Entering Student Surveys (Undergraduate & Graduate) Fall 2013 November 27th, 2013 Office of Institutional Research and Planning.


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Entering Student Surveys (Undergraduate & Graduate) Fall 2013 November 27th, 2013 Office of Institutional Research and Planning

Entering students rated NJIT better/much better in Availability of majors (70.33%) Academic reputation (67.61%) Honors College (59.20%) Quality of academic facilities (library, laboratory, etc.) (56.92%) Public safety (50.65%) Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better NJIT’s rating in comparison to other colleges : (see appendix 1 for full data)

Entering students rated NJIT better/much better in NJIT total institutional price before financial aid (60.37%) Contact with current NJIT students (52.83%) Electronic communication with NJIT (48.57%) Students reported the NJIT website was their primary source knowledge about NJIT (55.42%) * (see appendix 3 for full data) Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 NJIT’s rating in comparison to other colleges : Rating of Price, Contact and Communication (see appendix 2 for full data) *Rank ordered by contribution to knowledge of NJIT (1=very little  5=very much)

Most of the students’ parents graduated from college (59.54%) Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 new Parents graduated college 2013 VS. 2012:

Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Parents (42.56%) Friends (11.75%) Guidance Counselor (9.66%) Q.9 Who most influenced your decision to attend? (see appendix 4 for full data)

Cost/financial aid/scholarship (not honors) (34.18%) Campus visit/information session (27.81%) Honors College/Honors Scholarship (17.86%) Very Important/Important(91.43%) Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Q.10 Which of the following most influenced your decision to attend? ( see appendix 5 for full data) Q.11.Compared to other factors, how important was the Honor's Scholarship (not other scholarships) in your decision to attend NJIT? (Honors students only) (see appendix 6 for full data)

Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Q.12.Do you plan to work while attending school? Plan to work on campus: 33.42% Plan to work off campus: 28.32% Do not plan to work: 38.27% Q.13. How many hours do you plan to work? 1-9 hours: (32.78%) hours: (51.45%) hours: (13.28%) Work: (see appendix 7 for full data)

Scale:1=Not strongly confident, 2=Not confident, 3=Neutral, 4=Confident, 5=Strongly confident Confident/ Strongly Confident Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Students’ Subject/Skill Abilities: CalculusWriting Computer Skills SpeakingPhysicsChemistry 57.77%54.92%51.16%50.26%41.3%40.36%

Entering students rated NJIT better/much better Availability of programs (61.38%) Academic reputation (51.79%) Quality of academic facilities (library, laboratory, etc.) (47.82%) Students reported the NJIT website was their primary source knowledge about NJIT (64.31%)* (see appendix 10 for full data) Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better NJIT’s Rating in comparison to other colleges : (see appendix 8 for full data) Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 *Rank ordered by contribution to knowledge of NJIT (1=very little  5=very much)

Entering students rated NJIT better/much better in Contact with current Students (52.83%) Contact with faculty (49.09%) College website (48.18%) Electronic communication with the college (46.68%) Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 NJIT’s rating in comparison to other colleges : Rating of Price, Contact and Communication (see appendix 9)

NJIT website (NJIT.edu) (26.71%) Location (22.26%) Personal/ contact from academic department (15.43%) Contact with NJIT Admissions Office (8.9%) Q.17.Which of the following most influenced your decision to attend ? (see appendix 11 for full data) Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013

Friend (20.93%) Parent (13.66%) College professor (11.34%) Q.16. Who most influenced your decision to attend? (see appendix 12 for full data) Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013

Satisfaction Scale: 1=Very dissatisfied, 2=Dissatisfied, 3=Neutral, 4=Satisfied, 5=Very satisfied Student Orientations – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Student Orientation Satisfaction Student Orientation Attendance Undergraduate Orientation96.41% Office of Graduate Students Orientation 52.27% Individual Graduate Program Orientation 41.6% International Student Orientation95.85% Undergraduate Orientation56.11% Office of Graduate Students Orientation 68.48% Individual Graduate Program Orientation 62.59% International Student Orientation64.13%

Appendix 1 Q. 1 Please rate how NJIT compares to other colleges: Worse/Much worse Better/Much Better #%#% Academic reputation % % Availability of majors of interest to you % % Quality of academic facilities (library, laboratory, etc.) % % Quality of on-campus housing % % Surroundings (neighborhood, town or city) %389.74% Attractiveness of campus % % Public safety % % Parking % % Honors College % % *Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013

Q. 2 Please rate how NJIT compares to other colleges on the following aspects: Better/Much better #% Printed college publications (catalogs, brochures etc.) % College website % Total institutional price before financial aid % Financial aid offered % Electronic communication with the college % Contact with the college after you were admitted % Contact with faculty % Contact with current students % *Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Appendix 2

Q. 3 Mark the circle that best represents how much the following contributed to your knowledge of NJIT. Using this scale: (1=Very little >> 5=Very much) Little/Very little Much/Very much #%#% NJIT website (NJIT.edu) % % NJIT's social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) % % College guide books (e.g. Princeton Review, U.S. News and World Report, Peterson's, etc.) % % College guide websites (e.g. collegeprowler.com, unigo.com, usnews.com/rankings, princetonreview.com, etc.) % % *Rank ordered by contribution to knowledge of NJIT (1=very little  5=very much) Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Appendix 3

Q.9.Compared to other factors, how important was the Honor’s Scholarship (not other scholarships) in your decision to attend NJIT? #% Alumnus of NJIT % Coach % Current NJIT student % Friend % Guidance counselor % High school teacher % Parent % Relative (not parent) % Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Appendix 4

Q.10.Which of the following most influenced your decision to attend? #% Contact with NJIT Admissions Office % Campus visit/information session % Personal/ contact from academic department 9 2.3% Printed NJIT publications (catalogs, brochures etc.) % NJIT website (NJIT.edu) % NJIT's social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) % College guide books (e.g. Princeton Review, U.S. News and World Report, Peterson's, etc.) % College guide websites (e.g. collegeprowler.com, princetonreview.com, etc.) % Cost/financial aid/scholarship (not honors) % Honors College / Honors Scholarship % Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Appendix 5

Q.9.Compared to other factors, how important was the Honor’s Scholarship (not other scholarships) in your decision to attend NJIT? #% Not at all Important 0 0% Not Very Important % Somewhat Important % Important 21 30% Very Important % Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Appendix 6

Q.12.Do you plan to work while attending school? #% Yes, I plan to work on campus % Yes, I plan to work off campus % No, I don’t plan to work % Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Appendix 7 Q.13 How many hours do you plan to work? #% % % % % 40 or more0 0%

Q. 1 Please rate how NJIT compares to other colleges: Worse/Much worseBetter/Much better #%#% Academic reputation % % Availability of programs of interest to you % % Quality of academic facilities (library, laboratory, etc.) % % Quality of on-campus housing % % Surroundings (neighborhood, town or city) % % Attractiveness of campus % % Public safety % % Parking % % Appendix 8 Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 *Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better

Q. 2 Please rate how NJIT compares to other colleges on the following aspects: Better/Much better #% College publications (catalogs, brochures etc.) % College website % Total institutional price before financial aid % Financial aid offered % Electronic communication with the college % Contact with the college after you were admitted % Contact with faculty % Contact with current students % Appendix 9 Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 *Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better

Q. 3 Mark the circle that best represents how the following contributed to your knowledge of NJIT. Using this scale: (1=Very little >> 5=Very much) Little/Very little Much/Very much #%#% NJIT website (NJIT.edu) % % NJIT's social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc) % % College guide books (e.g. Princeton Review, U.S. News and World Report, Peterson's, etc.) % % College guide websites (e.g. collegeprowler.com, unigo.com, usnews.com/rankings, princetonreview.com, etc.) % % Appendix 10 Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 *Rank ordered by contribution to knowledge of NJIT (1=very little  5=very much)

Q.17 Which of the following most influenced your decision to attend? #% Contact with NJIT Admissions Office 308.9% Campus visit/information session % Personal/ contact from academic department % Printed NJIT publications (catalogs, brochures etc.) 10.3% NJIT website (NJIT.edu) % NJIT's social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) 61.78% College guide books (e.g. Princeton Review, U.S. News and World Report, Peterson's, etc.) 61.78% College guide websites (e.g. collegeprowler.com, unigo.com, usnews.com/rankings, princetonreview.com, etc.) % Location % Other (Please Specify) % Total % Appendix 11 Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013

Q.16.Who most influenced your decision to attend? #% Alumnus of NJIT % College professor % College adviser % Current NJIT Student 226.4% Friend % Parent % Relative (not parent) 329.3% Recruiter % Other (Please Specify) % Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Appendix 12