Los Angeles County Community and Senior Services March 5, 2014
Welcome and Introductions WIA Program Contracts Management Budgets/Fiscal Contract Compliance Research and Statistics
Agenda Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Proposal Submission Requirements Section 3: Selection Process and Evaluation Criteria Appendix B: Statement of Work Questions & Answers
Section 1: Introduction
Section 1.1: Purpose of RFP To solicit Proposers from qualified vendors to operate: American Job Centers of California (AJCCs) full service and affiliate sites Sector-Focused Satellite Sites Veteran’s Program Rapid Response Program
Section : Funding Availability Approximately $10M, not including training funds, may be awarded through this RFP Bidders may bid on as many opportunities as they want Bidders will only be awarded a maximum of two contracts, with a maximum of one AJCC contract Location and Funding Breakdown is in Appendix R
Appendix R: Location and Funding Chart 4 AJCC’s - $900,000 Palmdale AJCC - $500,000 3 AJCC’s with Affiliates - $1,200,000 4 Sector-Focused Satellites - $300,000 Rapid Response Program - $835,000 Veteran’s Program - $500,000
Site Location and Funding Chart Sup. District Areas of High Need AJCC + Affiliate AJCC Sector Satellites Veteran Focused Satellite Rapid Response Funding Per AJCC + Affiliate Funding Per AJCC Funding per Satellite Funding for Rapid Response Total Funding* District 1 Baldwin Park Bell Gardens East L.A. El Monte Huntington Park Montebello Pomona South Gate West Covina 131 $1,200,000$900,000 $300,000 Sector $4,200,000* El Monte AJCC w/ Alhambra Affiliate AJCC in East LA AJCC in West Covina Healthcare and Transportation/ Logistics Pomona AJCC in South Gate/Walnut Park District 2 Compton Florence- Graham Lynwood Westmont 10 1 Transportation/ Logistics and Healthcare Florence/ Firestone $1,200,000 $300,000 Sector $1,500,000* Compton AJCC w/ Westmont/ Athens Affiliate District 3 Santa Monica San Fernando 00 1 Hospitality & Tourism and Green/Clean Energy Santa Monica $300,000 Sector $300,000* District 4 Norwalk Paramount Whittier 100 $1,200,000 $1,200,000* Norwalk AJCC w/ Affiliate in Paramount District 5 Alhambra Lancaster Palmdale Santa Clarita 0 21 BioTech Santa Clarita $900,000 $500,000 (Palmdale) $300,000 Sector $1,700,000* AJCC in Lancaster AJCC in Palmdale Countywide 1 1 $500,000 Vets $835,000$1,335,000* Total 35411$3,600,000$4,100,000$1,700,000$835,000$10,235,000*
Section 1.4: Proposer’s Minimum Mandatory Requirements All are Pass/Fail Local private non-profit, for-profit, public agencies, and collaborative/consortia are eligible Proposal Guaranty Notice of Intent: Due March 13, 2014 Mandatory Proposer’s Conference Organizational Capacity Organizational Experience Financial Capability - see next slide
Section 1.4: Proposer’s Financial Capability Financial Document Submission Financial Document Review
Section 1.6: Contract Term 2 years, July 1, 2014-June 30, 2016 Option to extend for up to 3 additional one-year periods Term will not exceed five (5) years
Section 2: Proposal Submission Requirements & Addendums
Section 2.3: RFP Timetable Item DescriptionDate RFP ReleasedFebruary 13, 2014 Request for a Solicitation Requirements Review February 25, 2014 Mandatory Proposer’s ConferenceMarch 5, 2014 Written Questions DueMarch 10, 2014 Questions and Answers ReleasedMarch 13, 2014 Notice of Intent DueMarch 13, 2014 Proposals Due by 3pm (PST)March 17, 2014 Proposal Evaluation PeriodMarch 24 – April 4, 2014 Oral InterviewsApril 7 – 11, 2014 Notification of Evaluation Results (Mailed)April 16, 2014 Contract and Services BeginJuly 1, 2014
Section 2.5: Proposers Questions All questions related to this RFP must be: Received by March 10, 2014, 4:30 PM PST Addressed at All answers to written questions and those from the Proposer’s Conference will be released March 13, 2014
Section 2.6: Notice of Intent to Submit Proposal Filing of Notice of Intent is Mandatory Due no later than 5:00 pm on March 13, 2014 Use Notice of Intent to Submit form, Appendix P Submit to Jenifer Valdez at:
Section 2.9: Business Proposal Format All proposals must be submitted in format specified on page 47 Content and sequence must be: Transmittal letter Checklist (Appendix D-1, Exhibit 1) Section A – Executive Summary Section B – Proposer’s Qualifications ○ (Appendix D-1, Exhibits 2 & 3) Section C – Proposer’s Approach to Provide Required Services Section D – Information Technology Section E-- Proposer’s Quality Control Plan Section F – Cost Proposal (Appendix D-1, Budgets and Exhibit 4) Section G – Acceptance of Contract Terms and Conditions and EEOC Last Page of Proposal
Business Proposal Appendix D – Required Forms: to be included in Section B, Proposer’s Qualifications of Proposal
Section 2.10: Cost Proposal Format Must be reasonable and necessary and contain cost detail Complete finalized budget forms included in Appendix D-1, Unique Forms, Exhibit 5, Budget Forms Must include budget narrative Indicate if individual job descriptions are filled or what the expected date of hire is Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) will be a condition of contract award
Section 2.11: Proposal Submission One (1) original; one (1) thumbdrive and six (6) copies of each proposal submission Due 3:00 pm PST, March 17, 2014 to: Chris Frau, ASM II Contracts Management Division Community and Senior Services 3175 West Sixth Street, Room 400 Los Angeles, CA 90020
Section 3: Selection Process and Evaluation Criteria
Section 3.1 Selection Process Adherence to minimum requirements (pass/fail) Written proposal – 85,000 points A. Proposers Qualifications (30%) B. Proposer’s Approach to Providing Services (40%) C. Quality Control Plan (10%) D. Cost Reasonableness (20%) Oral Presentation – 15,000 points
Appendix B: Statement of Work
Appendix B: SOW Title 1 Adult/DW Integrated Program Services (AJCC/Affiliate or AJCC) Mandated Partners Additional Partners SB 734 Training Requirement High-Performance Local Board Standards Resource Leveraging
ISD Service Delivery Model Appendix B: SOW Title 1 Adult/DW Integrated Program Services (AJCC/Affiliate or AJCC
Welcome/Talent Engagement Function Appendix B: SOW Title 1 Adult/DW Integrated Program Services (AJCC/Affiliate or AJCC Welcome new and returning customers Quickly assess and triage Recommend product box offerings based on customer need, situation, and level of engagement Manage CRC Information and referral Navigator function
Skills/Talent Development Team Appendix B: SOW Title 1 Adult/DW Integrated Program Services (AJCC/Affiliate or AJCC Case Management/Career Coaching Workshops Pre-Employment Testing/Remediation Soft Skills Computer/Internet Skills Customer Service Skills Skill-Based Work Experience Job and/or Industry-Specific Skills (training)
Job Getting/Talent Marketing Team Appendix B: SOW Title 1 Adult/DW Integrated Program Services (AJCC/Affiliate or AJCC Job identification Job matching/labor exchange Recruitment and referral Pre-hire testing Job fairs/hiring events Other services designed to get jobseekers into jobs
Product Box Appendix B: SOW Title 1 Adult/DW Integrated Program Services (AJCC/Affiliate or AJCC Job Search and Job Readiness Barrier Mitigation Skill Development and Improvement Job Identification and Development Engagement Strategy
Appendix B-2: SOW WIA Title I A/DW Veteran’s Program Core, intensive, and training services Not required to implement ISD May have intermittent EDD presence Only enroll eligible veterans and eligible veteran spouses Stronger relationships and partnerships with Veteran’s serving organizations and alignment with Vet-focused services Performance targets based on Veteran population
Appendix B-3: SOW Sector- Focused Satellite Sites DistrictSitesLocationSector 1 st 1PomonaHealthcare & Transportation Logistics 2 nd 1Florence-FirestoneHealthcare &Transportation Logistics 3 rd 1Santa MonicaHospitality &Tourism and Green/Clean Energy 4 th 0N/A 5 th 1Santa ClaritaBiotech
Appendix B-3: SOW Sector- Focused Satellite Sites Core, Intensive, and Training Services May have intermittent EDD presence Sector specific tasks related to: outreach convening of education and training organizations coordination with sector intermediaries Targeted placements and training dollars in each sector
Appendix B-1: SOW WIA Rapid Response Program One performance based/cost reimbursement contract will be awarded in the amount of $835,000 Services under the provisions of this RFP shall be provided to all businesses, and their employees, who are downsizing, or businesses who are trying to avoid layoffs County- wide coverage is required within LACWIB Service Area as listed below: Local Workforce Investment Area Cities Served County of Los Angeles All cities and unincorporated areas of the County excluding the cities of Arcadia, Artesia, Bellflower, Burbank, Carson, Cerritos, Downey, Duarte, El Segundo, Gardena, Glendale, Hawaiian Gardens, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Inglewood, La Canada-Flintridge, Lakewood, Lawndale, Lomita, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Manhattan Beach, Monrovia, Norwalk, Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Sierra Madre, Signal Hill, South Pasadena, and Torrance
Appendix B-1: SOW WIA Rapid Response Program (cont.) Successful Proposer shall be the designated entity to operationalize all WARN/Non-WARN notices for the LACWIB Service Delivery Area Minimum Staffing – One (1) Full-time Program Manager, One (1) Full- time Accounting Staff, and Five (5) Full-Time Coordinators (one in each supervisorial district) Location – Each coordinator must have a physical home office within designated service area (for a total of five (5)) and a telephone number accessible to accommodate all work hour shifts. Site(s) will be selected by County in coordination with Successful Proposer
Appendix N: Performance and Financial Goals
Performance Measures Rapid Response PERFORMANCE MEASURES STANDARD Rapid Response Orientation Evaluations 50% of Attendees Orientation Customer Satisfaction95% Satisfied Participants Contractor Generated Non-WARNs Minimum requirement of Four (4) non-WARNs per month, per Supervisory District; for a minimum of 20 per month Contractor responds to WARNs and Non-WARNs assigned by CSS 100% for both Categories Minimum of one Orientation for each WARN and Non-WARN 75% for both Categories
Performance Measures Rapid Response (cont.) MINIMUM REQUIREMENTSSTANDARD Sufficient personnel to perform all work specified in RFP100% for duration of the contract. Rapid Response On-Site Visitation Report (121) upon completion of each pre-planning meeting, RR & TAA orientation, workshop, any on-site visits or contact made with the employer. 100% Submittal of WIA Form 121’s and Orientation Surveys electronically to CSS within 7 work days of activity 100% Business contact within 24 hours for all WARNs and Non- WARNs. 100% Minimum of 1 representative attends all Rapid Response related meetings as per State EDD and/or County notifications, including, but not limited to the monthly Rapid Response Round Table meetings. 100% WARN/Non-WARN Monthly Reports for all dislocation events.1 per month/ 12 per Program Year
WIA Common Measures MeasureAdultDislocated Worker Entered Employment Rate55%60% Retention Rate67%71.6% Average Earnings$13,440$15,875
Performance Measures Measure AJCC +Affiliate AJCC Only Veterans- Focused Satellite AJCC Palmdale Sector Focused Satellite Total Adult Enrollments Total Dislocated Worker Enrollments Total Enrollments1,5481, Percent of Enrollments from Priority Population 30% 100%30% Training Expenditures 100% of Training Allocation Training Expenditure in Priority Sectors 50% 80% Leverage/ In-Kind Contribution 10%
Quarterly Enrollment Performance Measures Quarterly WIA Enrollment Goals 1 st Quarter 15% 2 nd Quarter25% 3 rd Quarter30% 4 th Quarter30% Soft Exits per Program Year70% Maximum Carryovers per Program Year30%