WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 2 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Data Elements File Layout Web Fund Code Access Controls Fund Code Output Options Future Fund Code Table Edits Agency Accounting Identifier Reimbursable Flag Indicator Implementation Concept of Operations Fund Code Limitation Agenda
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 3 Current Fund Code Table Data Element # Appropriation 11 –Department Regular 2 –FY Chargeable Indicator I –Main Account 4 –Limit/Subhead 4 SFIS/SLOA Additions Data Element # Department Transfer Code 3 Beginning Period of Availability 4 Ending Period of Availability 4 Sub Account 3 Sub Class 2 Availability Type (AT) 1 Fund Code Table SLOA/Finance Data Elements Notes: –Department Regular becomes three characters under SLOA –FY Chargeable is legacy –Limit/Subhead is legacy; relates to SLOA Sub Allocation Holder –Sub Class requires business rules. Legacy data element to be replaced by BETC. May be useful for Subclass 85 - Repayment of Borrowing from U.S. Treasury – Availability Type (AT) added to SFIS Fund Code Table Subsequent to PDC 1043
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 4 Data Element # Fund Code 2 Service Code 2 Signal Code 1 Effective Date 7 Agency Narrative 20 Data Element # Action Code (Add/Chg/Del) 1 Create Date (database) 7 Last Update (database)` 7 Customer User ID (database) 20 Legacy Multi-Year Indicator 1 Fund Code Table Other Data Elements Note: –Legacy Multi-Year Indicator was added as a data element to indicate that the beginning and ending periods of availability are not available from the Fund Code Table. This will assist in the transition. Discussed later in Concept of Operations.
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 5 File Layout SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table DefinitionUseBusiness Rule Service and Agency Code. Designates the military service or other government element of ownership or sponsorship. The code is used to identify the service or agency monitoring the fund code. M Per MILSTRIP Appendix 2.2, the service and agency (S/A) code is a one or two character alphanumeric. Signal Code. A code designation identifying the intended consignee and activity to receive and effect bill payment. M Signal Code is “A” for the group of A/B/J/K signal codes, “C” for the group of C/L signal codes. NOTE: Refer to MILSTRIP Appendix 2.10 for an explanation of signal codes. Fund Code. Designation of the fund account to be charged (disbursed) or credited (refunded). When used with Signal Code C or L also designates the Billed Office DoDAAC. M Must be unique per SERVICE_CODE and SIGNAL_CODE. A fund code of ** is an indicator of the default account. One per S/A + Signal code.) *When used with Signal Code C or L an entry is required on the Fund Code to Billed Office DoDAAC Table. If there is no corresponding entry on the SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table, billing is via NONINTERFUND Appropriation. Constructed line of accounting. *C Constructed from: Last 2 characters of DEPARTMENT_REGULAR_CODE + FISCAL_YEAR_INDICATOR + MAIN_ACCOUNT_CODE + APPROPRIATION_LIMIT_SUBHEAD. (NOTE that DEPTARTMENT_REGULAR_Code is actually 3 characters, but the leading zero is concatenated for purposes of this element.) Blank appropriation data displays as NONINTERFUND on reports
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 6 File Layout SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table DefinitionUseBusiness Rule Agency Narrative. Name or common acronym for further agency delineation from the Service code. Generally, a breakdown for H-series fund code assignments. OWeb Application input is limited to 5.This is to conform with report format limitations. Department Regular Code. US Treasury designated code representing the government agency accountable for one or more fund accounts established and maintained by the Treasury. *C Department Regular Code must be 3 numeric characters, e. g. 097 (NOTE: This element used to be 2 characters. Current codes are going to be pre-fixed by a zero.) If any of DEPARTMENT_REGULAR_CODE, MAIN_ACCOUNT_CODE and/or SUB_ACCOUNT_CODE are present than the others are required. Blank field indicates NONINTERFUND. Department Transfer Code. Identifies the federal agency of obligation authority to the DoD or one of its components O Department Transfer Code must be 3 numeric characters. ex. 097 (Note: Programs may use the two character code and derive the three character version - with a leading zero - at time of reporting if the software system in use has not yet been updated). May ne blank if no department transfer is applicable Main Account. A four digit numeric data element representing a specific appropriation or fund account established by the U.S. Treasury for expenditure or receipt authority issued by the U.S. Congress. *C Each Main Account Code must be associated with only one Fund Type Code. Each Main Account Code must be associated with only one Budget Function/Sub-Function Code. Main Account Code must be 4 numeric characters. If any of DEPARTMENT_REGULAR_CODE, MAIN_ACCOUNT_CODE and/or SUB_ACCOUNT_CODE are present than the others are required. Blank field indicates NONINTERFUND.
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 7 File Layout SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table DefinitionUseBusiness Rule Sub-account Code. Specify subsidiary level accounts associated to the main account of the TAFS. *C Every financial transaction processed must have a valid Sub-Account Code. The Sub-Account Code must be defaulted to “000” when one of the Treasury Sub-Account Code conditions does not apply. Sub-Account Code must be 3 numeric characters. ex. 97X (last 3 positions following period) If any of DEPARTMENT_REGULAR_CODE, MAIN_ACCOUNT_CODE and/or SUB_ACCOUNT_CODE are present than the others are required. Blank field indicates NONINTERFUND. Treasury Sub Class Code. Assigned in certain cases for grouping designated disbursement and/or receipt transactions below the level of appropriation or fund account represented by the main account, Reference Item A3, Main Account) for an Appropriation, Fund, or Receipt Account. OMay be blank. Business Rules need to be developed. Limit/Subhead. Legacy identifier of an organization to which funds have been sub-allocated. OMay be blank. Fiscal Year Indicator. Last digit of applicable fiscal year for an single year appropriation. *C Values: { numeric }, X, #, * Blank field indicates NONINTERFUND. *if Fiscal Year Indicator is “X” AVAILABILITY_TYPE_CODE will also be “X” Legacy Multi Year Fund Code Indicator. Used to indicate that funding is associated with a multi-year appropriation for which the BEG_FISCAL_YEAR_AVAIL and END_FISCAL_YEAR_AVAIL is blank due to overlapping periods of multiple periods of availability associated with the fund code. *C*Default to false. *Accounting systems cannot accurately derive the beginning and ending periods of availability for this fund code solely from the fund code.
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 8 SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table DefinitionUseBusiness Rule Availability Type Code. Identifies no-year TAS, clearing/suspense TAS, and canceled TAS. *C Availability Type Code must be 1 alpha characters. Valid values include: “C”, “F”, or “X” For Annual or Multi-Year funding, Availability Type Code must be blank. *if Availability Type Code is “X”, FISCAL_YEAR_INDICATOR will also be “X” Beginning Period of Availability Fiscal Year Date. In annual and multi-year accounts, identifies the first year of availability under law that an account may incur new obligations. *C If AVAILABILITY_TYPE_CODE is blank, Beginning Period of Availability is required when LEGACY_INDICATOR is false. If AVAILABILITY_TYPE_CODE is either “C”, “F”, or “X”, then Beginning Period of Availability must be must be blank. If the Beginning Period of Availability is associated with an unavailable receipt account, then it must be blank. Ending Period of Availability Fiscal Year Date. In annual and multi-year accounts, identifies the last year of availability under law that an account may incur new obligations. *C If AVAILABILITY_TYPE_CODE is blank, Ending Period of Availability is required when LEGACY_INDICATOR is false. If AVAILABILITY_TYPE_CODE is either “C”, “F”, or “X”, then Beginning Period of Availability must be must be blank. If the Ending Period of Availability is associated with an unavailable receipt account, then it must be blank. Effective Date. The start date for the latest action taken on a record. M The record is not valid until the effective date. Action Code. System maintained code indicating type of action last taken on a record. MValues: A, C, D ( Add, Change, Delete) Creation Date. System maintained date a record was created. M Last Update Date. System maintained date a record was last updated. M Customer User Identifier. System maintained identifier of a system user who updated the record. M
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 9 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Fund Code Monitor Letters of Appointment –Template at 6/dlmso/Programs/Committees/Finance/financeprc.asphttp://www2.dla.mil/j- 6/dlmso/Programs/Committees/Finance/financeprc.asp –Signed by Authorized Supervisor System Access Request To DLA Transaction Services –Separate SAR For Test and Production Accounts Access Controlled by Service/Agency Code –( Web Fund Code Access Controls Action: Components Submit Fund Code Monitor Letters of Appointment. Suspense: August 2, 2013
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 10 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Planned –Web Services Web Services provides Component application systems near real- time access. Contact the DLA Transaction Services Help Desk concerning DoD Data Services (DDATA) Web Services at –Download File download in CVS or Microsoft Excel from eDAASINQ. Users. The user must have a CAC or PKI certificate and a SAR submitted to DLA Transaction Services The procedures to access are available at: Logistics Reports (Current) –Replace current report format. The procedures to access are available at: Fund Code Output Options
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 12 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP BILLED SERVICE CODE = H (OTHER DEFENSE AGENCIES) 1.SIGNAL CODE IS A, B, J, OR K: FUND FUND DPT F MAIN LIMT DEP SUB SUB BEG END L A AGNCY EFFECT ACT CODE ACCOUNT REG Y ACCT TRN ACT CLS POA POA I T DATE 47 21#1234ALS9 021 # 1234 ALS T NGA CHG XP NONINTERFND ALL ADD OTHER NONINTERFND ALL ADD. Fund Code Report Layout (Option 2) Includes concatenated appropriation & individual accounting elements. Concatenated appropriation is constructed from individual accounting elements Action: Components provide feedback on preferred logistics report layout. Suspense: August 29, 2013
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 13 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Disconnect Between –Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table (Appendix 1.1) and Fund Code to Billed Office DoDAAC Table (Appendix 1.2 ) for third party billing (Signal Code C or L Unable to route the third party bill when there is a fund code on the Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table without a correlating Fund Code to Billed Office DoDAAC record Proposed Future Fund Code Table Edit –For DOD third party billing (Signal Code C or L), fund code must be on the Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table and the Fund Code to Billed Office DoDAAC Table Remove default fund codes Add fund codes for non-Interfund billing Future Fund Code Table Edits Table Synchronization Action: FPRC and Fund Code Monitors provide comments on feasibility. Suspense: August 29, 2013
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 14 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Allowable Changes to SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table –Once established, what changes should be allowed –Suggest that only deletion be allowed after effective date has passed –If data has been entered incorrectly a fund code may be deleted –May prevent billing/auditability issues Availability Type (AT) Code –DLA Transaction automatically convert to AT “C” five years after ending Period of Availability Deleted Fund Codes –Remain on table for 5 yrs for information; DAAS edit transactions Future Fund Code Table Edits Continued
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 15 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Agency Accounting Identifier (AAI) Action. Fund Code Monitors evaluate if there would be sufficient fund codes available to include AAI in the SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table. Suspense: August 29, 2013 AAI is a required data element for Standard Line of Accounting AAI identifies the accounting system responsible for recording the accounting event (i.e. AAA/ADSN/FSN) In lieu of carrying AAI in all transactions there was a suggestion at the FPRC to include the AAI as a data element in the SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table. This would require that the AAI be unique for each fund code.
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 16 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Used to identify those expenditures incurred for a designated Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbol (TAFS) account that are considered reimbursable to the account. OUSD(C)/ODCMO indicated that the element relates to how the appropriations are defined, not whether the action is reimbursable. –Appropriations are designated as R (Reimbursable) or D (Direct). Appropriations can include both R and D. –The reimbursable flag clarifies which is applicable to a business event with financial implications. –The requisitioner would record an obligation as either direct or reimbursable. When ordering from others, the determination would be based upon the intent of the requisition (e.g. for self-use or use on behalf of another). –This would have application, for example, for working capital funds. Reimbursable Flag Action. Components advise the Finance PRC Chair if it is feasible to add reimbursable flag to the SFIS Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion Table as a future enhancement. Suspense: August 29, 2013.
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 17 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP For initial build of SFIS Fund Code table data –DLA Transaction Services convert existing data to Excel Spreadsheets (15 Sep) Department Regular CodeLimit /Subhead Fiscal Year IndicatorMain Account Appropriation Availability Type Code Effective Date –Services supply additional data for bulk upload by DLA Transaction Services In the event that the DLA Internet Council does not complete review and approval of the Web Application prior to September 30, 2013, the database will be available DLA Transaction Services will be able to accept and make fund code changes pending approval Implementation CONOPS
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 18 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Start FY 2014 with new fund codes for any period of availability that includes FY 2014 All requisitions going forward would properly reflect the beginning and ending period of availability for the Treasury TAS that the seller is required to have for Interfund bills Existing legacy multi-year appropriations will be flagged on the SFIS Fund Code table –The Fiscal Year Chargeable Indicator (without the period of availability) will be available from the SFIS Fund Code table –DLA Transaction Services will not be able to validate or populate period of availability in DLMS transactions –DLMS logistics bills will be able to carry the beginning and ending period of availability when populated by the originator and both systems are DLMS capable Implementation CONOPS
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 19 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP By the end of FY 2014, the vast majority of items previously requisitioned with legacy fund codes would have been delivered and billed Only back ordered items with multi-year fund codes are of concern - single-year and no-year appropriations are not a concern Back Ordered Item Options –Buyer: modify back order requisition to replace fund code –Seller: bill via non-Interfund –Advise OUSD(C) and ODCMO that some transactions may still require buyer side adjustments at Treasury to correct periods of availability Alternative/End State –All DoD, including DFAS, achieve DLMS capability to pass and receive discrete SLOA data Implementation CONOPS
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 20 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Implementation CONOPS Actions: FPRC and Fund Code Monitors provide comments on the feasibility of options identified for backordered items with multi-year fund codes. Components comment on their ability to add fund codes for each multi-year appropriation to fully implement the Implementation Concept of Operations. Identify alternative solutions and provide recommend COA, if the proposal is not feasible. Suspense: August 29, 2013
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 21 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Fund code is two characters limiting the number of possible fund codes to1296 per Service/Agency and Signal Code combination (includes use of numeric 0, 1 and alpha I, O) Once used, a fund codes must remain on the SFIS Fund Code table for five years past the ending period of availability in order for bills to process. Thereafter, current year funds must be used. Adding beginning and ending periods of availability for multi-year appropriations (proposed) is potentially problematic Single year and no-year appropriations will not be impacted Fund Code Limitation Background
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 22 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Fiscal year chargeable on the fund code table may use symbols –“#” derives the correct fiscal year from the requisition ordinal date –“*” derives the correct fiscal year from the Summary Bill “Year Within Decade and Month Billed” –Seller Central Account Office, who reports both sides of the transaction to Treasury, is able to determine a correct fiscal year and length of appropriation (e.g. 3 years) but not necessarily the correct beginning and ending periods of availability for multi-year appropriations –Buyer Central Account Office records the correct period of availability with the obligation. Adjusts his account with Treasury for beginning and ending period of availability as needed Fund Code Limitation Background Continued
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 23 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Fund Code Table BILLED SERVICE CODE = D,E,F (AIR FORCE) 1. SIGNAL CODE IS A, B, J, OR K: Fund CodeFund AccountEff Date/Action 11 57* ADD USAF Billing Adjustment (Department Code 057) Appropriation Reimbursements Disbursements , , , , ,387, ,682, Fund Code Limitation Example
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 24 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Potential overwhelming demand for new fund codes for multi-year appropriations –Use of Limit/Subhead for sub-allocating funds –Extensive use of Third Party Billing (Signal Codes C/L) for different DoDAACs –Component unique business rules and processes Managing new fund codes each year is a challenge, however: –Operations and Maintenance funds are single year – N/A –Multi-year appropriations may be executed with experienced business financial managers Limited unused fund codes available Explore other options to reduce the need for separate fund codes within the appropriation Fund Code Limitation Potential Impacts What are your thoughts?
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 26 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP PDC 1043: DLMS users submit fund code and SLOA data per transaction mapping –Map fund code to SLOA data elements to populate DLMS transactions when not provided by originator –Reject DLMS transactions with inconsistent SLOA data in the DLMS transaction for the identified fund code –No change applicable to missing or invalid fund code procedures Current MILSTRIP edit (Table C3.T2) states "No edit is required unless signal code is C or L. Reject if signal code is C or L and fund code does not identify a valid bill-to activity as prescribed by MILSBILLS." DAAS Edits for DLMS Per PDC 1043 Fund Code to Fund Account Conversion
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 27 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Develop business rules to support Fund Code edits where feasible Retain Interfund billing use of default appropriation in 810L MILSBILLS DLM , Volume 4, APPENDIX 2.2 When a fund code used in the billing and adjustment process is not found on the fund code to disbursement fund account conversion table the appropriation charged shall be: Organization (Billed Service Code) Interfund Default Appropriation Contractor (C, E, L, Q, U) Not applicable, non-interfund Non-DoD (G, Z, HX, Numeric) Not applicable, non-interfund Army (A, W) 21*2020 Air Force (D, F) 57*3400 Navy (N, P, R, V) 17*1804 Marine Corps (K, M) 17*1106 Defense Logistics Agency (S, T) 97X Other Defense Agency (H) Not applicable, non-interfund DAAS Edits Missing/Invalid Fund Codes Proposed Note DLA Transaction Services MILSINQ and LOGISTICS REPORTS Web applications should be used for causative research. Requires System Access Request to DLA Transaction Services (
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 28 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Reject transactions triggering a financial event with invalid/missing Fund Code –511R, Requisition Applicable to requisition, referral order, and passing order. –511M, Requisition Modification Applicable because it repeats information from original requisition due to MILSTRIP requirement to support capability to use modification as original requisition if original requisition is not on file. –869F, Requisition Follow-Up Applicable because it repeats information from original requisition due to MILSTRIP requirement to support capability to use follow-up as original requisition if original requisition is not on file. –517M, Material Obligation Validation (MOV) Missing/Invalid Fund Codes Edit
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 29 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Reject transactions triggering a financial event with invalid/missing Fund Code –180M, Material Returns Reporting Applicable to automatic return notification (legacy DIC FTA) and customer asset report/customer asset report for part-numbered items (legacy DIC FTE/FTG). –940R, Materiel Release Applicable to the disposal release order for hazardous materiel/waste and creditable turn-in only. –856S, Shipment Status Applicable only to shipment status to ICP from reporting activity for lateral redistribution order shipments of retail assets (legacy DIC AS6). –867I, Issue Transaction Applicable to post-post issue transactions where no prior transaction captured SLOA data. Missing/Invalid Fund Codes Edit
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 30 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Guidance for use of Signal Code C and L for transition to full DLMS Requisitioning systems are directed to populate the bill-to/credit-to DoDAAC and this value will be perpetuated through the life cycle of the requisition If populated, DLA Transaction Services will validate that the value in the transaction is the same as the value in the Fund Code to Billed DoDAAC Conversion Table to ensure no errors are introduced by the transition to initiating system population of this value. Inconsistent use will trigger rejection using Status Code CX DAAS Edits for DLMS Signal Code C and L Transition Plan – PDC 1009
WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP 1:00–Meeting (4008) 31 WARFIGHTER-FOCUSED, GLOBALLY RESPONSIVE, FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN LEADERSHIP Systems processing transactions containing Signal Code C or L will use the discrete value contained in the DLMS transaction, but will default to the Fund Code to Billed DoDAAC Conversion Table to identify the bill-to/credit- to DoDAAC if not populated within the transaction upon receipt The intent is to eliminate use of the Fund Code to Billed DoDAAC Conversion Table upon full transition to DLMS. This may be accomplished at the Service level once a Service fully transitions to DLMS DAAS Edits for DLMS Signal Code C and L Transition Plan – PDC 1009 Continued