Continuous School Improvement Final Presentation School Name Date
Goal One Description of Goal
Baseline Data Collected & Analyzed List data sources collected & analyzed. Goal 1
Action Plan Strategies for Improvement –What did you do to achieve the change and/or growth? –Comment on changes in teacher practice and/or school culture
Data: The Results Representation of quantitative and qualitative data.
Goal Two Description of Goal
Baseline Data Collected & Analyzed List data sources collected & analyzed. Goal 2
Action Plan Strategies for Improvement –What did you do to achieve the change and/or growth? –Comment on changes in teacher practice and/or school culture
Data: The Results Representation of quantitative and qualitative data.
Challenges Identified obstacles and impact on goals and improvement strategies. Goal 1Goal 2
Conclusion Did you achieve the change or increase in growth as outlined by the goal(s)? What did the school learn? Comment on the changes in teacher practice and/or school culture Next steps