Imaging of acute appendicitis and it’s complications
Imaging modalities Plain films US CT
Plain films Calcified appendicolith Focal ileus
US diagnosis of appendicitis Compression US technique. 1.An appendix diameter of > 6 mm 2.Wall thickness of > 3 mm 3. Dilated non-compressible fluid filled lumen
CT Technique: 1.CT abd/pelvis without any contrast 2.Oral contrast 3.IV contrast 4.Rectal contrast
CT Findings in Acute Appendicitis Normal appendix Appendicolith (Presence of appendicolith and abdominal pain has a sensitivity of 90% for acute appendicitis) Enlarged appendix, 7-10 mm (Previously 6 mm) Peri-appendicular inflammation-linear streaky densities in peri-appendicular fat Abscess
Excess abdominal fat is a good thing!!
Mildly dilated appendix with fluid filled lumen
Enlarged and inflamed appendix with wall thickening and peri-appendiceal inflammation
Appendicitis and pelvic abscess.
Per-cutaneous drainage of appendiceal abscess