PM-2.5 FEM Requirements for Met One BAM Glenn Gehring, Technology Specialist Tribal Air Monitoring Support (TAMS) Center
To obtain a NAAQS designation FEM equipment must be operated in accordance with FEM certification PM-2.5 network collocation and siting requirements must be met You must follow your approved QAPP (the QAPP must comply with all relevant CFRs)
Zero calibration at deployment
Collocation Refer to: 40 CFR Part 58 Appendix A section % of PM-2.5 (FEM or FRM) sites must be collocated (round up) – must have at least 1 FRM collocation must be with same EPA FRM method designation FEM collocation - 50% of the 15% required collocations must be with FRMs and 50% with FEMs of the same EPA FEM designation – The first collocation MUST be with an FRM Must run FRM at least once every 12 days
[Most tribe will fall under the FEM (C) scenario where you have fewer than 7 sites and are only required to have one collocated site for your PM-2.5 network. In this situation, if you are using a FEM it must be collocated with a FRM. If your network needs two collocated sites the second collocation must be with another FEM that has the same EPA FEM designation number as the primary monitor. Basically, 50% of monitors used for collocation must be FRM and 50% FEM (If FEMs are used in the network), with the FRM being first. If you need three collocated sites the third monitor used for collocation must also be a FRM.]
PM-2.5 Probe Siting Refer to: 40 CFR Part 58 Appendix E Overall probe height: 2–15 Meters above ground level (Microscale is 2-7 meters) Horizontal distance from obstacles: must be at least twice the height the obstacle protrudes above the sampler inlet (two times the height difference away) with at least 270 degrees unobstructed. Rooftop - horizontal distance from obstacles: at least 2-meters - should be away from minor sources such as furnace, incineration or food service exhausts flues – you should also avoid areas too close to residential areas with wood burning stoves Horizontal distance from the dripline of a tree: must be at least 10- meters and should be at least 20-meters. Collocated horizontal separation (for low vols): within 4-meters of each other and at least 1-meter apart (you should also have a maximum of 1 meter vertical separation) Distance from road: 2-10 meters for microscale - see chart for other scales
PM probe distance from roads
Other PM-2.5 FEM Requirements Monthly flow verifications with NIST traceable standards 40CFR58 Appendix A, Section Semi-annual flow audits (at least every 6-months) 40CFR58 Appendix A, Section PEP audits - 5 per year, minimum 40CFR58 Appendix A, section % data completeness Data Certification Maintained in accordance with manual QAPP compliance and appropriate documentation
Always check with your EPA Region’s Quality Assurance folks AND Refer to the CFRs.