Challenges ahead and the review of Community Network Panels James Hardy Community Network Manager
Cornwall Council the Challenges ahead
Cornwall Council the Challenges ahead
The budget proposals are based around four key areas: Further reductions in the paybill – reducing the size of the Council’s workforce through the establishment of different models of service delivery, restructuring and changing how we work Changing how services are delivered – integrating health and social care services; devolving more services to town and parish councils and community and voluntary groups; and creating new service delivery arrangements such as trusts and commercial partnerships for some services such as culture, tourism, leisure and parking Efficiency improvements – delivering more services digitally and through the website; reducing administrative costs in areas such as IT and postage; more effective procurement and contract management and sharing buildings with partners and community groups; Increasing income – taking a more commercial approach in areas such as public protection, licensing, planning, and waste.
The role of Community Networks Review of Community Network Panels conducted Considered by Devolution & Localism PAC/ Cabinet 8 recommendations agreed, most importantly: All CNP meetings to be open and advertised to public CNPs can decide frequency/type of meetings (only requirement is to have an AGM) CNPs to develop engagement plan and local priorities; act as focal point for issues affecting CNA/multiple parishes Further proposals to be brought forward on CNPs/related areas Further review of CNPs scheduled for Autumn 2015
Purpose of the Panel To consider and make recommendations on the evolution of policy affecting the Community Network Area. Recognise that its primary purpose is to evolve policy on issues which individual parish councils may not be able to resolve for themselves either arising from their capacity or as a result of the cross boundary nature or a policy (e.g. Police, Health Services, Local Plan etc) To provide constructive feedback on existing service delivery. To work towards ensuring that the type and quality of services needed locally and in the Community Network Area are provided. To discuss any issues relevant to the West Penwith Community Network Area To be inclusive of the status of the contributions which Parish Councils can make to community needs throughout the Network Area and to recognise the differences between Parish Councils, their relative wealth and populations and therefore the strategy direction which Parish Councils may wish to take forward independently or as part of a cluster
Community Engagement The Cabinet agreed that: (i)The AGM should be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Access to Information Procedure Rules set out in the Constitution (the Rules come from the Access to Information Act) (ii) All CNPs meetings are, as the default position, open to the press and public and this is made clear in any promotion of the meetings
Community Engagement Implementing these decisions in practice: 1. Members of the public (this includes the media) may attend all Community Network Panel (CNP) meetings 2 (i) The Council’s Localism Team shall give at least five clear working days’ notice of any CNP meeting by posting an agenda containing details of the meeting at the One Stop Shop/s within the Community Network Area and on the relevant Community Network page of the Cornwall Council website. 2 (ii) The Localism Team will also post the schedule of meetings on the website, once agreed at the AGM, and display these in the One Stop Shops within the Community Network Area
Community Engagement 1. Members of the public (this includes the media) may attend all Community Network Panel (CNP) meetings 2 (i) The Council’s Localism Team shall give at least five clear working days’ notice of any CNP meeting by posting an agenda containing details of the meeting at the One Stop Shop/s within the Community Network Area and on the relevant Community Network page of the Cornwall Council website. 2 (ii) The Localism Team will also post the schedule of meetings on the website, once agreed at the AGM, and display these in the One Stop Shops within the Community Network Area 3. Localism shall also publish any supporting papers for the meeting at the same time and in the same manner set out in 2(i) above 5. Localism shall supply copies of the documentation set out below to any person who requests it. There will be no charge for this service, unless the requester wants more than 3 copies (in which case a charge for copying costs may be applied) i) Any agenda and papers which are open to public inspection (ii) Copies of any other documents supplied to Panel Members in connection with an item
Schedule of meetings 15 September 2014 Hayle 29 October (Budget) St Uny 19 January March May July 2015
James Hardy Community Network Manager – West Penwith, Hayle & St Ives Customers and Communities Service Cornwall Council St Clare Penzance TR18 3QW Tel: Mob: ?