Summary of PCC guidelines for applying relationship designators in bibliographic and authority records TJ Kao, Yale University Library CEAL CTP RDA Workshop March, 23, 2015
Sources For bibliographic records: Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records (released on January 22, 2015) For authority records: PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in Authority Records (last draft released on February 24, 2014)
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records Statement of policy: Include relationship designators for all creators, whether they are coded MARC 1XX or MARC 7XX. Best practices: Using relationship designators for other types of relationships (for example, contributor relationships) is strongly encouraged. Include a relationship designator even if it repeats a term used as a qualifier to the name # ǂ a Zhang, Jingwei ǂ c (Director), ǂ e director.
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d When adding relationship designators for creators, consult RDA Appendix I.2.1 (Relationship Designators for Creators) not I.2.2 (Relationship Designators for Other Persons, Families, or Corporate Bodies Associated with a Work) or I.3.1 (Relationship Designators for Contributors) # ǂ a Jimi, ǂ e artist. NOT 100 0# ǂ a Jimi, ǂ e illustrator. It is recommended that PCC catalogers use relationship designators from RDA Appendices. If the term needed is not there, use the Fast Track PCC relationship designator proposal form to propose a new term or request a revision of an existing term.PCC relationship designator proposal form
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d General guidelines: This guideline only applies to bibliographic records Prefer a specific term to a general one if it is easily determined e.g. sculptor vs. artist; lyricist vs. author; illustrator vs. letterer RDA element name as relationship designator e.g. creator, publisher Don’t assign relationship designator when not clear
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d Add a relationship designator following an existing term and before existing codes Original: 700 1# ǂ a Imai, Miki, ǂ d ǂ 4 act After: 700 1# ǂ a Imai, Miki, ǂ d ǂ e actor. ǂ 4 act Apply relationship designators in accordance with their definitions e.g. composer vs. composer (expression)
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d Guides for Appendix I Relationship Designators Add relationship designators for all access points when certain If more than one relationship designator is appropriate because of the multiple roles an entity has, preferably use repeating $e (or $j for MARC X11 fields). If necessary, multiple headings may be used instead. Add relationship designators in WEMI order # ǂ a Zuo, Shiqiang, ǂ e film director, ǂ e editor of moving image work. OR 700 1# ǂ a Zuo, Shiqiang, ǂ e film director # ǂ a Zuo, Shiqiang, ǂ e editor of moving image work.
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d Guides for Appendix I Relationship Designators – Cont’d Applicable to families and corporate bodies as well as to individuals 100 3# ǂ a Liu (Family : ǂ g Liu, Yong, ), ǂ e author # ǂ a Korea (South). ǂ b Sanggongbu, ǂ e author # ǂ a Fudan, Princeton and Todai Conference ǂ n (1st : ǂ d 2011 : ǂ c Tōkyō Daigaku), ǂ j author. Appendix I terms should not be used in a name/title access point or linking field # ǂ i Translation of: ǂ a Murakami, Haruki, ǂ d ǂ t Kangarū-biyori. NOT 700 1# ǂ i Translation of: ǂ a Murakami, Haruki, ǂ d ǂ e author. ǂ t Kangarū- biyori.
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d Guides for Appendix J Relationship Designators – Cont’d Use of relationship designators for resource-to-resource relationship is encouraged ǂ i Revision of: ǂ a Miwa, Kentarō, ǂ t Manga to eiga no hikaku media-ron ǂ d 2010 Use $i even when the field coding already expresses a relationship ǂ i Container of (expression): ǂ a Mizoguchi, Yūzō, ǂ d ǂ t Chūgoku no shisō. ǂ l Chinese ǂ i Special issue of: ǂ t Zhongguo nong bao ǂ x ǂ w (DLC)sn ǂ w (OCoLC)
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d Guides for Appendix J Relationship Designators – Cont’d When multiple relationships exist, provide separate access points, each with a single relationship designer in a single $i subfield. Alternatively identify one relationship as primary and record that relationship alone. Except in the case of sequential work/expression relationships and equivalent manifestation relationships for serials, it is not necessary to provide reciprocal relationship fields. Do not use $i for MARC field 780/785.
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d Guides for Appendix J Relationship Designators – Cont’d Catalogers may add a 7XX field with a relationship designators even when a 130/240 is already present implying they are versions of the same work # ǂ a Sunzi, ǂ d active 6th century B.C., ǂ e author ǂ a Sunzi bing fa. ǂ l English ǂ a Master Sun's Art of war / ǂ c Sun Tzu ; translated, with introduction, by Philip J. Ivanhoe # ǂ i Translation of: ǂ a Sunzi, ǂ d active 6th century B.C. ǂ t Sunzi bing fa. Give a note when a relationship between resources is known but one resource cannot be identified. 500 ## ǂ a Translated based on the French Ostervald version.
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d Guides for Appendix J Relationship Designators – Cont’d Use 700/710/711/730 instead of 740 when a related resource shares the same creator # ǂ a Card, Orson Scott, ǂ e author ǂ a Speaker for the dead. ǂ l Chinese ǂ a Ande de dai yan = ǂ b Speaker for the dead / ǂ c (Mei) Aosen SiketeKade (Orson Scott Card) zhu ; Duan Xian, Gao Ying yi # ǂ i Sequel: ǂ a Card, Orson Scott. ǂ t Xenocide. NOT 740 0# ǂ a Xenocide. For unstructured descriptions, it is not necessary to indicate the WEMI level at which the relationship is asserted.
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d Punctuation and Capitalization Relationship designators that follow authorized access points are not capitalized and are always preceded by a comma, unless the authorized access point ends in an open date # ǂ a Kang, Ch'ang-nyŏm, ǂ e composer # ǂ a Gao, Cen, ǂ d approximately 1686-approximately 1740, ǂ e author # ǂ a Zhang, Hongwei ǂ c (Law professor), ǂ e author # ǂ a Kudō, Rikio, ǂ d ǂ e author.
Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records – Cont’d Punctuation and Capitalization – Cont’d Relationship designators that precede authorized access points or that appear at the beginning of a field are capitalized and are followed by a colon # ǂ i Motion picture adaptation of (work): ǂ a Xiao, Lihong. ǂ t Gui hua xiang ǂ i Container of (work): ǂ a Shi jing ǂ i Reproduction of (manifestation): ǂ a Dokushōan Tatsuyoshi. ǂ t Chichibu junpai zue. ǂ d [1823?]
PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in Authority Records Use relationship designators from Appendix I, J, or K only. If no appropriate term is available in Appendix I, J, or K, use the PCC relationship designator proposal form to propose a new term or request a revision of an existing term.PCC relationship designator proposal form Use subfield $i with subfield $w r when giving relationships in 5XX. When updating an existing corporate body record that contains subfield $w values “a” or “b”, catalogers are encouraged to convert the subfield $w values to appropriate relationship designators from RDA Appendix K, using subfield $i and subfield $w value “r.” Old practice: 510 2# ǂ a Changchun shi yuan ǂ w b New practice: 510 2# ǂ i Successor: ǂ a Changchun shi yuan ǂ w r
PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in Authority Records – Cont’d Relationship designators should only be used to relate authority records in LC NAF Do not include a relationship designator as part of an access point 100 1# ǂ a Murakami, Haruki, ǂ d ǂ t Afutā dāku. ǂ l English. NOT 100 1# ǂ a Murakami, Haruki, ǂ d ǂ e author. ǂ t Afutā dāku. ǂ l English. Do not use relationship designators in 4XX fields
PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in Authority Records – Cont’d If a specific relationship cannot be determined, do not use a relationship designator. Instead, use simple 5XX. Consider adding a 667 field to indicate that research has been attempted # ǂ a Manshū Dengyō Kabushiki Kaisha 510 2# ǂ a Minami Manshū Denki Kabushiki Kaisha 667 ## ǂ a Unable to determine relationship with Minami Manshū Denki Kabushiki Kaisha, n
PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in Authority Records – Cont’d Cataloger’s judgment about whether to make reciprocal 5XXs. However, the explicit recording of other reciprocal relationships is highly encouraged. Highly encouraged 510: 100 1# ǂ a Xu, Zhen, ǂ d # ǂ i Founded corporate body: ǂ a Mo ding gong si (Shanghai, China) ǂ w r Optional (but encouraged) 500: 110 2# ǂ a Mo ding gong si (Shanghai, China) 500 1# ǂ i Founder: ǂ a Xu, Zhen, ǂ d ǂ w r
PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in Authority Records – Cont’d Use subfield $i and $w r when recording pseudonymous relationships for personal names in cases where a person uses one real name and one pseudonym. Hiromasa Kudō also publishes under the pen name, Hiroshi Iwai # ǂ a Kudō, Hiromasa, ǂ d # ǂ i Alternate identity: ǂ a Iwai, Hiroshi, ǂ d ǂ w r 100 1# ǂ a Iwai, Hiroshi, ǂ d # ǂ i Real identity: ǂ a Kudō, Hiromasa, ǂ d ǂ w r In all other cases involving pseudonyms, follow the guidance provided in FAQ – LC/PCC RDA Practice for Creating NARs for Persons Who Use Pseudonyms.FAQ – LC/PCC RDA Practice for Creating NARs for Persons Who Use Pseudonyms
PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in Authority Records – Cont’d Use subfield $i with $w r and appropriate relationship designators from RDA Appendix K when providing relationship links between corporate entities Catalogers are strongly encouraged to record hierarchical superior corporate bodies using 510 $i Hierarchical superior with $r w when information is readily accessible and clear # ǂ a Sŏul Yŏja Taehak (Korea). ǂ b Yŏsŏng Yŏn ʼ guso 510 2# ǂ i Hierarchical superior: ǂ a Sŏul Yŏja Taehak (Korea) ǂ r w
PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in Authority Records – Cont’d Catalogers are not required to record relationships to related works and expressions in 510s. Use judgment in making reciprocal 5XXs and relating persons, families, and corporate bodies to works/expressions # ǂ a Chua, Amy. ǂ t Battle hymn of the tiger mother. ǂ l Chinese 500 1# ǂ i Translation of: ǂ a Chua, Amy. ǂ t Battle hymn of the tiger mother ǂ w r 100 1# ǂ a Li, Qiao, ǂ d ǂ t Huang cun 500 1# ǂ i Sequel to: ǂ a Li, Qiao, ǂ d ǂ t Han ye ǂ w r Do not use subfield $i with subfield $w “r” for place names (X51) until relationship designators for places are developed. (RDA Appendix L)
Questions and discussion