Group 4 extended Essays An Introduction
A Group 4 Extended Essay can be successful As Percentages Group Number ABCDE
What makes a Good Science Extended essay? A good research question which allows you to design and carry out an experiment. An experiment which generates enough data for meaningful statistical analysis
Animal Experimentation Guide Designing any experiment that inflicts harm(including stress) or pain on any animal is PROHIBITED Designing any experiment that involves an exchange of bodily fluids (that includes saliva) is PROHIBITED Any experiment involving humans must be with their written permission Any Experiment involving microorganisms must avoid incubation at or near human body temperature
Structure of the Essay Title page Abstract Contents page Introduction Investigation/body (development/methods/results) Conclusion References and bibliography Appendices (Raw data should be here)
Length of the Essay The essay should not exceed 4000 words. The word limit does not include: the abstract acknowledgments the contents page maps, charts, diagrams, annotated illustrations and tables equations, formulas and calculations citations/references (whether parenthetical or numbered) footnotes or endnotes the bibliography appendices
Science Specific Overview There are separate sections for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Systems, Sport Exercise & Health Science and Design Technology within the EE guide Read the appropriate section very carefully. There is good advice concerning the Research Question
Assessment Criteria Read all of the Assessment Criteria carefully alongside the Subject Specific information
A:Research Question You need a Science specific research question (ensure that it is specific to your Science subject) Include the independent variable(s) Include specifically the dependent variable Include the name of any organisms and chemicals involved in your investigation Be Specific and clear State your Research Question clearly (underlined or bold) at the beginning of your introduction.
B: Introduction Context - Clearly explain the scientific theory behind the Research Question. Include citations. This is background information/hypothesis. Significance - What are you trying to understand better? Worth - Why is this worth investigating? What is the value of this research
C: Investigation How well have you planned your investigation? Include: An explained hypothesis An explanation of how all variable are controlled A list of materials (which can be included in a cited appendix) A clear method which collects enough meaningful data. You should be able to use the data for producing graphs with standard deviation error bars, and statistical analysis such as t-test, Anova To get the top marks, you need to develop an interesting method, rather than modify a standard procedure. Additionally I suggest that you include information on a trial experiment to determine suitable variations of the independent variable, and to confirm that you can collect data.
D: Knowledge and Understanding Academic Context - compare your data to data from other investigations in this field with citations (in the conclusion). Knowledge It must be clear that you understand the information within your essay and that your provide citations. Avoid jargon, if jargon must be used ensure that it is explained.
E: Reasoned Argument Avoid investigating too many independent variables - one or two is best. Ensure the argument is presented as: Introduction of the problem Experimental procedure Present Data (Raw data can be in a cited appendix) Present graphs/statistical analysis Analyse your data and compare it to literature Conclusion Refer to the Research Question at all stages of the EE
F: Analytical and evaluative skills I Raw data must be presented (but if large amounts are generated should be in an appendix) Processed data tables should be in the body of the EE Graphs (including error bars) should be presented in the body of the EE Consider data analysis such as ANOVA or t-tests (ensure that your data meets the required conditions. Always state the null hypothesis and alternative hypotheses - calculations can be in an appendix)
F: Analytical and evaluative skills II Analysis and Conclusion must be based on the data collected. Analysis should attempt to answer the research question Errors and uncertainties arising from methodology, instruments and/or techniques should be analysed and evaluated
G: Appropriate language Terminology must be used correctly Avoid Excessive jargon Jargon should be explained Maintain a consistent linguistic style
H: Conclusion State a clear conclusion based on the data collected and your analysis Identify unresolved questions/issues
I: Formal Presentation I More than 4000 word means no points Science investigations “often result in large quantities of raw data. Large tables of raw data are best included in an appendix. Processed data fundamental to the research question should be included in the body of the essay.” (IBO)
I: Formal Presentation II You must include the following: title page table of contents page numbers illustrative material with captions & citations quotations documentation (including references, citations and bibliography) appendices
J: Abstract More than 300 word means 0 The abstract requires three components: A clear statement of the research question A clear summary of the procedure A clear summary of the conclusion
K: holistic judgement Three things are considered: Intellectual initiative (The EE should not be an IA) Depth of understanding Insight
Appendices, footnotes & Endnotes “Appendices, footnotes and endnotes are not an essential section of the extended essay and examiners are not required to read them, so care should be taken to include all information of direct relevance to the analysis and argument in the main body of the essay. An essay that attempts to evade the word limit by including important material in notes or appendices risks losing marks under several criteria. Unless considered essential, complete lists of raw data should not be included in the extended essay. Students should not constantly refer to material presented in an appendix as this may disrupt the continuity of the essay.”
Experiment or Research Essay? Both are possible but experiment essays are more likely to be successful. If you do a research essay, you must still analyse data and produce graphs. If you do a research essay, you will need to find something new and interesting that the original research did not.
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