability and independence of individual voluntary and community organisations and/or the voluntary sector as a whole. 5.8 Support and enable effective partnership and joint working with the Council and other stakeholders on behalf of Westminster residents. 4